最高的善,the highest virtue
1)the highest virtue最高的善

1.Epicurus was a [b][color=#990000]materialist[/color][/b].伊壁鸠鲁相信快乐就是生活最高的善
2.On Aristotle s Concept on Happiness;幸福即是最高的善——亚里斯多德的常人的幸福观
3.“The Meanis the Highest Virtue and the Extreme Beauty” --A New Exploration on Aristotle s Aesthetic Thought;“中庸是最高的善和极端的美”——亚里士多德中庸思想新探
4.In this latter case we have a pollinium in its most highly developed and perfect condition.在最后的情况中,花粉块已发达到最高最完善的境地了。
5.To Be Good at "Manage the Trend of the Times" Is the Highest state of Managment and the Art of Leadership;善于"营势"是管理或领导艺术的最高境界
6.The "non-law" state was upheld by him as the highest and most perfect type of government.他坚持认为“没有法律”的国家是最高的,最完善的统治形式。
7.An upper canard, which is in the vicinity height of forward-swept main wing, could improve the maximum lift-to-drag ratio.高于主机翼的鸭翼对最大升阻比的改善较多,但也不宜过高。
8.He is the mildest man alive.他是世上最和善的人了。
9.His outstanding attribute was his kindness.他最突出的品质是善良。
10.We know that this telescope has been perfected by the long-continued efforts of the highest human intellects.望远镜之所以能达到完善,是人类以最高的智慧,经多年研究的结果。
11.More recently, improved medical technology has increased the chances of successful pallidotomies.最近,完善的药物技术提高了苍白球切开术的成功几率。
12.The most thorough way to improve the old-age pension system in China is to develop economy and promote productivity.发展经济、提高生产力水平是改善我国养老保险制度的最根本途径。
13.Query the Supreme Court Acts as the First Trial Court--A Concurrent Analysis of the Perfection of the Grade Jurisdiction of Civil Procedure Law质疑最高法院作为初审法院——兼论民事诉讼级别管辖的完善
14.The Right to Approve Death Sentences after the Supreme Court Reverted to the Procedures Perfection;浅谈死刑核准权收归最高人民法院后的程序完善问题
15.Research on the Optimization Prescription of the Improvement of Physical Fitness of College Students in Higher Education;普通高等院校改善大学生体质最优化模式的实验研究
16.The act or instance of upgrading.提高,改善提高(或改善)的行为或事例
17.He told him the best truths, which are also the most simple.他和他谈着最善的、亦即最简单的真理。
18.Listlessness and silence denote the lover.爱的最深的人,通常最不善于表白.

the highest good最高善
1.In this paper, the author combs the happiness theory of Aristotle by analyzing and expanding the internal relations between happiness, the highest good, virtue and mean in his famous book,Nicomachus Ethics.本文主要通过对亚里士多德的伦理学名著——《尼各马科伦理学》中关于幸福、最高善、德性和中道的内在联系的分析和阐述,对亚里士多德的幸福观作了一次梳理,以期亚氏的德性幸福观能够对人们有所启迪。
4)supreme law最高的法
1.The object of philosophy is the supreme law or natural law.哲学的对象是作为"宇宙万物最高统治力量"的"最高的法"或自然法;哲学的产生和发展是借着"命运"、"始基"、"逻格斯"、"善本身"等范畴符号在探求"最高的法";法律的发展演进则是对哲学所揭橥的虚灵超越的价值系统或"最高的法"的不断定在化。
5)the highest aim of education最高目的
1.The former is the highest aim of education,and the latter is to be accomplished inactivies of cultivating pupils.赫尔巴特的教育目的可分为最高目的———道德 ;一般目的———意向目的和道德目标。
