经济竞争制度,the system of economic competition
1)the system of economic competition经济竞争制度
1.In market economy social, the system of economic competition can promote moral construction.在市场经济社会,经济竞争制度对道德建设具有促进作用。
2)economic competition经济竞争
1.Confronting the test of international economic competition after China have acceded to WTO, the paper clarified the importance of commercial design of mechanical products By analyzing the factors affecting producs in market competition, it brought forward that the mechanical designer must have basic methods of commercial design and mental diathesis to adapt to market competition针对中国加入WTO后面临的国际间经济竞争的考验,阐明了机械产品商品化设计的重要性;通过分析影响产品市场竞争力的因素,提出了机械设计人员须具备的商品化设计的基本设计方法和适应市场竞争的心理素质。
2.According to the concept of chaos and nonlinear theory,we have made a nonlinear model for the economic competition,the creation and the practical applications can contribute to avoidance of such chaos in real life.根据混沌及非线性理论的概念,本文提出一个非线性经济竞争模型,并利用此模型分析了经济竞争中稳定与混沌的条件,通过对竞争国之间的定量分析,提出了现实竞争中避免进入混沌的条件,并由此给出了我国经济发展前景的定性预测。

1.The international competition in economy, science and comprehensive national power is actually the competition of intelligence and talents.国际间经济竞争、科技竞争乃至综合国力的竞争 ,实际上是智力和人才的竞争。
2.The economical globalism further stimulates international economical competition.经济全球化进一步促进国际间的经济竞争
3.The Study on County Economy Competitiveness of the Top 10 Counties of Sichuan Province;“四川经济发展十强县”县域经济竞争力研究
4.Anhui province coastal economy belt country economy competitiveness evaluation research;安徽省沿江经济带县域经济竞争力评价研究
5.A view on economic transformation of Hong Kong from the perspective of global economy and the asian financial crisis;从知识经济看香港经济竞争力面临的挑战
6.Promote the Competitive Power of Conference Exhibition Economy in Jiangsu Nanjing;经济全球化与提升江苏·南京会展经济竞争
7.The economic competitive ability is the main manifestation of a country's overall strength.经济竞争力是综合国力的主要表现。
8.I like to compare economic competition to a game of leap frog.我想把经济竞争比做跳蛙比赛。
9.a competitive and successful economy;使香港的经济竞争力持续取得成就;
11.competitive economy竞争经济;竞争经济;竞争性经济;竞争性经济
12.Collaboration Competition: The New Competition Type of Network Economy;协作型竞争——网络经济时代竞争新形态
13.compete and develop under the conditions of the market economy在市场经济中竞争发展
14.Study on the Promoting the Competitiveness of Beijing Economy by the Development of Headquarters Economy;以总部经济提升首都经济综合竞争力
15.Economic Analysis on Auto Insurance Pricing in Oligopoly Competition;寡头垄断竞争中车险产品价格竞争经济学分析
16.Strategies in Hypercompetitive Intelligence and Co-opetition under Network Economy;网络经济下的合作竞争与超竞争情报战略研究
17.A New Way of Competition in the New Economic Condition--Speed Competition;新经济条件下一种新的竞争方式——速度竞争
18.An Analysis on Competition Information -A Competitive Means of an Enterprise under the New Economic Situation;新经济下企业重要的竞争手段:竞争情报分析

economic competition经济竞争
1.Confronting the test of international economic competition after China have acceded to WTO, the paper clarified the importance of commercial design of mechanical products By analyzing the factors affecting producs in market competition, it brought forward that the mechanical designer must have basic methods of commercial design and mental diathesis to adapt to market competition针对中国加入WTO后面临的国际间经济竞争的考验,阐明了机械产品商品化设计的重要性;通过分析影响产品市场竞争力的因素,提出了机械设计人员须具备的商品化设计的基本设计方法和适应市场竞争的心理素质。
2.According to the concept of chaos and nonlinear theory,we have made a nonlinear model for the economic competition,the creation and the practical applications can contribute to avoidance of such chaos in real life.根据混沌及非线性理论的概念,本文提出一个非线性经济竞争模型,并利用此模型分析了经济竞争中稳定与混沌的条件,通过对竞争国之间的定量分析,提出了现实竞争中避免进入混沌的条件,并由此给出了我国经济发展前景的定性预测。
3)economic competition act经济竞争法;经济竞争法
4)economic competitive power经济竞争力
1.Cultivate independent creative power to promote the economic competitive power of china;增强自主创新能力 提升我国经济竞争力
2.If the province wants to achieve its economical development target in the next five years,it should find its advantages and disadvantage in industries and select its comparatively advantageous industry to raise its economic competitive power.在经济发展基础非常薄弱的贵州,要在2010年实现人均GDP超过800美元的历史性跨越,必须客观审视自身的竞争实力和不足所在,对自己有一个科学的定位,正确选择具有比较优势的产业着力发展,促进贵州经济竞争力的提升,促进贵州经济更快更好的发展。
3.The advantages and disadvan-tages of Nanjing are analyzed with the modified evaluation system of management academy , and the level of economic competitive power of Nanjing is evaluated preliminarily.本文通过经修改过的洛桑管理学院的竞争力评价指标体系分析了南京地区经济所呈现的优势和劣执,并初步判定了南京地区经济竞争力状态。
5)economic competitiveness经济竞争力
1.Evaluation of the economic competitiveness in the southern mountain area of Ningxia based on principal component and cluster analysis基于主成分和聚类分析的宁夏南部山区经济竞争力评价研究
2.Correlation analysis on urban expansion and economic competitiveness in Shandong Province山东省城市空间扩展和经济竞争力提升内在关联性分析
3.This paper proposes one set of economic competitiveness indicators for listed real estate firm and establishes an intelligent evaluation system for evaluating the listed real estate firm s economic competitiveness with integration of neural network and genetic algorithm.建立了房地产公司经济竞争力评价指标,融合神经网络与遗传算法构建了基于遗传算法优化神经网络的经济竞争力评价系统。
6)economic competition经济竞争力
1.Though Henan has the superiority in the gross economy amount, comparing with the other provinces, its economic competition is still in the relative backward position in China at present.文章在全国比较优势格局中,对河南省的经济发展进行横向和纵向的比较研究:河南省目前虽然在经济总量上具有一定的优势,但经济竞争力在全国仍处于相对落后的地位,特别是人均水平始终低于全国的人均水平。
2.Although Guizhou province has made great achievements in economic development recent years,comparing with the other provinces,its economic competition is still in the relative backward position in China at present.对贵州经济竞争力以思考命题的方式进行研究和阐述,希望以全新的视角,审视贵州经济的竞争实力和缺陷所在,为贵州的经济发展提供某些方面的智力支持。
3.Russian economic competition has some features of the economy in the transit period and to an extent these characteristics have a possible influence upon Russian domestic producers to lift and keep their own competition.俄罗斯的经济竞争力具有转型期经济的某些特点,并在很大程度上影响到俄国内生产者提高和保持自身竞争力的可能性。

经济制度与经济体制的关系(1)经济制度是经济体制的基础。 经济体制作为一种资源配置方式,既然存在于一定的经济制度中,就必然以该社会的经济制度为基础,并受其制约和影响。一定社会的经济制度决定着与此相联系的经济体制的根本性质和主要特点,规定其发展方向。一定社会的经济制度的性质、特征,要通过与其相适应的资源配置方式反映出来。(2)二者的区别: ①经济制度是经济体制的本质内容,经济体制是经济制度的具体表现形式; ②经济制度是相对稳定的,而经济体制则是相对变动较快的; ③同一种经济制度下可以采取多种不同的经济体制。