诚信观念,honesty concept
1)honesty concept诚信观念
1.The honesty concept of Confucian school and network trust crisis;儒家诚信观念与网络信任危机

1.The Hereditament and Development of Traditional ChineseGood Faith;试论我国传统诚信观念的继承和发展
2.A Survey of the Research in Recent Decade on the Concept of Honesty and Faith in the Vernacular Short Stories of Ming Dynasty;探寻道德轨迹,传承诚信观念——近十年来明代白话短篇小说中诚信观念研究综述
3.The traditional Confucian honesty advocates people being honest and keep his word,which is also necessary for network society.儒家传统的诚信观念倡导人们诚实守信、真实不欺,网络社会同样需要儒家的诚信意识。
4.On The Challenges To The Traditional Trust View In Our Country And Reconstruction;试论我国传统诚信观念面临的挑战与构建
5.A Comparison between the Chinese Traditional Integnity and the Western Credity;中国传统诚信观与西方信用理念比论
6.Good Faith: the notion of the traditional public Law culture in China;“诚信”——中国传统公法文化中的观念
7.a profession of belief, faith, loyalty, etc信念、 信仰、 忠诚等的表白
8.The theological virtue defined as secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God's will.宗教信仰坚定的信奉上帝和忠诚的接受上帝的旨意的宗教观念
9.Differentiation and analysis between the connotations of historical and modern views of good faith;传统诚信观与现代诚信观内涵之辨析
10.Advocate Traditional Concept of Honesty Cultivate Modern Honesty Spirit;弘扬传统诚信理念 培育现代诚信精神
11.Level and viewpoint of integrity in contemporary college students;当代大学生诚信水平与诚信观的调查
12.Honesty: Confucian Foundational Concept--On “Honesty” in “Mean”;诚:儒家心学的奠基性观念——试论《中庸》“诚”说
13.The Effects of Traditional Concept of Honesty on Honesty Education of Contemporary College Student;论传统诚信观与当代大学生的诚信教育
14.On the Value of Traditional Sincerity in College Sincerity Educational Mechanism;论传统诚信观在高校诚信教育机制中的价值
15.Serve concept: Serve for honor, good faith is gold!服务理念:服务为尊,诚信是金!
16.The devout Christian persists in his belief.那个虔诚的基督教徒坚持他的信念。
17.To Be Loyal to the President or to Faith忠于总统还是信念——读《忠诚的代价》有感
18.unswerving loyalty, devotion, belief, etc始终不渝的忠诚、 奉献、 信念等

the modem legal Concepts of honesty现代法律诚信观念
3)traditional morality concepts of honesty传统道德诚信观念
4)obligation and honesty and trustworthiness诚信现念
5)concept of credit诚信理念
1.This paper points out that being a person and establishing an enterprise must mould the concept of credit, and emphasizes that the enterprise must possess the industrious style.指出了为人立企必须铸造诚信理念,强调了企业必须具备勤奋作风。
6)subjective good faith主观诚信
1.This article thinks the honest credit principle may divide into the subjective good faith and the objective good faith two aspects,the relations of them are both opposes and unifies.本文认为诚实信用原则可分为主观诚信和客观诚信两个方面,物权法中有关“善意”的表达实际上是主观诚信,相对于合同法中的客观诚信,二者是对立统一的关系。

财产保险的诚信原则财产保险的诚信原则诚信,指诚实和守信用。诚信是订立和履行财产保险合同的首要原则。中国《经济合同法》第四章第四十六条明确规定:“投保方如隐瞒被保险财产的真实情况,保险方有权解除合同或不负赔偿责任”。所以,财产保险合同的签订必须以当事人的诚信作为基础。 财产保险的诚信原则来源于海上保险。承保人在签订保险合同时,往往远离船货所在地,对保险财产难以实地查勘,只能根据投保人的叙述来承保,所以特别要求投保方诚实可靠。后来,诚信原则在财产保险的各个险别中普遍运用。 财产保险将诚信作为首要原则,是因为投保人的目的是把风险转嫁出去,惟有他知道财产的有关情况,对投保财产可能发生的危险也最清楚,而保险人除了可能的调查以外,往往只能根据投保人的陈述和告知是否真实、完全和准确,对保险人关系极大,所以必须首先要求投保人做到诚信。当然,诚信是相互的,有时保险人为了引诱对方投保,也会有不切实际的宣传,故而这一原则对保险人也是适用的。根据诚信原则,投保人有告知义务。告知一般分为无限告知和询问告知两种。我国主要采用询问告知的办法。凡与危险有关的实质性重要事实,即对保险人接受危险、决定费率起主要作用的有关情况,投保人都要如实陈报,保险人也要详细了解。为了慎重起见,保险人还往往在投保单上设有固定格式,让被保险人承认在保单上印就的诸如“保证投保单上填报各项属实,投保单作为合同的基础”等保证条款。凡投保人对于重要事实陈报不实,不遵守保证条款,在索赔时提供假证明,中途改变危险情况而不通知保险人等,均属违反诚信原则,保险人可以中止保险合同,但更多的是在出险索赔时才被发现,往往由保险人以拒赔的形式不予履行合同。 (不详)