人的片面发展,One-sided development of human beings
1)One-sided development of human beings人的片面发展
2)unilateral development片面发展

1.On the Necessity and Possibility of the Essential Change of the Strategy of the Socialist Development--From one-sided development to an all-round development;试论社会主义发展战略根本转变的必要性和可能性——从片面发展到全面发展
2.Present Status and Development Trend of Abrasive Belt Grinding Technique for Blade Profile叶片型面砂带磨削技术的现状和发展趋势
3.On the Onesideness of the Income Increasing as the Developing Target;论单纯以收入增长作为发展目标的片面性
4.We Must Conquen the Onesideness of Mind in Developing Vocational Education;发展职业教育必须克服思想观念上的片面性
5.Study on Marx s thought concerning the overall development of man;从“原始的丰富”到“深刻的片面”——马克思人的全面发展思想研究之一
6."The big problem for the Everglades has been that development in the form of agriculture has drained a lot of the land."大沼泽地面临的一个重大问题是,农业的发展已使大片土地干涸。
7.9. In this period, China's partial resistance may develop in one of three directions:(九)在此期间,中国的片面抗战可能向三个方向发展:
8.The Hurdles and Redevelopment Countermeasures of Towns in Southern Jiangsu Province:A Case Study on the Plan for the Development of Chengdong District in Jiangyin City苏南小城镇目前面临的困境与再发展对策——以江阴市澄东片区发展规划研究为例
9.300 mm Si Wafer Manufacture and New Development300mm Si片加工及最新发展
10.Digital Intermediate Films:Concept,Status quo and Development Trends;数字中间片:概念、发展现状及发展趋势
11.The Logic of Human Being s Development:From free to Comprehensive Development;人的发展逻辑:从自由发展到全面发展
12.Females All-round Development and Males All-round Development;女性的“全面发展”与人的“全面发展”
13.A vast expanse of rice fields was laid out before us.大片稻田展现在我们面前。
14.Development of LCD Polarizer Attaching Machine In China我国LCD贴片设备的发展历程与展望
15.The next major step in taking pictures was the development of a light-sensitive emulsion on Celluloid film by an american called the Rev. Hannibal Goodwin in 1880.下一个摄影方面的重要的发展是美国人H.古德温于1880年用赛璐珞作片基,制成了感光乳剂。
16.But, it is a one-sided view to assert on this basis that China's economic development faces difficulties and that a tremendous latent crisis exists in China's finance.但就此认为中国的经济发展将难以为继、中国的财政潜藏着巨大危机是非常片面的。
17.On the surface of foliation there develops strong stretching lineation defined by alignment of elongated minerals.在片理面上发育有强烈的拉伸线理,这些线理则是由拉长的矿物定向展布而显示。
18.This country is the world~ in the development of integrated circuits( microchips) and industrial robots.这个国家在发展集成电路(芯片)工业用机器人方面处于世界领先地位。

unilateral development片面发展
3)all-round development of human being人的全面发展
1.All-Round Development of Human Being and Construction of Core Value System;人的全面发展与核心价值体系的建构
2.Marx s Theory on the All-round Development of Human Being and the Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society;马克思关于人的全面发展理论与构建社会主义和谐社会
3.It takes as the core value orientation the realization of all-round development of human being.作为一种全新的文明发展模式,科学发展观以统筹经济社会的协调发展,协调经济、社会、环境、资源与人的关系,完善人的生存环境,逐渐增进人民福祉为手段,以实现人的全面发展为核心价值取向。
4)All-round Development of Man人的全面发展
1.The Important Thought of Three Representatives and the All-round Development of Man;“三个代表”重要思想与人的全面发展
2.Knowledge economy and all-round development of man;知识经济与人的全面发展
3.Build a well-off society in an all-round way and improve an all-round development of man;全面建设小康社会推进人的全面发展
5)all-round development of human beings人的全面发展
1.Inheritance and Innovation: Improving All-round Development of Human Beings in Building a Harmonious Society;继承与创新:在构建和谐社会中促进人的全面发展
2.On All-round Development of Human Beings from Human-oriented Economics Criticism on Economic-man Theor y;从人本主义经济学对经济人理论的批判看人的全面发展
3.Reform of physical education in school under the conception of all-round development of human beings;人的全面发展理念下的学校体育改革
6)individual's all-round development个人的全面发展

金属材料发展史(见材料发展史)金属材料发展史(见材料发展史)history of metallic material 金属材料发展史historyor metalli。material见材料发展史。