方苞,Fang Bao
1)Fang Bao方苞
1."Brief-but-to-the-point" of Fang Bao s Prose;“虚言其大略”的方苞古文
2.Discussing the Doctrine of Yifa from the Differences and Similariteis between Li Fu and Fang Bao in Commenting Liu Zongyuan;唯其理之是 唯其辞之是——从李绂、方苞评点柳文的异同再论“义法说”

1.Brief-but-to-the-point" of Fang Bao s Prose and Its Cause;“虚言其大略”的方苞散文及其成因
2.FANG Bao's Selection,Comments and Influence on Summary on Ancient Prose方苞《古文约选》的编选、评点及其影响
3.Influence of "Yi-Fa" Theory by Fang Bao on Liu Dakui's "Shenqi" Theory方苞的“义法”说对刘大櫆“神气”说的影响
4.Academic Spirit of Tongcheng in the Cultural Transition about Three Hundreds Years --Taking Fang Bao, Zheng Guofan and Yan Fu as the Center;近三百年文化嬗变中的桐城学术精神——以方苞、曾国藩、严复为中心
5.Discussing the Doctrine of Yifa from the Differences and Similariteis between Li Fu and Fang Bao in Commenting Liu Zongyuan;唯其理之是 唯其辞之是——从李绂、方苞评点柳文的异同再论“义法说”
6.Is Fang Bao the Opposition to Han Studies--Notes for argumentation between Tongcheng school and Han-Song studies;方苞是“汉学”的对立面吗?——“桐城派与汉宋学之争”札记之一
7.A Discussion on the Biography of Qing Dynasty--On the Cases of Gu Yanwu, Fang Bao, Zeng Guofan, and Shen Fu;清代传记文学论——以顾炎武、方苞、曾国藩、沈复为个案
8.The Case of Nanshan Collection and the Psychological Progress of Qing Scholars;《南山集》案与清代士人的心路历程——以戴名世、方苞为例
9.1. The results were as follows:From the morphological characteristrics of the ear growth in maize: (1) The husk numbers of No. 139 were evidently more than that of the No.从玉米果穗发育形态特征方面:(1)139号苞叶层数明显多于对照1号。
10.Detection of Banana bract mosaic virus by real-time fluorescent RT-PCR实时荧光RT-PCR检测香蕉苞片花叶病毒方法的建立
11.pertaining to or resembling or functioning as a bract.关于、类似于苞叶,或具有苞叶的功能。
12.Operational Guidelines: School Official Cites Use of the key direction of movement of the ballots bond jumping and eat corn flower, netball clearance kick went when luminescence.操作指南:方向键移动,空格键跳跃,吃到苞米花,球门发光时就去投球过关。
13.In the early January, ovuliferous scale primordial were acropetally formed in the axils of the developing bracts.翌年1月初,在苞片原基的叶腋处,珠鳞原基发生,发生方向亦为向顶发育。
14.1 .In the end, we analysed the abnormal development causes of the husk and cob from the organic nutrition transportation respect.就上述结果从物质运输方面分析了139号苞叶与穗轴发育失调的原因。
15.The roses are in bud early this year.今年玫瑰花含苞早。
16.the blooming of spring flowers,春天的鲜花含苞待放;
17.calla having a rose-colored spathe.拥有粉红色苞的水芋。
18.In the daisy family the numerous bracts which subtend the inflorescence are known as an involucre.在菊科植物中,苞片数目多而聚生在花序外围,称为总苞。

1.On the relation ship between literature and Confucian orthodoxy,Fangbao paid attention to the Confucian orthodoxy,Liu Dakui emphasized the literature,and Yaonai claimed that literature and Confucian orthodoxy were a unit.桐城“三祖”的古文理论,就文、道关系的认识而言,方苞重在“道”,刘大櫆重在“文”,姚鼐文道合一。
2.The comment book on Records of Historians of Guiyouguang and Fangbao is a early version which study them simultaneously.王拯通过《归方评点史记合笔》,有系统地将归有光、方苞二人对《史记》的圈点、评论、注疏、考据等综合在一起,并提出自己对《史记》叙事手法、结构安排、艺术特色、语言表达等的研究心得,“以辅归方两先生所未尽言”。
3)Fɑng Bɑo方苞(1668~1749)
4)In Defense of Fang Bao s "Successful Candidate in the Imperial Examination方苞"进士"辩
5)subtending leaf苞
6)Fang Bao and Yan Yuan-Li Gong s School of Thought方苞与颜李学派
