伦理妥协,Ethical compromise
1)Ethical compromise伦理妥协

1.Administrative Ethic Compromise:A Special Choice of the Public Administration Value行政伦理妥协:公共行政价值的特殊选择
2.Autonomy and Compromise: Chinese Administrators Ethical Dilemmas and Ethical Choices;自主与妥协:中国行政人的伦理困境与伦理选择
3.On Rawls s Revelation of Thought of Rational Compromise;理性妥协与社会和谐——论罗尔斯理性妥协思想的启示意义
4.any political theory favoring immoderate uncompromising policies.偏爱不适中不妥协政策的政治理论。
5.The world of pure reason knows no compromise.纯粹理性的世界里则不知何谓妥协。
6.On Wright s Theory of Positive Class Compromise and Its Revelation;E.O.赖特积极的阶级妥协理论刍议
7.Rational Compromise: An Important Method of Thinking in a Concord Society;理性妥协:和谐社会的重要思维方式
8.Categorical imperative ethics and Coordinated ethics:the 4th discussion about engineering ethics;绝对命令伦理学和协调伦理学——四谈工程伦理学
9.Persistent Explanation with Causality--Essay on Vygotsky's Theory of Passions不妥协的因果解释——论维果茨基的情绪理论
10.A settlement or compromise of conflicting opinions和解,妥协两种冲突观点的和解或妥协
11.Art is uncompromising,and life is full of compromise.艺术是不妥协的,而生活充满了妥协。
12.Compromise Value of Compromise Admissible Stochastic Cooperative Game妥协可接受的随机合作对策的妥协值
13.Oppose all vacillation and compromise.反对任何的动摇妥协。
14.effect a compromise between A and B甲与乙之间促成妥协
15.His offers of compromise were mere rhetoric.他提出的妥协只是废话
16.temporize between two parties为两党[双方]谋求妥协
17.an all - or - nothing negotiating position.绝不妥协的谈判立场
18.There should be no in-between, no compromises.不应有折衷,不应有妥协。

ethic compromise伦理性妥协
1.By pinpointing the object standard and environment and encouraging the administrate subject,we can transcend the limit of ethic compromise in administration activity.行政活动中的伦理性妥协是应该得到辩护的价值选择。
3)administrative ethic compromise行政伦理妥协
1.Viewed from its origin,administrative ethic compromise has its inevitability and rationality.行政伦理妥协以择恶弃善、择小善弃大善为基本表现形式,是行政人员面临价值冲突时的一种特殊价值选择形式。
4)rational compromise理性妥协
1.John Rawls s thought of rational compromise grasps the times characteristic.罗尔斯的理性妥协思想把握了时代特点。
2.As a basic method to solve social contradictions and conflicts,rational compromise is essential in the times of peace and development.理性妥协作为解决社会矛盾和冲突的基本方式之一,在和平与发展的时代必不可少。
1.Occupancy and compromise-the botta house in Riva San Vitale;从博塔的Riva San Vitale住宅看建筑的占有与妥协
2.Pluralism,compromise,harmony: the quintessence of republican system of government;多元·妥协·和谐:共和政体的精髓
3.Compromise and Rebellion——On the dilemma characters in Haruki Muraue s novels meet with;妥协与反叛——论村上春树小说中人物的两难处境
6)compromise solution妥协解
1.In this paper, we generalize the coalition games and define the core and a unique solution--the compromise solution,and give the lower and upper bounds of the core and show some properties of the solution.本文以合作度为广义联盟而定义了一种广义合作对策模型,给出核心解集及其上下界,并定义了一种唯一解——妥协解的概念,证明了这种解的一些性
