蒋孔阳,Jiang Kongyang
1)Jiang Kongyang蒋孔阳
1.The Source and the Features of Jiang Kongyang’s Creativity Aesthetics;蒋孔阳创造论美学思想的源泉和特征
2.Jiang Kongyang: Innovator of the Practice Aesthetics;蒋孔阳是实践美学的创新者——对章辉博士评论的反批评
3.Jiang Kongyang s Aesthetic Theory: An Aesthetics Returns to Aesthetic Phenomenology;蒋孔阳的美学——还原为审美现象的美学

1.The Source and the Features of Jiang Kongyang’s Creativity Aesthetics;蒋孔阳创造论美学思想的源泉和特征
2.Jiang Kongyang s Aesthetic Theory: An Aesthetics Returns to Aesthetic Phenomenology;蒋孔阳的美学——还原为审美现象的美学
3.Jiang Kongyang’s Theory of Art and its Cross-cultural Aesthetic Significance;蒋孔阳的艺术论及其跨文化美学意义
4.The Discussion and Rethinking on Jiang Kongyang s Thoughts of Literature and Art Aesthetics;蒋孔阳文艺美学思想评述及其当下之思
5.The Basic Features and the History Contribution of JIANG Kong-yang s Aesthetic Theory;蒋孔阳美学思想的基本特点及其历史功绩
6.Learning widely from All Strong Points Liks the Sea Admits All Rivers --Talk on Prof. Jiang Kongyang s Learning Character;海纳百川 博采众长——谈蒋孔阳先生的学术品格
7.Jiang Kongyang: Innovator of the Practice Aesthetics;蒋孔阳是实践美学的创新者——对章辉博士评论的反批评
8.On Aesthetic Perception: A Successful Attempt of Breaking the Epistemological Framework--A New Investigation on JIANG Kongyang s Aesthetic Thought;美感论:突破认识论框架的成功尝试——蒋孔阳美学思想新探
9.Aesthetic Theory: Seeking the Breakthrough in Essentialist Way of Thinking--A Third Exploration of Jiang Kong-yang s Aesthetic Ideology;美论:寻求对本质主义思路的突破——蒋孔阳美学思想新探之三
10.The Original View in Confused Voices --The Criticized Theoretical Contributions Made by Qian Gurong and Jiang Kongyang;众声喧哗中的独特见解——被批判的钱谷融、蒋孔阳的理论建树
11.The methodology of Jiang Kongyang's aesthetic human life can offer us the following points of enlightenment: unique way of thinking, earnest and decorous inner cultivation, and creative, truth seeking manner of studies.蒋孔阳美学人生的方法论启迪在于:独特的入思方式,厚重的内修之道和求真创新的治学风范。
12.Theory and Practice of Comparative Aesthetics --On Jiang Kongyang s Pioneering and Contributing to Aesthetic Research;比较美学的理论与实践——谈蒋孔阳先生对美学研究领域的开拓与贡献
13.In desperation, Chiang cabled an order to the60 th and7 th Kuomintang armies in Changchun to leave that city and join his other forces in the Mukden areas.蒋气急败坏,电令长春的国民党第六十军和第七军突围与沈阳地区的蒋军会合。
14.You should read Kant and Hegel and Confucius and Chiang Kai-shek, which are all negative stuff.康德和黑格尔的书,孔子和蒋介石的书,这些反面的东西,需要读一读。
15.Preparation and Influence Factors of Porous Aluminum Anodizing Film多孔铝阳极氧化膜的制备及膜孔的影响因素
16.Sandwich Type Distributed Sputtering Ion Pump with φb 6 mm Anode HolesΦ6毫米阳极孔层状分布式溅射离子泵
17.The technical squeezeing-spreading tray pile by power-driven Luoyang pipe;机动洛阳铲成孔挤扩支盘桩施工技术
18.Preparation Technology of Porous Anodic Aluminum Oxide Template多孔阳极氧化铝模板制备工艺的研究

JIANG Kong-yang蒋孔阳
1.The Basic Features and the History Contribution of JIANG Kong-yang s Aesthetic Theory;蒋孔阳美学思想的基本特点及其历史功绩
2.A Study on Jiang Kong-yang's Aesthetics on Life;蒋孔阳人生论美学思想研究
3.Jiang Kong-yang s Thoughts on "the Aesthetic Life";蒋孔阳“美的生活”思想探论
3)Jiang Kongyang's aesthetics蒋孔阳美学
4)Jiang Kong-yang's aesthetic ideology蒋孔阳美学思想
5)Jiang kong-yang's View on Aesthetic Education蒋孔阳论美育
6)Jiangji in Ningyang county宁阳蒋集
