多予少取,giving more and asking for less
1)giving more and asking for less多予少取

1.To increase rural incomes, we will continue to pursue the policy of giving more, taking less and loosening control.为增加农村收入,我们将继续实施"多予少取放活"的政策。
2.Take as many as yon please.你要取多少就取多少。
3.What wealth the show to me had brought;这奇景赋予我多少财宝,--
4.With delicate care, the girls picked their head adornments from the flower-bed and fixed the blossoms on to their hair. What grows in Nature comes natural to them as the need arises.少女们小心翼翼,从花圃里摘花,别上发梢,予索予取,自自然然。
5.So many times we took it all for granted.许多次我们采取了它全部为授予。
6.How much do you need to take out (of the bank)?你需要(从银行)取多少钱?
7.Hou much money are you going to draw from the bank?你准备从银行取多少钱?
8.How much will you like to take out of your account ?您想从您帐上提取多少?
9.How much do they charge for advertising?他们索取多少广告费?
10.Nature have give us two ear, two eyes, and but one tongue; to the end, we shall hear and see more than we speak.造化赐予双耳、双眼、一条舌,要我们多听、多看、少说。
11.Affluence is not measured by how much you have; it is measured by how much you give.衡量富裕的标准不是看你拥有多少,而是看你给予多少。
12.I gazed--and gazed--But little thought What wealth the show to me had Brought;"我久久凝望,却想象不到, 这奇景赋予我多少财宝"
13.Schools in Britain need to do more to help children of ethnic minorities.英国学校需要给予少数民族儿童更多的帮助。
14.Will you please let us know what your experience has been in your dealings with him?该员对交易方面有多少经验?恳请惠予告知为荷。
15.He gave me so much and I knew so little about him.他给予我如此之多,而我对他的了解却如此之少。
16.What grows in Nature comes natural to them as the need arises.予索予取,自自然然。
17.He often admitted that schools reward people who study more and more about less and less.不过他也时常感慨,社会对知识学得多的人给予的奖励少之又少。
18.At least give him credit for trying, ie praise him, even though he did not succeed.至少也应该肯定他敢於尝试(虽未取得成功也该给予表扬).

Giving more while asking for less多予少取放活
3)How much do you want to withdraw?你想取多少?
4)more giving多予
1.Since the 16th Party Congress, the rural reform in China has been following the main guideline of "more giving, less taking and more flexibility".中共十六大以来,中国农村改革发展的一条主线是“多予、少取、放活”。
5)How much money do you want to withdraw from your account?您想取多少钱?
6)"Giving for Getting"予之为取
1.On Guan Zhong s Political Principle of "Giving for Getting";论管仲“予之为取”的为政原则
