理性资本主义,rational capitalism
1)rational capitalism理性资本主义
2)capitalist rationality资本主义合理性
1.It considers that the principle of capitalist rationality is the premise of capitalist comprehensive domination,and the crisis of comprehensive dissimilation and environment has its origins in making capitalist technical rationality public.西方马克思主义以关注和探讨西方人的自由和解放问题为哲学主旨,并以对总体性统治与总体异化的批判的形式表现出来,认为资本主义的总体性统治是以资本主义合理性原则为前提的,总体异化和环境危机则根源于资本主义技术理性的张扬,并阐述了批判后的构建。
3)capitalism that highlights ration理性张扬的资本主义
4)the economic rational of capitalism资本主义经济理性
5)Dominant Capitalist资本主义主导性
1.Analysis on Deng Xiaoping s Application of Capitalism;浅析邓小平利用和借鉴资本主义的思想
2.Idea and understanding for developing capitalism of the 7th National Congress of CPC;中共七大对发展资本主义的思想认识
3.The destiny of contemporary capitalism as viewed from economic globalization;从经济全球化透视当代资本主义的命运

1.pre-capitalist commercial capital前资本主义商业资本
2.if they serve capitalism they are capitalist.为资本主义服务,就是资本主义的。
3.basic economic law of capitalism资本主义基本经济规律
4.the inherent antagonism of capitalism and socialism.资本主义和社会主义的根本对立状态
5.Historical Trend of Capitalism from the Perspective of its Fundamental Contradiction;从资本主义基本矛盾运动看资本主义历史走向
6.Crony capitalism权贵资本主义(又译裙带资本主义或亲朋好友资本主义
7.Review on Transition from Private Capitalism to Social Capitalism;论私人资本主义向社会资本主义的转变——对当代资本主义的分析
8.The Capitalism, Social Democracy and Welfare Country;资本主义、社会民主主义和福利国家
9.New Democratic Society and New Mode of Capitalism;新民主主义社会与“新式资本主义
10.Against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism, and against capitalism.对付帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义,对付资本主义
11.Joseph A. Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, New York: Haper& Row,1796, p.269.[5]熊比特:《资本主义、会主义和民主主义》,第312页。
12.Private enterprise is basic to capitalism.私营是资本主义的基础.
13.formation of monopoly capitalism垄断资本主义的形成
14.an advocate of capitalism.一类倡导资本主义的人。
15.development stage of capitalist industry资本主义工业发展阶段
16.Capitalism has been developing for several hundred years.资本主义发展几百年了,
17.capitalist simple reproduction资本主义简单再生产
18.capitalist reproduction on extended scale资本主义扩大再生产

capitalist rationality资本主义合理性
1.It considers that the principle of capitalist rationality is the premise of capitalist comprehensive domination,and the crisis of comprehensive dissimilation and environment has its origins in making capitalist technical rationality public.西方马克思主义以关注和探讨西方人的自由和解放问题为哲学主旨,并以对总体性统治与总体异化的批判的形式表现出来,认为资本主义的总体性统治是以资本主义合理性原则为前提的,总体异化和环境危机则根源于资本主义技术理性的张扬,并阐述了批判后的构建。
3)capitalism that highlights ration理性张扬的资本主义
4)the economic rational of capitalism资本主义经济理性
5)Dominant Capitalist资本主义主导性
1.Analysis on Deng Xiaoping s Application of Capitalism;浅析邓小平利用和借鉴资本主义的思想
2.Idea and understanding for developing capitalism of the 7th National Congress of CPC;中共七大对发展资本主义的思想认识
3.The destiny of contemporary capitalism as viewed from economic globalization;从经济全球化透视当代资本主义的命运
