孝意识,consciousness of filial piety
1)consciousness of filial piety孝意识
1.The parent-children relation deepens and prolongs human s inner time consciousness as well as original imagination, which, being the matrix of meanings according to phenomenology, makes parental love be able to arouse a responding consciousness of filial piety, a unique human phenomenon among all animals.本文通过更改现象学时间视野来探讨孝爱意识如何生成的问题,达到以下一些结论:(1)孝意识之所以能够在人类的自然状态中比较普遍地出现,是由于人类的基本生存方式导致了人的内在时间视域(及相应的原发想像力)的深长化,由此而使得慈爱这在动物界也存在的生命现象能够在人类意识域中反激出回报的孝意识
2)filial consciousness孝亲意识
1.Fostering the filial consciousness of children is not only for parents but also for social harmony.《牡丹亭》与《红楼梦》不仅在大胆张扬男女爱情上有共同点,在保留孝亲意识上也是相同的。

1.On the Filial Consciousness of The Peony Pavilion and A Dream of Red Mansions and the Filial Culture of Ancient China;论《牡丹亭》、《红楼梦》之孝亲意识与中国古代孝文化
2.CHENG Xian-zhang s Filial Pietd Idea Regarding Loving Mother as Most Importance and Its Significance;陈献章“爱亲”为大的孝道观及其意义
3.An Analysis on Different Filial Pieties of Book of Filial Piety and Treatise of Filial Piety浅析《孝经》与《孝论》不同的孝亲观
4.An Analysis on the Difference of Filial Piety of Book of Filial Piety and Treatise of Filial Piety解析《孝经》与《孝论》孝亲观的差异
5.Discussion on the Present Situation and Countermeasures of the Political Consciousness of Citizens in Small Town in Xiaogan City;孝感市小城镇公民政治意识现状调查及对策
6.Debating the Ideological Essentiality of Art:Discussing with Zhou Zhixiao;也谈艺术的意识形态性———与周志孝先生商榷
7.Train the University Students′ Consciousness of Family Responsibility and Filial Piety;关于加强高校学生家庭责任意识、孝敬意识的思考
8.A Preliminary Research on the Citizens Political Consciousness at the Small Towns in Xiaogan City: Based on the Examples from Six Small Towns;关于孝感小城镇公民政治意识的初步研究——以孝感六镇公民抽样调查为例
9.her goodness to her old parents她对年迈双亲的孝心.
10.The Awareness and Effect of Motherhood in the Parent-child Music Activities音乐亲子活动中母亲的身份意识及其作用
11.Mother smoothed back her hair with a movement of which she was unconscious.母亲下意识地向后捋了捋头发。
12.Investigation on the Status of Middle School Students Mother Maternal Consciousness;初中生母亲母性意识现状的调查分析
13.The Implications of Confucius Idea of Filial Piety Seen from The Analects and The Book of Filial Piety;从《论语》和《孝经》看孔子“孝”思想的可能意蕴
14.In order to show his filial love, he decided to stay in mourning for three years.为表孝心, 他要给去世的母亲守服三年。
15.He spent the whole evening assuring his mother of his love and devotion.他用了整整一个晚上向母亲表达孝心。
16.When I have loving parents, it is not difficult to be dutiful to them.如我的父母亲爱我,孝顺父母并不困难。
17.Asking for Agreement and Keeping Difference-A Comparison of the Idea of Filial Duty between Confucianism and Buddhism;求同存异——儒学与佛学“孝亲观”之比较
18.Idea of Filial Piety in Ancient China From"Discussion of Laws in Tang Dynasty";从《唐律疏议》看中国古代的孝亲思想

filial consciousness孝亲意识
1.Fostering the filial consciousness of children is not only for parents but also for social harmony.《牡丹亭》与《红楼梦》不仅在大胆张扬男女爱情上有共同点,在保留孝亲意识上也是相同的。
3)consciousness of filial impiety非孝意识
4)filial piety consciousness孝道意识
5)An Analysis of the Consciousness of Filial Piety through Time Horizon孝意识的时间分析
1.A Tentative Analysis to the Ancient Chinese Greening Consciousness on Mount Taishan;略论古人的泰山绿化意识
2.Analysis on the Relation between the Consciousness Recovery and Physical Security for Abortion Patients after Anesthesia with Propofol and Fentanyl;麻醉镇痛人工流产术后意识恢复与人身安全关系的分析

《活动 意识 个性》  Α.Н.列昂节夫著。它是作者晚期的理论著作。苏联政治出版社1975年出版。全书仅10余万字,分5章:①马克思主义和心理学;②心理反映;③心理学中的活动问题;④活动与意识;⑤活动与个性。1980年上海译文出版社出版李沂等的中译本。列昂节夫多年研究活动问题,包括物质的感性-对象活动的结构和发生,对个体心理过程形成的作用;心理、意识的产生对生活活动、劳动活动的依从性;根据主导活动形式划分个体心理发展年龄阶段;提出主体的物质活动和精神活动在发生、结构和功能上的联系,彼此相互过渡理论等。他以多年的研究为基础,于1972~1974年的苏联《哲学问题》杂志上连续发表长篇论文:"心理学中的活动问题","活动和意识","活动和个性"。最后改写成此书,出版后获罗蒙诺索夫一等奖。本书是关于心理学方法论问题的专著,书中全面地阐述了作者的活动观点,在苏联心理学界有较大影响。作者在书中谈到,心理学是一门关于对现实的心理反映(它中介着个体的生活)的产生、功能和结构的具体科学。而要建立这样一门科学的完整体系,最重要的是 3个范畴:对象活动、人的意识、个性。因而,他写这本书的任务不是阐述一些具体的心理学观点和理论,而是根据历史唯物主义关于人的本性、人的活动、意识、个性的学说去寻求获取这些具体的观点和理论的方法与途径。