正义思想,Justice Thought
1)Justice Thought正义思想
1.The Justice Thought of Marx and Engels and Its Enlightenment to Contemporary China;马克思恩格斯的正义思想及其对当代中国的启示

1.The distribution approaching to justice--understanding of Rawls thought of distributive justice;走向正义的分配——罗尔斯分配正义思想解读
2.The Thought of Early Chinese Marxist About Fair and Justice;中国早期马克思主义者的公平正义思想
3.On the Thought and the Prescription of Labor Justice in Ancient China;中国古代劳动正义思想及其现代启示
4.On Marx’s Distributive Justice Thoughts--Compare with Rawls’stheory马克思的分配正义思想研究——兼论与罗尔斯分配正义论的比较
5.The implication of rights concept and institution justice concept in the Marxist thought of labor justice马克思主义劳动正义思想中的权利观与制度公正观意蕴
6.Conflictions between Individual Liberty and Social Justice;个人自由与社会正义的冲突——哈耶克自由与正义思想述评
7.Two Theories of Contemporary Distributive Justice--A Review of the Justice Theories by Rawls and Nozick当代两种不同的正义模式论析——罗尔斯与诺奇克的正义思想评述
8.On the Realization of Marxist Ideology of Fairness and Justice in Our Country at Present Stage论马克思主义公平正义思想在我国现阶段的实现
9.And the part of the justice ideology in natural philosophic period mainly discusses the ideology of Pythagoras and Heracleitus.其次在自然哲学时期的正义思想中主要探讨了毕达哥拉斯和赫拉克利特的正义思想
10.On the Idea and Practical Significance of Plato s Justice;浅析《理想国》正义观思想及其现实性
11.On the Thoughts of Lukács s Orthodox Marxism;论卢卡奇的“正统马克思主义”思想
12.Revisionism is one form of bourgeois ideology.修正主义是一种资产阶级思想。
13.revisionist economic thoughts in the Second International第二国际修正主义经济思想
14.Literary Hermeneutic Thought of Kong Yingda s the Rectification of Mao s Book of Songs;孔颖达《毛诗正义》的文学阐释思想
15.On Yong Zheng s National Thought from Record of an Awoken Scholar;从《大义觉迷录》看雍正的民族思想
16.Deconstruction Is just Justice--On Derrida's Philosophy of Law解构就是正义——德里达法哲学思想解析
17.Beyond the Ideological Limit of Justice;超越正义的思想疆域——试论马克思恩格斯正义观的理论旨趣
18.The Positive Role of Confucian "Behaving Oneself to Manage Others" in the Modern Management;儒家“正己正人”思想对现代管理的积极意义

Marx's justice thoughts马克思正义思想
3)Labor Justice Thought劳动正义思想
4)thought of economic justice经济正义思想
1.The paper studies the thought development of western economic justice, elaborates the thought of economic justice of the Ancient Greece and the Medieval Age, and expounds it of modern and contemporary western countries.论文从思想史的角度系统的考察和梳理了西方经济正义思想的历史嬗变,阐述了古希腊的经济正义思想、中世纪的经济正义思想、近代西方的经济正义思想和当代西方的经济正义思想
5)Xunzi s Thought of Justice荀子的正义思想
6)On justice thought of property right论产权正义思想

人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people's army, thought of  renmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j