人性思想,human nature thought
1)human nature thought人性思想
1.“NATURE AND PROVIDENCE”:in the perspective of Confucius human nature thought;“性与天道”——考察孔子人性思想的一个向度

1.Ideas of Human Nature and Social Management in Ancient China;中国古代的人性思想和社会管理思想
2.On the Human Nature Thought of the Qur an and Its Practical Value;论《古兰经》的人性思想及其现实价值
3.the ductile minds of youth青年人的思想可塑性大
4.Complexity Thought: Open the New Transform of Human Thinking Paradigm;复杂性思想:开创人类思维范式新变革
5.A Humanity View Of Marx To Thought-Political Education;从马克思人性论视角看思想政治教育
6.Confucius's thought on human nature manifesting in the series of his about benevolence thought.孔子的人性论思想表现在其仁学思想的体系中。
7.A Comparative Study of Liu Zongyuan s and Liu Yuxi s Doctrines and Theory of Human Nature;柳刘天人之学及其人性论思想之比较
8.Trace to source of humanistic thought on management and theresearch on its reality人性化管理思想溯源及其现实性研究
9.Criminal Law and Human Nature:Critique Reading of the West Thoughts;刑法和人性:西方思想的批判性阅读
10.An Analysis of the Ideological Content and Artistic Quality of Diaries of a Madman;浅析《狂人日记》的思想性和艺术性
11.Studying "Nature" from "Emotion" :a New Exploration of Mencius' Ideas of Human Nature以“情”论“性”——孟子人性论思想新探
12.On Kind Nature and Law-abiding by Rituals:A Study on Confucius' Ideas性善与礼法——孔子礼法思想的人性根基
13.Innate Goodness and Etiquette--The Human Foundation of Mencius Thought of Etiquette性善与礼法——孟子礼法思想的人性根基
14.Cultivation of ldeal Human Nature --An Analysis of Schiller s Aesthetic Education Thought;理想人性的建构——席勒美育思想主脉探究
15.Quit thinking like a schizophrenic.别象双重性格的人那样胡思乱想了。
16.they have made the basic contributions to human thought.对人类思想史作出了根本性的贡献。
17.On Liang Shiqiu s Literary Criticism Concerning "the Theory of Human Nature";梁实秋“人性论”文学批评思想研究
18.On the Transcendence of the People-oriented Ideological and Political Education;论以人为本思想政治教育观的超越性

Confucius's about human nature thought孔子人性论思想
3)human dominance人的主体性思想
1."College Chinese" Curriculum Reform should maintain the traditional advantages: humanities and the spirit of Chinese culture should be transmitted through literary classics and literary spirit.《大学语文》教学改革应该保持传统的优势:即通过文学经典和文学精神来传导人文思想和中华文化精神,同时在培养写作兴趣的基础上锻炼学生汉语综合素质。
1.The Enlightenment and Application of Humanism in Libraries of Higher Vocational Institutions;谈高职院校图书馆人本思想的启示和应用
2.Humanism and Chinese Teaching Practice in Chinese Curriculum Standards;语文课程标准中的人本思想与语文教学实践
3.In this paper, the author discusses the option in current school management with the views of system, effectiveness and humanism.本文从系统思想、效能思想和人本思想三个方面论述了当代学校管理的价值取向 ,这三者在整体上构成了当代学校的发展理
6)humane thought人文思想
1.Analysis on the embodiment of humane thought in architecture landscape design;浅析建筑景观设计中人文思想的体现
2.The article reviews the characteristics, content and function of the ancient humane thought and education of traditional Chinese medicine in five aspects: outlooks of humane, talent, ethics, education and continuance.对我国古代中医人文思想和人文教育的特色、内容、作用进行了概括论述,并从人文观、人才观、医德观、育人观、传承观5个方面,对古代中医人文思想与人文教育进行了理论和实践分析,以及其对于当代中医教育的指导意义。

人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people's army, thought of  renmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j