罗国杰,Luo Guojie
1)Luo Guojie罗国杰
1.On Luo Guojie s Theoretical Contribution to Correctly Treating Criticism and Inheritance of China s Traditional ethics;简论罗国杰关于正确对待中国传统道德批判继承问题的理论贡献

1.On Luo Guojie s Theoretical Contribution to Correctly Treating Criticism and Inheritance of China s Traditional ethics;简论罗国杰关于正确对待中国传统道德批判继承问题的理论贡献
2.It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one has plenty of work to do. (Jerome Klapka Jerome, British humorist)除非有大量的工(英国幽默家杰罗姆)
3.Roger: Hi Dave. Did you get the grand tour this morning?罗杰:嗨,大维。上午你周游列国了吗?
4.Modern First Lady Biography Lolan Female:The end of the Qing Dynasty "national salvation Heroine" biography of the myth of the beginning --Qiujin's "female-hero"consciousness pursue《近世第一女杰罗兰夫人传》:清末“救国女杰”传记的神话化开端
5.Jim Rogers: I doubt it. There are too many who will cheat.吉姆·罗杰斯:我怀疑。太多国家会欺骗(大家)。
6.Don Delillo is one of the most outstanding novelists in modern America.唐·德里罗是当代美国最杰出的小说家之一。
7.Robert Frost was one of the greatest poets in the 20th century American literature.罗伯特·弗罗斯特是 20 世纪美国最杰出的诗人之一。
8.The English anthropologist, Geoffrey Gorer, sees the whole situation in Freudian terms.英国的人类学家杰弗里·戈罗尔用弗罗伊德的说法来解释这一切。
9.Calbraith Rodgers had succeeded in becoming the first pilot to fly across the United States.卡布瑞斯?罗杰斯最终成为成功飞越美国大陆的第一位飞行员。
10.She put a cupped palm to Byron's face,"Something about Uncle Aron's citizenship."她用手掌托着拜伦的脸,说:“是为了埃伦?杰斯特罗叔叔的国籍问题。”
11.The first foreign visitor to Malong for many a year does not stride out of a tax-free Pajero.马龙县多年来的第一个外国人并不是从免税的帕杰罗车上走下来.
12.Says Congressman Rogers. "It is clear that human cloning is not yet possible.国会议员罗杰斯说:“显然人类无性生殖目前尚不可能。
13.It is great to be great, but it is greater to be human-- Rogers, American humorist成为伟人是美好的,做一个真正的人更美好。--美国幽默家罗杰斯
14.The then Secretary, William P. Rogers, was expected to leave by the end of the summer in any event.当时的国务卿威廉·罗杰斯预定在夏末无论如何要离职。
15.After farming for ten years in Britain, Jerome sold up and went to Canada.杰罗姆在英国经营了十年农场后,变卖了全部财产前往加拿大。
16.Prime Minister Meir said that Rogers was "moralizing" and that the major powers could not make peace on behalf of others.梅厄总理说罗杰斯是在“说教”,大国不能代替他人缔造和平。
17.At the United Nations they presented plans for a stable, civil relationship with the nations of man.在联合国,杰罗万的使节提出了与人类社会和平相处的提议。
18.Don DeLillo (1936-) is one of the most distinguished contemporary writers in America.唐·德里罗(1936—)是当代美国文学中最杰出的作家之一。

Paul Jett International Prize保罗·杰特国际奖
1.Applying the learning theory of Rogers humanistism in modern nursing education;罗杰斯人本主义学习理论在现代护理教育中的应用
2.Enlightenment Obtained from the Similarities and Differences of the Teaching Thoughts of Skinner and Rogers;从斯金纳、罗杰斯教育思想的异同中所获得的启示
3.Reform of college classroom teaching in the light of Rogers creation view;从罗杰斯的创造观看高校课堂教学改革
4)Carl Rogers罗杰斯
1.The authors of this paper have explained and analyzed the teaching concepts of Carl Rogers for the exploration of the new trends of the developing patterns in clinical teaching based on the clinical teaching patterns in our country.通过解析罗杰斯的教育观,并结合我国目前的临床医学实习教学模式,力图把罗杰斯教育思想观的启示用于探讨临床医学教学模式内涵的新趋势,并从注重理论联系实践、培养学生的创新能力、重视个性发展、临床医学教学新模式的多样化趋势四个方面进行了阐述。
2.The authors of this paper explained and analyzed the teaching concepts of Carl Rogers for the exploration of the new trends of clinical teaching pattern based on the present clinical teaching pattern in our country.通过解析罗杰斯的教育观,并结合我国目前的临床医学教学模式,力图把罗杰斯教育思想观的启示用于探讨临床医学教学模式的内涵,并从注重理论联系实践、培养学生的创新能力、重视个性发展、临床医学教学新模式的多样化趋势四个方面进行了阐述。
3.Carl Rogers client centered originated in America and thus was deeply influenced by western culture and customs.罗杰斯“以当事人为中心”的理论源于美国 ,深受西方文化与社会习俗的影响 ,能否移植到东方文化的土壤 ,有益于中国的心理咨询事业呢 ?从中国传统文化、心理治疗思想和中国人的性格特点及当前中国咨询现状等四个方面 ,能论证当事人中心疗法在我国推广应用之可行性。
5)Roger Bell罗杰·贝尔
6)loving roger《爱上罗杰》

刘国杰(1234~1305)  元朝前期武将。字国宝,号刘二拔都。先世是女真人,姓乌古伦,金亡,改姓刘。父德宁,由宗王斡赤斤属人被委任管领其分地益都军民公事,因定居于益都。国杰善骑射,勇力过人,少年从军征涟、海诸城。至元六年(1269),任益都新军千户,随元军攻宋襄、樊。十一年,从伯颜渡江攻宋。十二年,升益都新军万户,随阿术作战淮南,因功赐名拔都(ba╪atur,勇士)。十四年,世祖侄脱铁木儿、昔里吉等宗王叛,刘国杰为汉军都元帅,领侍卫亲军出征,与脱铁木儿等战于和林、谦河、唐五路(唐努山)、金山(阿尔泰山)等地。十九年,奉旨撤回,任征东行省左丞,筹划征日本。二十年冬,福建建宁黄华率众十万起义,他奉调参与镇压。二十三年,任湖广行省左丞,镇压了湖南李万二的起义。二十五年,詹一仔领导衡州、永州、宝庆、武冈等路人民起义,以武冈四望山为根据地,对抗官军。刘国杰领兵捕杀詹一仔,起义群众溃散。在此前后,江西行省广东道、江西道徭民在其首领"大老"领导下, 不断起兵反抗。 二十四年,刘国杰出兵肇庆路四会县,镇压了邓大老、刘大老领导的起义。二十五年,萧大老领贺州怀集徭民攻桂阳州,被他击败于阳山。二十六年,刘国杰出兵镇压清远阎大老、怀集萧大老、严大老、德庆金林山曾大老等领导的徭族人民,捕斩广东徭民陈大老等于道州。二十七年,他两次出兵江西吉安路龙泉县(今江西遂川),捕剿徭民于禾源寨和大井山,击杀钟大老等于南安(今江西大余)十八耒。回师永州,擒斩起义首领李末子。他因功升行省右丞。次年置行枢密院,任副使。    辰州(今湖南沅陵)泊崖洞(元于此设施溶州)田万顷、楠木洞孟再师、桑木溪鲁万丑领导苗、土家等族起兵抗元,杀死辰溪县达鲁花赤,屡败元军。至元三十一年,刘国杰奉成宗旨率诸翼万户进讨,镇压了这次起义,升为行省平章政事。    左江僮族土官黄圣许,降元后任上思州知州,至元二十九年自立名号,结连安南以为外援,聚众两万,劫掠山寨,占据忠州。刘国杰领兵讨伐,元贞二年(1296),连败黄圣许于剽水口思光寨、上牙六罗、象山等地,黄圣许逃往安南。大德五年(1301),水西土官蛇节和水东雍真葛蛮土官宋隆济率领彝、苗、仡佬等族人民起义,围贵州。成宗令刘国杰征讨。六年春,进兵播州。冬,统蒙古、汉军和思州、播州苗族军分道进兵,前后四十余战,转战千余里。七年春,蛇节、宋隆济被擒,起义失败。    刘国杰采取残酷镇压和拉拢各族头人的办法,用"以蛮攻蛮"的策略,多次亲自领兵镇压了各族人民的反抗,并在当地开屯田,设屯兵,置戍栅,防止再发生起义,于是"东尽交广、西亘黔中、地周湖广,四境皆有屯戍"。他在湖广二十年,为巩固元朝对各族人民的统治殚尽心力。大德九年二月卒。子脱欢,官至四川行省平章。