方东美,Fang Dongmei
1)Fang Dongmei方东美
1.An Inquiry into Fang Dongmei s Thoughts of Taoist Philosophy;方东美对道家哲学的现代诠释
2.Transcendence and praeternatural——Fang Dongmei s Views on the Relationship between Heaven and Man in Chinese and Western Cultures;“超越”与“超绝”——方东美论中西天人之际
3.The State of Endless Life:the Life Ideal of Fang Dongmei;生生之境——方东美的生命理想

1.A Theoretical Study On FANG Dongmei s Philosophy;共命慧与圆融美——方东美哲学理境探赜
2.Construction principles, significance and limitation of Fang Dong-mei’s life aesthetics;方东美生命美学的建构理路、意义和局限
3.Transcendence and praeternatural--Fang Dongmei s Views on the Relationship between Heaven and Man in Chinese and Western Cultures;“超越”与“超绝”——方东美论中西天人之际
4.A native or inhabitant of the east, especially the eastern United States.东方人,东部人东方本地人或居住者,尤指美国东部的人
5.Pen Conversations about “the Prospect of Oriental Aesthetics Studies”;“东方美学的研究前景”笔谈——全球化时代东方美学的角色
6.The Globalization and Oriental Aesthetics--The views of Peng Xiuyin's "Oriental Aesthetics"用全球化辩证思维烛照东方美学——读彭修银的《东方美学》
7.Aesthetics Methodology and Artistic Nature Viewpoints --Aesthetic Nature of Art through the Eastern and Western Classical Aesthetics;美学方法论和艺术本质观——从东、西方古典美学看艺术的审美本质
8.Chinese Folk Art Influenced by Sympathy Perspective of Oriental Aesthetics;东方审美“同情观”影响下的中国民间美术
9.San Francisco is generally known as the "gate of east" of America.旧金山是美国 “通向东方的大门”。
10.Already, orientals and Asian Americans,因为东方人和亚裔美国人,
11.None of the countries in the East is free from U.S. aggression.东方各国,没有一国不受到美国的侵略。
12.A Discussion on the Aesthetic Theories of Oriental & Occidental Classical Literatures试论东、西方古典文论中的美学理论
13.On Eastern Aesthetic Characteristic of Korean Notes on Classical Poetry Theory论朝鲜古典诗话理论的东方美学特征
14.On the Possibility of the Oriental Aesthetics: The Folk Art Theory of Yanagi Souetsu;“东方美学”的可能性——柳宗悦的“民艺”理论
15.Chinese American Literature from the Perspective of Orientalism;“东方主义”视野中的美国华裔文学
16.Confucian Doctrine and Social Progress;儒家学说与社会进步——美国的“东方化”
17.Pound, An American Poet Assimilating Nutriments from Oriental Culture;受东方文化滋养的美国诗人——庞德
18.The Introduction and Analysis of PJM Power market;美国东部PJM电力市场运营方式论述

FANG Dong-mei方东美
1.Fang Dong-mei’s life aesthetics merged Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism with the life thoughts of Whitehai and Bergson.中国现代生命美学是中西方生命思想对话的产物,方东美的生命美学则融合了儒、释、道与怀特海和柏格森的生命思想。
3)Fang Dongmei's aesthetics方东美美学
4)eastern aesthetics东方美学
1.The expression pattern of original images in eastern aesthetics;东方美学原始意象的表现形态
2.Eastern aesthetics is the product of agricultural civilization and is full of worship and eulogy to nature and life;eastern aesthetics is always associated with natural images,which is expressed in the art field and specific aesthetic activities;eastern aesthetics place much stress on beauty of fluidity,feeling the meaning of natural life by means of poetic vision.东方美学是农业文明的产物,其始终贯通着生态意识,处处渗透着对自然生命的崇拜与赞美。
5)oriental aesthetics东方美学
1.Qiu Zihua is the pathbreaker of oriental aesthetics.邱紫华先生是东方美学的拓荒者。
2.The western aesthetic theory lacks compatibility and is far from being comprehensive, because it does not cover the highlights of oriental aesthetics, and nor can it clearly decipher oriental aesthetics.西方美学理论作为当今世界美学的“权力话语”或“主流思想”存在着明显的偏颇,它缺乏更大的容纳性和全面性,因为它没有吸纳东方美学的思想精华,也无法准确而明晰地解说东方美学思想。
6)Oriental Beauty东方美
