1.The word significance in "obtaining the significance and forgetting the words" refers to both the subtle meaning of something and "Daoism" in metaphysics.在庄子那里,“得意言”中的“意”,既可以指对象难以言说的精微意义,也可以指向形而上的“道”。
2.The paper focused on the Huishi\'s image in the eyes of Zhuangzi and his "forget" in advance through the three debates,which is the third aspect the paper based on.本文透过这三次争论,看庄子眼中之“惠施”,进而落脚于庄子之“”的探究,此是本文关注的重点之三。

1.Forget not! O, forget not this,别记!咳,不要把这记,
2.And I don't forget it, I don't.我不会记的,我不了。
3.To be unable to remember(something).记,却无法记起(某物)
4.fall [pass, sink] into oblivion被 (世人)
5.To cause to forget or unlearn something.使记使…掉或遗(所学的)某种东西
6.The river of forgetfulness, one of the five rivers in Hades.却之河,遗之河,是冥府中五条河流之一
7.On Artistic Features of Bada Shanren and Morandi;“世”、“我”、“言”——论八大山人与莫兰迪的艺术特征
8.Oh, I forgot dessert.哦,我了甜点了。
9.Oh, don't forget the mustard.噢,不要了芥末。
10.Don't forget it and come on time.别了,请准时来。
11.Oh dear! I forgot to post the letter.哎呀!我了寄信。
12.Oh, I almost forgot.“噢,我差点儿了。
13.Oh, nuts! I completely forget .噢,真混! 我全了。
14.I had "forgotten my birth".我“了生辰八字”。
15.I had 'forgotton my birth'.我‘了生辰八字’。
16."Let us not forget the proprieties due."咱们别了礼法。
17.Executive Council Memorandum行政会议备录〔前称行政局备录〕
18.She forgot about the circumstances.她记了时间,记了周围的环境。

1.The transition from philosophical meaning to aesthetics meaning signifies the birth of aesthetical value from"neglectness".“”在中国古代既是一个哲学范畴,也是一个美学范畴。
4)To fail to remember.忘掉,忘记
1.Antagonism of intracerebroventricular injection of nicotine on the amnestic effect of isoflurane and sevoflurane treated mice;侧脑室注射烟碱对小鼠异氟烷、七氟烷亚麻醉下遗作用的影响
2.Relationship between amnestic effect of enflurane or isoflurane and NMDA receptor恩氟烷、异氟烷的遗作用与NMDA受体的关系
3.Effects of intracerebroventricular injection of bicuculline or NMDA on the amnestic effect induced by etomidate侧脑室注射荷包牡丹碱、NMDA对依托咪酯所致遗作用的影响
1.Appropriate Dosage and Schedule of Midazolam Administration for Effects on Sedation,Amnesia by Intravertebral Puncture;咪达唑仑用于椎管内麻醉穿刺产生镇静与遗作用的合适剂量与给药时机
2.Extent of Amnesia with Midazolam Different Doses and Timing Administration;咪达唑仑不同剂量和时机给药的遗程度
3.Effects of epidural anesthesia combined with sufentanii plus midazolam on visceral traction response, sedation and amnesia;舒芬太尼-咪达唑仑辅助硬膜外麻醉对内脏牵拉反应及镇静遗的影响

安不忘虞【词语】:安不忘虞【注音】:ān bù wàng yú【释义】:虞:忧患。安定太平的时候不能忘记潜伏着的忧患。