世俗伦理,temporal ethics
1)temporal ethics世俗伦理
1.In the Middle Ages,one of the functions of his theory was to make religious ethics temporal while making temporal ethics religious.在中世纪,托马斯的伦理思想既起着使宗教伦理世俗化,世俗伦理宗教化的作用;同时又起着使伦理学由德性伦理学向规范伦理学转化的中介作用。

1.On the Commercial Teleplay in Modern Worldly Ethics Perspective现代世俗伦理视野中的“商战”题材电视剧
2.The Folk Features of Seular Ethics and Group Selection of the Water Margin Heroes--and on the Brotherhood in the Water Margin世俗伦理的民间特征与水浒英雄的群体选择——浅论《水浒传》的“义”
3.The existentialist is strongly opposed to a certain kind of secular ethics which would like to abolish God with the least possible expense.存在主义者强烈反对那种希望花费极少成本来废除上帝的世俗伦理观。
4.Between Religion and Ethics: Religious Ethics and Secular Morals;宗教与伦理之间:宗教伦理与世俗道德
5.On Environmental Ethics and Moral Customs in the History of World Religious Culture;世界宗教文化史中的环境伦理思想和道德习俗
6.On the secular ethics in Yangming's theory of the Mind and its influences to the transformation and construction of Huizhou merchants' ethical ideas in the Ming and Qing Dynasties阳明心学的世俗化伦理观与明清徽商伦理思想的转换和建构
7.Patriarchal-feudalism was culturally significant in that it compelled religions to get involved in the world, stress secular values and practice ethical cultivation.“宗法性”使宗教突出了入世性、世俗性和伦理性,有其文化的意义;
8.The Lust and Emptiness --The Religionary Concept and Temporal Ethic in the Erotic Fictions in Ming and Qing Dynasties;“色”与“空”——明清艳情小说中的宗教观念和世俗生活伦理
9.Between the Mundane Character and the Ethical Guidance--On the Narrative Strategy of Urban Love Stories on TV;在世俗品性与伦理导向之间——论都市言情剧的叙事策略
10.Different understanding and expression of human beings in different ancient Chinese poems and ci;从伦理到世俗——中国古代诗词对人的认识和表现的不同
11.Aquinas' Freedom of Will: as an Integration of the Sacred and the Secular托马斯·阿奎那意志自由对伦理之善的神圣与世俗共构
12.Religious Ethics,Religious Organization and Secularization Factors--On the Research Approaches of Religious Ethics in sociology宗教伦理、宗教组织及世俗化因素——刍议宗教伦理研究中的社会学分析路径
13.Taboo against Incest: Restrictions of Churches to Secular Marriages in the Middle Ages乱伦禁忌:中世纪基督教会对世俗婚姻的限制
14.The Secularization Tendency of Florence Drawing in the 14th and 15th Century;14、15世纪佛罗伦萨绘画艺术的世俗化倾向
15.The Analysis of Social Custom and Ethical Characteristics about Hehuang Huis;河湟回族的社会习俗与伦理特征探析
16.On the Impact of Ethics and Folk Culture on the Aesthetic Culture in Qinghai;伦理、民俗文化对青海审美文化的影响
17.The Influence of Li zhi s Ethic on Highbrows Culture and Lowbrows Culture;李贽“异端”伦理思想对雅俗文化的影响
18.Thoughts of Taoism's Ecoethic and Its Universal Ethics Meanings道家生态伦理思想及其普世伦理意蕴

modern worldly ethics现代世俗伦理
3)humanistic secular ethics人文主义世俗伦理
4)The Confucianists Ethics Transformation to Common Customs儒家伦理的世俗化
5)Temporal Mentality世俗心理
6)secular reasons世俗理性
1.Therefore, people dominated by secular reasons usually have an extreme attitude that attaches too much importance to this life.作为正统思想存在的儒家文化长期左右着中国民众的思想意识,受着世俗理性支配的人们因此常常表现出极端重视现世生活的人生态度,即使信奉某一神灵也常是出于功利动机——为了求得神灵对现世生活的保佑或借助神灵摆脱实际生活中的困境,而很少追求灵魂上的皈依。

《察世俗每月统记传》  19世纪西方传教士出版的第 1个中文刊物,历史上第1份中文近代报刊。月刊。1815年8月创刊于马来半岛西部城市马六甲。英国基督教(新教)传教士马礼逊和米怜创办,米怜主编,麦都思参加编辑,中国刻工梁发担任雕版和撰写部分稿件。雕版印刷,中国线装书式。出版后在南洋华侨聚居地区发行,少数传入中国境内。全部赠阅。宣称"以阐发基督教义为唯一急务"。内容多以浅显中文诠释《圣经》,兼谈伦理道德和天文之类的科学知识,后期刊有少量评述政治时事的短文。宣传方式注意迎合中国人的传统思想与习惯,经常用附会儒学的方式阐述基督教义。文体多样,有论文、小品、对话、书信、诗、告帖等。近代中文报刊上的第 1条消息《月食》即刊于该刊第 2期。初印 500份,后增至2000份。1821年停刊,共出7卷。