道德虚无主义,moral nihilism
1)moral nihilism道德虚无主义
1.So far this is concerned, moral nihilism plays a part of antidote in the moral realm.道德虚无主义是一种深刻的道德哲学,同时也是对各种道德学说的最大挑战,它力图粉碎各色的道德伪装,呈现生活中真实的一面。

1.Rejection of all distinctions in moral or religious value and a willingness to repudiate all previous theories of morality or religious belief.道德虚无主义否认所有道德及宗教价值观的特点并意欲否定所有先前的有关道德及宗教信价的理论
2.The Theoretic Predicament and Possible Prospect of the Moral Fictionalism;道德虚构主义的理论困境与可能前景
3.Belief in Literature: Opposing Moral Hypocrisy and Moral Nihilism;文艺的信念:反抗道德虚假与道德虚无
4.European Nihilism and the Overcoming: the Reading Notes of Heidgger’s Nieztsche;欧洲虚无主义及其克服——读海德格尔《尼采》札记
5.of or relating to nihilism.属于或关于虚无主义的。
6.Master of Shuwa: That is nihilism!! Nothingness!!修瓦之主:那是虚无主义!!完全的空虚!!
7.Freudian moral theory弗洛伊德主义道德理论
8.Morals of Non-Moralism-- Philosophical Study of Nietzsche Morality;非道德主义的道德——尼采道德哲学研究
9.Expectation of "Poetical Dwelling":Heidegger s Critique and Conquest of Values-Nihilism;期待"诗意地栖居"——试论海德格尔对价值虚无主义的批判和克服
10.An Ideal State of Morality and the End of Naturalistic Education──Illusion of J. J. Rousseau s Utopia of Education;道德理想国与自然主义教育的终结──卢梭的教育乌托邦的虚幻
11.The rise of moralism was a bugbear to Lord Byron, born in1788.道德主义的盛行对拜伦来说无疑是一场灾难。
12.Marxism-Leninism embraces the revolutionary morality of the proletariat.马克思列宁主义也包括无产阶级的革命道德。
13.This paper consists of three parts: 1. the ancient Brahmanism and the absence of the Law of causality in morality; 2. the nihilism in Brahmans schools; 3. an ethical analysis of some Buddhist doctrines.本文论述了古婆罗门教与道德律的缺失和沙门思潮中的虚无主义,并对佛教教义作了伦理学分析。
14.This finale is correlative with his viewpoint of nihilism an d humanitarianism.这种结局与周氏的虚无主义和个人主义的人道主义世界观密不可分。
15.bankrupt of ideas, moral scruples毫无主意、 道德上的约束
16.Nihility of the Life--Nietzsche to Nihilism Value Evaluation and Surmounting;人生之虚无——尼采对虚无主义的价值重估与超越
17.Behind the Nihilism--An Analysis of Historical Nihilism of the New Era虚无的背后——新时期历史虚无主义思潮论析
18.Conceit,Nothingness and Reason--The Nationalism in the Context of Modern China;虚骄,虚无,理性——中国近代语境中的民族主义

moral fictionalism道德虚构主义
1.On the one hand,moral fictionalism takes the ontological viewpoint of anti-realism about moral property.道德虚构主义试图在实在论和反实在论、认知主义和非认知主义之间采取一种调和的第三种路线。
1.Oedipus getting into the theme of redemption of nihilism;论《俄底浦斯王》陷入“虚无主义”的拯救主题
2.How to Bid farewell to European Nihilism;如何克服“欧洲虚无主义”
1.The kernel of Confucian thought of peace is his moralism which is composed of humanity, courtesy and harmony.儒家的道德主义和平思想体系由“德”、“仁”、“礼”、“和”四大基本要素构成,其中,“德”是人类行为的至上公理、“仁”是人类关系的基本伦理、“礼”是人类行事的具体规范、“和”是人类关系的目的状态。
2.The relationship of Rousseau’s and Nietzsche’s thoughts has all the time been discussed from the opposition between "moralismand aestheticism"in the academic circle.一直以来,"道德主义与审美主义"的对立是学界对待卢梭和尼采思想关系上的理论取向。
3.The behavior that people killed kings through wiping out their lives in primitive times had been replaced by the civilized behavior that people deniedy the value of kings,which reflects Moralism principles of Confucianism thoughts in Chinese civilization.原始时代通过直接杀死"王"而终结"王"的生命,被文明化后的通过否定"王"的意义而消灭"王"的价值所代替,体现着中国文明中儒家思想为代表的道德主义原则。
