行政良心,executive conscience
1)executive conscience行政良心
1.Executive obligations and executive conscience are basic categories of executive morality.行政义力与行政良心是行政伦理的基本范畴。

1.On the Ethical and Moral of Administrative Subject in the May 12 Earthquake;行政人格·行政良心·正义——“5.12”抗震救灾中行政伦理主体应具备的伦理道德
2.A Study on Public College Teachers Psychological Contract under Current Administrative System;现行行政管理体制下的公立高校教师良性心理契约研究
3.On Government Behavior and "Hollow Investment" A Discussion of Basic Reasons of Debts Formed between Banks and Enterprises in China论政府行为与“空心投资”——我国银企不良债务关系形成的原因探讨
4.a black deed/lie昧着良心的行为/谎言
5.These 900,000 francs will go out of the family in order to enrich some hospital;我当根据我的良心行事。”
6.Let the government take steps by encouraging virtues, not discouraging vices.让政府鼓励优良品德,而不是劝阻不良行为。
7.Good administrative skill,Good filing skills.良好的行政管理技能,良好的文档保管能力。
8.The Research on Non-performing Loan Mamagement of Construction Bank Tianxin Changsha Branch;建行长沙天心支行不良贷款管理研究
9.Ethical Position and Foundation of Political Conscience;政治良心的伦理学地位及其构筑基础
10.The Development of Connotation of Governmental Behavior:A Sound Expansion of Administrative Power;政府行为文明内涵的新发展:行政权力良性扩张
11.Asian Centre for Development Administration亚洲发展事务行政中心(亚发行政中心)
12.Not only has this eaten away the island's political conscience, but it has smashed the people's faith in the government.不仅腐蚀了政治良心,更失去了人民的信心。
13.Implementation of various initiatives is making good progress.政府推行的各项措施,进展良好。
14.The implementation of various initiatives is making good progress.政府推行各项措施的进展良好。
15.financially secure and functioning well.财政上安全的且运行良好的。
16.On the Pre-determinative Function of "Good Law" in Administration by Law;论“良法”在依法行政中的先决作用
17.Bureaucracy System and Democracy administration:Reform Rather than Substitute;官僚体制与民主行政:改良而非替代
18.From "the New System" to "the Effective System": On the Systematized Way of Administrative Denunciation in China;从"新制"到"良制":我国行政问责的制度化

Executive Obligations and Conscience论行政义务与良心
3)political conscience政治良心
1.Different from ordinary professional conscience,political conscience is the basis for a country s legislation and the standard to measure the goodness or honesty of a governing party and a whole society.政治良心不同于一般职业道德良心,它是国家立法的思想基础,是执政者和全社会的"善良刻度计"。
2.Cultivating the leader s correct opinion on political conscience plays a very important and realistic role in attitudes building towards ideology, working, leading,studying and living.政治良心属于政治伦理学范畴。
4)Administration center行政中心
1.Overall Planning Design of Intelligent System of Administration Center;行政中心园区智能化系统总体规划
2.Discussion on current administration center building modeling design in China浅谈我国当代行政中心建筑造型设计
3.This paper introduces general situation of the architectural design project of Zhanhua administration center,emphasizes the public image of the administration architecture,discusses unification of function and form specially,strives to embody the meaning of culture moreover doesn t lose its time character.通过介绍沾化县行政中心建筑设计方案的基本情况,强调了行政建筑的公众形象,着重论述功能与形式的统一,力求体现文化内涵并不失时代特征,可供类似行政中心建筑设计时参考。
5)Administrative Center行政中心
1.Design Mode of Modern Administrative Center of Local Government in China: Taking the Design of Huanggang Administrative Center in Hubei Province as an Example;现代中国地方政府行政中心设计模式探讨——以湖北黄冈市行政服务中心设计为例
2.The design and construction of urban administrative center is a hot issue nowadays,existing the deficiency such as the expanded scale,unvaried image and isolation from citizens.城市行政中心设计与建设是当前的热点,存在规模膨胀、形象单一、与市民隔离等问题。
6)administrative psychology行政心理
1.However, owing to the influences of cognitive bias, the traditional administrative psychology and administrative culture, it engenders a lot of awareness barriers in the exertion of their functions.对于行政人而言,由于认知偏差、传统行政心理和行政文化等影响,在其态势语言的功能发挥过程中出现了许多障碍性意识。

工商行政管理行政处罚工商行政管理行政处罚 工商行政管理行政处罚工商行政管理机关依法对经济违法、违章行为实施行政处罚的一种权力手段。行政处罚的又寸象,既可以是法人,也可以是自然人。在中国,凡是从事经济违法、违章活动的一切组织和个人,工商行政管理机关都有权在国家授予的职权范围内给予处罚。处罚的种类主要有:责令具结悔过,通报批评,限价出售商品,强制收购商品,没收非法所得,没收物资或物品,没收销货款,责令停业整顿,吊销营业执照等。以上处罚,可以单处,也可以并处。对情节严重构成犯罪的,工商行政管理机关在实施处罚后,应将案件移交司法机关追究行为人的刑事责任。工商行政管理机关的处罚一般经过立案、检查、审批、处罚等程序,但在特殊情况下,也可以即时处罚。这些特殊情况包括:①违法违章事实清楚,不需要继续调查取证的。②违法、违章情节轻微,违法数额较小的。③行为人承认违法违章事实,接受即时处罚的。④受执法现场的条件、环境等限制,必须及时处理的。工商行政管理机关对违法、违章行为人实施处罚时,应制作处罚决定书送达当事人。被处罚人如对处罚不服,可在法定期限内向上一级工商行政管理机关申请复议,匕一级工商行政管理机关依法作出复议决定。被处罚人对复议决定不服的,可以按照法定程序向法院起诉。