价值追寻,value quest
1)value quest价值追寻

1.The Logic of Understanding the Ruling law of the Chinese Communist Party and Its Merits;共产党执政规律的认识逻辑和价值追寻
2.The Noumenon Value Pursuit in Higher Education and the Changes in Thoughts of Higher Education;高等教育本体价值追寻与高等教育思想转变
3.After Meaning--Reconstruction of Value in Modern China Conversion Era;追寻意义——近代中国转型时代的价值重建
4.Seeking Ideal and Value of Humanitarianism --A Review of the Literature of Early Days in the New Period of Time;人道主义价值理想的追寻——新时期初期文学综论
5.A Reconsideration on the Literature of the Early New Period;一个值得继续追寻潜在价值的文学时代——“新时期之初文学”的再思考
6.Seeking Developmental Rationality: The Theoretical Essence and Value of Developmental Ethics;发展合理性的追寻——发展伦理学的理论实质与价值
7.Looking for a Lovable and Believable Way of Existence--the Ecological Value of Wang Guowei s Literature Research;追寻“可爱”而“可信”的存在方式——王国维文学研究的生态价值
8.Pursuing the Independent Values of Dramatic Literature--Playwright Zheng Huaixing戏曲文学独立价值的艰难追寻——论福建剧作家郑怀兴
9.On Hayden White's Metahistory: The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Europe追寻历史学的价值——评海登·怀特《元史学:十九世纪欧洲的历史想像》
10.Searching the Track of the History and Culture Heisting the Flag of the Poem s Advancement;追寻历史文化踪迹张扬散文前行大(?)——论文化游记散文的审美价值及文体意义
11.To Pursuit the Spirit Value of Nature--An Analysis on Emerson s Thought about Nature and its Practical Meaning from the Sight of the Existentialism;追寻自然的精神价值——解读生存论视角下的爱默生自然思想及其现实意义
12.From Seeking Individual Self-adaption to Pursuing Self-achievement Realization--Behaviour Analysis of Ancient Literators Independent Personality;从寻求个人自适到追求自我价值的实现——中国古代文人士子坚持独立人格的行为分析
13.Heavy Body and Light Soul--Beijing Novelists Value Qrientation and Spritual Home;沉重的肉身与轻盈的灵魂——试论“京派”小说家的价值取向及对精神家园的追寻
14.The Pursuit and Loss of Modernization--Judging the Value of Drama and Opera through the Cultural Environment of Modern China;现代性的追寻与迷失——从现代中国文化语境看话剧与戏曲的价值设定
15.The act or an instance of chasing or pursuing.追逐,追寻追逐或追寻的动作或事例
16.Harmonious Society is the common ideal as well as the pursuance of the value for human beings.和谐社会是人类共同的价值理想和价值追求。
17.Comparison Research on Value Analysis,Value Seeking Analysis and Value Meta-synthesis in System Decisions;系统决策的价值分析、价值寻求和价值综合集成的比较研究
18.“reach one's decree and satisfy one's wish” is Sima Qian's highest pursue;“致命遂志”是司马迁的最高价值追求;

The Search of General Value普遍价值的追寻
3)value pursuit价值追求
1.Social fairness :the inner value pursuit to build a harmonious society;社会公正:构建和谐社会的内在价值追求
2.In our contemporary ecological civi-lization, EPR activities of a corporation involve a value pursuit of a green image aimed at ecological standards and obtained through commercial advertising.企业既是环境公关的主体,也是价值追求的主体。
3.It is the centralized embodiment about important content and value pursuit of building the harmonious socialist society,too.环境正义要求人们在处理人与自然之间的关系时遵循正义的原则,这是解决全球性环境问题的有效指导工具,是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要内容和价值追求的集中体现。
4)value seeking价值追求
1.From a certain meaning , the value seeking of periods editing decides the direction and quality of the evaluation of the spirit products and guides t.期刊编辑的价值追求,从一定意义上来说,决定着对精神产品的评价方向和质量,引导着精神产品生产者和接受者的价值取向。
2.The value seeking of our country s criminal try should be: 1.我国刑事审判的价值追求应是,一要确保无罪的人不受刑事追究,二要打击和惩罚犯罪,三要实现罪刑均衡,四要教育感化犯罪人。
5)pursuit of value价值追求
1.From Metaphysics,30 years of open-up and reform inevitably internalizes and externalizes emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts,the pursuit of value of constructing socialist society with Chinese characteristics and the ultimate goal of all.30年的改革开放,从形上学的维度看,必然内蕴和外化着解放思想、实事求是的理性原则、建设中国特色社会主义的价值追求和人的全面发展的终极指归。
2.Fundamentally,they are united internally instead of rejecting each other,the essence of which is shown,in terms of value,in the profound consistence of the pursuit of value.科学文化和人文文化作为人类认识与改造自然、社会以及人自身过程中形成的两种价值体系和思维方式,都是人类文化的重要组成部分,二者相互渗透、互为补充,从根本上是内在统一的而不是相互排斥的,其统一的本质体现在价值层面上则表现为价值追求的深刻一致性。
3.Mental health education has its own unique pursuit of value.心理健康教育有其独特的价值追求。
6)value orientation价值追求
1.This paper reviews the birth and development situation of inquiry learning in China,and then gives an overview of some representative problems since inquiry learning appeared in China,such as value orientation,connotation and characteristics,curriculum content,curriculum implementation and evaluation,etc.回顾我国研究性学习的产生、发展脉络以及代表性观点,如价值追求、内涵和特征、课程目标、课程内容、课程实施和评价等方面的问题,对改进、深化、完善“研究性学习”具有重要意义。
2.The former explains the value of criminal law while the latter is the value orientation of criminal law.刑法蕴涵着静态的法律规范和通过动态的法律运行环节而达到的某种秩序或状态的双重含义,前者表明了刑法的价值,后者强调的是刑法的某种价值追求。
3.The author interprets the intrinsic meaning of geographicprocess and method goal, clarifies its value orientation and inquires its implementationstrategies in order to make it understood by geography teachers and implemented forgeography teaching in middle schools and high schools.论文围绕地理课程标准中的过程与方法目标展开,诠释了地理“过程与方法”目标的内涵,澄清了地理“过程与方法”目标的价值追求,探讨了地理“过程与方法”目标的体现策略,力图通过解读地理“过程与方法”目标的内涵及价值追求,让广大地理教师更好地把握地理“过程与方法”目标,促进该课程目标在实际教学活动中的实现。

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分