1.On Tragic Hero——Dionysus;作为悲剧主角的酒神狄奥尼索斯
2.Victory of Dionysus: On significance of transcending tragedy in Desire under the Elms;酒神狄奥尼索斯的胜利——谈《榆树下的欲望》中超越悲剧的意义

1.A priest or votary of Bacchus.酒神的牧师,酒神的信徒
2.Nunc te, Bacche, canam!现在,酒神,请喝!
3.Dionysus [god of wine]戴奥尼萨斯[酒神]
4.Bacchus has drowned more men than Nepture酒神淹死的人比海神多
5.A priestess or female votary of Bacchus.酒神女祭司,酒神女信徒酒神巴克斯的女祭司或女信徒
6.Supernatural Spirit of Wine and Tragedy Spirit in Nietzsche s Philosophy;论尼采哲学中的酒神精神与悲剧精神
7.The Spirit of Apollo and Dionysus in "Martin Eden"“马丁·伊登”形象中的“日神”与“酒神”精神
8.B-has drowned more men than Neptune.[谚]酒神淹死的人比海神多;美酒为害烈于海水。
9.Wine is more harmful than seawater.酒神淹死的人比海神多;美酒比海水更有害。
10.Dionysian Spirit of Nietzsche Cannot Be Used for the Interpretation of Li Bai's Poems on Wine“酒神精神”无以有效阐释李白咏酒诗探析
11.On the Phoebus(the God of the Sun) and Bacchus(the God of wine) Spirit in the Poem Lisao论日神精神和酒神精神在《离骚》中的显现
12.The Spirit of Dionysus and the dream of Apollo--the exploration of Li Jianwu s dramatic spirit;酒神精神与日神梦幻——李健吾戏剧精神探魅
13.Bacchus s Spirit--A Doughty Beauty Rhyme of Western Aesthetics;“酒神精神”:西方美学的“刚美”意韵
14.Lord of the Flies:the Humanity s Clash between "Apollonianism" and "Dionysianism";《蝇王》:“日神”与“酒神”的人性冲突
15.The Influence of Liguor Drinking and the Spirit of Liquor Culture on Tang Poetry;诗酒风流——试论酒与酒文化精神对唐诗的影响
16.Benedictine D.O.M. ["To Gold,must good,most great" | France]香草酒[其制酒密法为某神父发明
17.We can stop in at Red Lion for a quick one.我们可在红狮酒吧,喝一小杯酒提提神。
18.alcoholic polyneuropathy酒精中毒性多元神经症

1.Dionysian-Apollonian Conflict in Lord of the Flies;《蝇王》中日神与酒神精神的冲突
2.Nietzsche s thoughts mainly include: (1) Spirit of art, namely, Apollonian and Dionysian spirit.这种艺术精神具有酒神,日神两种精神,从而分为梦境和醉境两种境界。
3.Nietzsche compliments the art of tragedy in Greece, pays a tribute to the Dionysian spirit and discovers the strong life strength hidden in the tragedy art and the hope of overcoming the life tragedy.他褒扬希腊悲剧艺术,歌颂酒神精神,发现了潜藏在悲剧艺术中的人的强大生命力量和克服人生悲剧性的希望。
3)Dionysus spirit酒神精神
1.The Dionysus Spirit : The Invocation of Escaping from the Identity Logic of Enlighten Dialectic;酒神精神:逃离启蒙辩证法魔圈的符咒——尼采《悲剧的诞生》的现代性解读
2.Foucault s Existent Esthetics and Nietzsche s Dionysus Spirit;福柯的生存美学与尼采的酒神精神
4)Dionysian Spirit酒神精神
1.On the Dionysian Spirit and Revolution Narration of Chinese Literature in the 20th Century;酒神精神与20世纪中国文学的革命叙事
2.Aesthetic review on Nietzsche's dionysian spirit尼采哲学中酒神精神的美学阐释
5)the spirit of Bacchus酒神精神
1.The extension of Dionysus along the two poles of human history ——A comparative analysis of Prometheus and Sokolov;酒神精神延伸在人类历史的两极——普罗米修斯与索科洛夫比较
