社会主义道德体系,socialist moral system
1)socialist moral system社会主义道德体系
1.The reconstruction of the socialist moral system is the precondition for building a harmonious society in China.社会主义道德体系的重构是建设中国和谐社会的前提。
2.Business ethics is an important component of the socialist moral system.企业伦理是建立社会主义道德体系的重要组成部分。

1.Justice Is An Important Principle of Socialist Moral System;公正是社会主义道德体系的重要原则
2.Confucianism and Socialist Morality System Build儒家伦理思想与社会主义道德体系建设
3.An exploration and reflection of establishing socialist ethical system with Chinese characteristics;建构中国特色社会主义道德体系的探索与思考
4.Perfecting the Socialism Moral System by Excellent Iraditional Culture;用优秀传统文化丰富社会主义道德体系
5.The Study on the Construction of Chinese Characteristic Socialist Virtue system;构建有中国特色社会主义道德体系研究
6.Carrying Forward the Traditional Virtues of Chinese Nation Energetically;弘扬中华民族的传统美德 建设社会主义道德体系
7.The Research of Construction of Socialist Market Economy Morality System;社会主义市场经济道德体系构建研究
9.Brief Analysis on Ethics in Socialist Market Economy System;浅析社会主义市场经济体制下的伦理道德体系
10.New Content of Socialist Ideological Moral System in The New Age略论新时期社会主义思想道德体系的新内容
11.Building Up a Moral System Adapted to the Development of a Socialist Market Economy建立适应社会主义市场经济发展的道德体系
12.On the Ideological and Moral Construction under the Guidance of Socialist Core System of Values;以社会主义核心价值体系引领思想道德建设
13.Credibility is an Important Moral Foundation for Socialist Core Value System;诚信是社会主义核心价值体系的重要道德支撑
14.The building of socialist legal standards and ideological ethics system;社会主义法律规范与思想道德体系建设
15.On New Moral System in Socialistic Market Economy;谈社会主义市场经济条件下的新道德体系
16.On Structure of Moral System of Socialist Network with the Chinese Characteristics;论中国特色社会主义网络道德体系的构建
17.On the Construction of the Ethic System Within the Framework of Socialist Market Economy;试论社会主义市场经济条件下道德体系的构建
18.The Socialist Core Value System and Moral Quality of University Students’论社会主义核心价值体系与大学生道德素质

medicial ethics system of socialism社会主义医德规范体系
3)Socialist Morality社会主义道德
1.Religious morality and socialist morality;宗教道德与社会主义道德
2.It is of great significance to distinguish rule of virtue from rule of law,traditional morality from traditional virtues,socialist morality from communist morality so as to fully understand the strategy of "Governing the Country with Morality" as well as the implication of "Advanced Cluture".社会主义道德是中国特色社会主义文化的重要组成部分。
3.Part 1Introduce the basic notion of socialist morality and give a thorough view on systematic st.《社会主义道德建设的法律机制》一文,以社会主义道德建设的现状分析作为切入点,在对社会主义道德建设法律机制建立的必要性的客观分析的基础上,着重于对社会主义道德建设法律机制的作用范围和运行方式进行探讨和研究。
4)socialism morality社会主义道德
1.The construction of socialism morality must be understood with the viewpoints of systemic dialectics,and must be advanced and perfected by following the basic principles of systematic dialectics.社会主义道德建设要用系统辩证的眼光来认识 ,要遵循系统辩证论的基本规律来推进和完
5)socialist new moral社会主义新道德
1.Universities and colleges are the important places to carry out moral education and have a special function in the formation of socialist new moral in the system of market-oriented economy.高等院校是系统进行道德教育的重要阵地,在市场经济新体制下构建社会主义新道德,具有自身的独特功能。
6)socialist moral concepts社会主义道德观
1.The four generations of leading groups of the Communist Party of China all value the socialist moral concepts.中国共产党的四代领导人都十分重视社会主义道德观。
