义利双行,practice of both righteousness and benefit
1)practice of both righteousness and benefit义利双行
1.He brought forward the proposition of Practice of both Righteousness and Benefit and emphasized practical use and took utility as morals.他秉承儒家“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”这一经典要义,同时他又针对当时“不知事功为何物”、“不知形势之为何用”的“醇儒”学风,与朱熹展开著名的“义利之辨”,提出“义利双行”的主张,强调经世致用,以“功”为“德”。
1.Hare thought that moral thinking can be divided into two levels:intuitive level and critical level,and rule-utilitarianism and act-utilitarianism can be harmonized.作为传统功利主义在当代发展的两种不同倾向,行为功利主义与规则功利主义在一些基本问题上存在诸多分歧。

1.Review of Hare s Viewpoint of Utilitarianism--Transcending the Arguments of Act-utiltarianism and Rule-utiltarianism;黑尔之功利主义观述评——超越行为功利主义与规则功利主义之争
2.The Classic Utilitarianism is represented by Bentham and Mill, and the Modern Utilitarianism includes the Action Utilitarianism and Standard Utilitarianism.古典功利主义以边沁、密尔为代表; 现代功利主义包括行动功利主义与准则功利主义。
3.Utilitaristic value trend and its rationality defend of teachers behaviors;教师行为的功利主义价值取向及其合理性辩护
4.One who advocates or practices utilitarianism.功利主义者提但或实行实用主义的人
5.Principle of Mutual Benefit:the Basic Behavior Criterion of Moral Economic Man;互利主义:道德经济人的基本行为准则
6.Utilitarianism Moral Principles and Public Administration Basic Value Target;功利主义伦理与公共行政的基本价值目标
7.On Utilitarianism by Jeremy Bentham and J.S. Mill;对以边沁、密尔为代表的功利主义的分析批判
8.Economic liberalism and utilitarinism have become a theoretic footstone of precent day capitalist economy and politics.经济自由、功利主义已经成为当代资本主义经济政治的理论基石。
9.Housing of bleak utilitarianism.苍白的功利主义的装饰
10.Contrast Between Sunzi Military Utili-tarianism & Western Utilitarianism;孙子军事功利主义与西方功利主义之比较
11.On the Opinion that There is No Utilitarianism in Chinese Philosophy;论中国哲学没有“功利主义”——兼论“大利主义”不是“功利主义”
12.To demonstrate the opinion, this paper uses the theory of behaviorism, the theory of Chomsky and the theory of functionalism.本文用行为主义理论、乔姆斯基理论和功能主义理论论证了此观点。
13.Utilitarian Teleology and Socialist Market Economy;功利主义目的论与社会主义市场经济
14.People first use Benthamic methods in this study.在研究方法上,最初人们主要采用到功利主义方法对它进行研究。
15.How to Accommodate Justice and Utility--Deciphering the Relationship of Utility and Justice of Mill s UTILITARIANISM;功利何以容纳正义——解读密尔《功利主义》中功利与正义的关系
16.The Unity of Utility and Morality--on Mao Zedong s Revolution Utilitarianism;功利与道义的统一——浅析毛泽东的革命功利主义
17.To ensure the triumph of the cause of socialism, we must exercise collective leadership and oppose decentralism and subjectivism.为了保证社会主义事业的成功,必须实行集体领导,反对分散主义,反对主观主义。
18.A pragmatic theory that ideas are instruments that function as guides of action, their validity being determined by the success of the action.工具主义一种实用主义理论,认为思想是指导行为的工具,行为的成功证明其手段合理

1.Hare thought that moral thinking can be divided into two levels:intuitive level and critical level,and rule-utilitarianism and act-utilitarianism can be harmonized.作为传统功利主义在当代发展的两种不同倾向,行为功利主义与规则功利主义在一些基本问题上存在诸多分歧。
3)action utilitarianism行动功利主义
4)individualistic altruistic behavior个人主义利他行为
5)humanitarian altruistic behavior人道主义利他行为
6)collectivistic altruistic behavior集体主义利他行为

利行摄【利行摄】 (术语)四摄法之一。(参见:四摄法)