吴康斋,Wu Kangzhai
1)Wu Kangzhai吴康斋
1.Wu Kangzhai ’s political thoughts,centering round the conception of ideal personalities,hoped that the monarchs learned from the late sages,strived to be pushing and promising and opened up a new political phase.吴康斋先生的政治思想主要侧重于理想人格的构想,希望君王能够以先贤为榜样,奋发有为,开拓政治新局面。
2.As a famous Neo-confucianism educationist in the early-Ming, Wu Kangzhai’s theory of moral cultivation stands as a transitional one between traditional theory and Enlightening thought, by changing the inward-oriented direction of the traditional theory to the outward cultivation model which focusing on doing efforts on the mind.明初著名理学教育家吴康斋的道德修养理论颇具特色,它是传统道德修养论向启蒙思想的过渡,改变了传统的道德修养方向,使道德修养工夫由传统的向外用功变为向内用功,即在心上用功,开启了明代心学思潮。

1.The Carrying forward of the Correct Path of the Human World:an Analysis of Politics of Mr.Wu Kangzhai ’s Idea“Waiwang”;人间正道的宏扬:吴康斋先生“外王”观的政治学分析
2."Now, Chu-chai-" cried Wu Sun-fu, trying to interrupt Tu Chu-chai's tale of woe;“竹斋——”吴荪甫叫着,想打断杜竹斋的抱怨话;
3.He followed behind with his wife, Tu Chu-chai, Fu-fang, and Huei-fang.竹斋,荪甫,吴少奶奶,二小姐,四小姐,都跟了进去。
4.Compton-Woo effect康普顿-吴有训效应
5.If the truth were known, Tu Chu-chai had probably let on to Wu Sun-fu that he, Li Yu-ting, had suggested (though with the best will in the world) that Tu Chu-chai should try to curb Wu Sun-fu's insistency on paddling his own canoe.说不定他一片好心劝杜竹斋抑制着吴荪甫的一意孤行那番话,杜竹斋竟也已经告诉了荪甫!
6.Well as he was acquainted with Tu Chu-chai's character, Wu Sun-fu was groping in the dark this time and had failed completely to see the working of his brother-in-law's mind.深知杜竹斋为人的吴荪甫此时却百密一疏,竟没有看透了竹斋的心曲。
7.When the lips stopped for a moment, Wu Sun-fu laughed bitterly and shouted,当杜竹斋的嘴唇皮略一停歇的时候,吴荪甫忽然冷笑着大声喊道:
8.Wu Sun-fu now realized that if he was to hold Tu Chu-chai, he must exploit this weakness of his.现在吴荪甫觉得只好再用那样的策略暂时把杜竹斋拉
9.When he heard where Tu Chu-chai had gone; he smiled.在问明了竹斋的行踪以后,吴荪甫脸上有点笑容了。
10.So, for all his stirring speeches, Wu Sun-fu had failed to strike even a spark of enthusiasm from Tu Chu-chai Knitting his brows, Wu Sun-fu pressed him further:吴荪甫那样辣硬的话并不能激发杜竹斋的雄心; 吴荪甫皱了眉头,再逼进一句:
11.As he said this, Tu Chu-chai looked hard at Wu Sun-fu, and there was a note of incredulity in his voice.杜竹斋又打断了吴荪甫的话头,钉住了吴荪甫看,有点不肯相信的意思。
12.Dr Vincent Lo, Professor Woo, distinguished guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,罗康瑞博士、吴家玮教授、各位嘉宾:
13.Connie: Patricia Woo is looking for a job now.康妮:帕特里夏•吴正在找工作。
14.Who Is the Teacher?;教师是谁?——与吴康宁教授的对话
15.The Study of Wu Baokang's Contribution for Chinese Arcgival Undertaking论吴宝康对当代中国档案事业的贡献
16.Having got Mrs. Tu out of the way, Wu Sun-fu now turned to Tu Chu-chai and began his negotiations for an alliance.吴荪甫乘机会把姑奶奶支使开,就拉住了杜竹斋,进行他的“攻守同盟”的外交谈判。
17.Tu Chu-chai hurriedly squeezed out, and when he looked up and saw Wu Sun-fu standing on the steps, he made a grimace and shook his head.杜竹斋匆匆地钻出车厢来,抬头看着当阶而立的吴荪甫,就皱了眉尖摇头。
18.interrupted Tu Chu-chai, who was totally ignorant of factory management and was getting impatient.对于丝厂管理全然外行的杜竹斋听得不耐烦了,打断了吴荪甫的议论。

Wu Songkang吴颂康
1.On Wu Songkang’s Scholar Thought and Clinical Experiences on TCM Internal Medicine;浅谈吴颂康中医内科学术思想及临床经验
3)WU Zhong-kang吴仲康
1.A Celebrity of Painting Cat and Holding Exhibition——WU Zhong-kang,a Painter Good at Painting Animals of Beijing Faction;写猫妙手 办展名家——北京画派工笔动物画家吴仲康
4)Wukang of Wuxing吴兴武康
1.Believing that the family should be made powerful militarily,Shen family from Wukang of Wuxing greatly influenced the political situation of Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasty since its appearance between the Eastern & Western Jin Dynasties.吴兴武康沈氏两晋之际以江东“武力强宗”的面貌出现在历史舞台,对东晋南朝之政局产生了重大的影响。
1.Appraising "Shanghai Negotiation" in 1925 Again ——Discussing the Opinions of Wutinkang and Baoluotin Concurrently;重评1925年“上海谈判”——兼论吴廷康、鲍罗廷的主张
6)Wu Jikang吴几康(1918~  )
