社会伦理观,Social Ethics
1)Social Ethics社会伦理观
1.John Wesley, Founder of the Methodist Church: A Study of His Social Ethics;循道派创始人—约翰·卫斯理的社会伦理观研究

1.John Wesley, Founder of the Methodist Church: A Study of His Social Ethics;循道派创始人—约翰·卫斯理的社会伦理观研究
2.On the Sishuanbanna Dai “Feudal” Ethics: in Comparison with the Han Ethics;西双版纳傣族“封建”社会伦理观论略——兼与汉族的伦理道德比较
3.Business Ethics: From Maximum of Profits to Social Responsibility;西方企业伦理走向:从最大利润伦理观到社会责任伦理观
4.From Ethic Socialism to "the Third Way"-Analysis on the Ethics of the Social Democratic Party in Western Europe During the 20th Century;从伦理社会主义到“第三条道路”——20世纪西欧社会民主党伦理观评析
5.The Conceptions of Social Justice of Socialist Contract Ethics;社会主义契约伦理视野下的社会正义观
6.Corporate Social Responsibility in the View of Ethics:A Perspective Based on Managerial Accounting企业社会责任的伦理观察——基于管理会计的视角
8.Analysis on the Social Base and Values of Public Managment s Administrative Ethics;浅议公共管理之行政伦理的社会基础和价值观
9.Rational thinking on ecological ethics in the visual field of harmonious society;关于和谐社会视野下的生态伦理观的理性思考
10.An Economic Approach to Ethics;伦理道德的经济学探讨——兼论社会主义市场经济伦理道德观
11.On the Koran and Ethics in the Early Islamic Society《古兰经》及早期伊斯兰社会伦理道德观初探
12.Building the Well-Off Society in an All-Round Way and the Changing of the Thought of Economic Ethics;全面建设小康社会与经济伦理观的转型
13.The Significance of Christian "Forgiveness" in Modern Ethics;基督宗教“宽恕观”对现代社会伦理的意义
14.On the Concept of Ecological Ethics Construction under the Vision of a Harmonious Society;试述和谐社会视野下生态伦理观的构建
15.Construction the Ecological Ethics and the Ecological Civilization in Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会视野下的生态伦理观和生态文明
16.The Social Ethics of Marriage Reflected in The Painted Veil;论《彩色的面纱》体现出的社会婚姻伦理观
17.On the Sense of Value about Environmental Ethics from the Perspective of Harmonious Society and Theory Innovation;和谐社会视野下的环境伦理价值观及创新
18.On the Ethics Views Influenced by the East and West Social Environments;论社会历史环境的差异对中西方伦理观的影响

social ethics社会伦理
1.There exists a complex dynamic relation between social ethics and economic development,which should be linked to the advance of social ethics.社会伦理与经济发展之间存在着复杂的动态关系,经济发展应与伦理进步相结合。
2.The responsibility, a universal concept of both humanity and social ethics, is rich in its content.责任作为一个普遍的人性概念和社会伦理概念,包含着极其丰富的内容。
3.This research explores in which way the social ethics of the public P.其中探讨公共体育的社会伦理对人新品质的影响,梳理人在公共体育活动发生的社会伦理变迁,厘清公共体育的社会伦理对人深层的意蕴,指出公共体育的社会伦理既自律又他律的哲学本质,具有理论和实践的意义。
3)social ethic社会伦理
1.Abandoning Private Ownership——Historical Examination of Concepts of Society, Social Ethic and Socialism;扬弃私有制——对社会、社会伦理、社会主义概念的历史考察
2.Folktale and Social Ethic An analysis of texts of Gencun oral narratives;民间故事与社会伦理——以耿村故事文本为对象
4)ethic society伦理社会
1.China s modern enlightenment should eliminate out-dated traditions, use modernization mode of the West, establish legal right state of individuals in society, promote the change from traditional ethic society to modern urban inhabitants society and eventually create favorable conditions for man’s further development and.目前,中国的现代性启蒙就是要在扬弃传统的基础上,参照西方社会的现代化模式,确立社会成员个体独立的法权状态,促使传统伦理社会向现代市民社会转变,从而为人的进一步发展与完善创造条件。
2.In traditional China, the society is an ethic society of the isomorphic of family and state on the base of consanguinity patriarchal clan system.中国传统社会是以血缘宗法为基础的家国同构的伦理社会 ,无论是经济的、政治的 ,还是文化的、自然的 ,都以血缘人伦关系为主导 ,通过血缘伦理社会化、社会血缘伦理化的双向同化 ,达致家国同构、君父同格的社会架构 ,形成了沿袭千年的臣民道德、君王意识和威权意
5)ethical society伦理社会
1.Chinese society is an ethical society.中国社会是伦理社会,这是对中国社会性质的一种界定与基本认识。
6)social human relationship社会性伦理
