审美范式,aesthetic paradigm
1)aesthetic paradigm审美范式
1.The network art has formed gradually its own aesthetic paradigm,which is the symbol aesthetics of virtual reality,interactive aesthetics online and pleasant aesthetics of the game world.网络艺术已日渐形成自己的后审美范式,即虚拟现实的符号审美、在线交互的活性审美和游戏世界的快乐审美。
2.As aspects of Taoist doctrines evolved into guidelines to govern the poetry creation and ways of the Taoist practice also were introduced,some poets written in the Tang Dynasty always reflected thoughts of Taoism and consequently came into being an aesthetic paradigm,which featured identical aesthetic psychology,taste and experience,and which displayed beauty in a s.诗人们普遍受道教影响,其审美心理、审美趣味、审美经验往往趋同,从而形成唐代道蕴诗的审美范式,并表现在惆怅美、静穆美、傲岸美、感伤美等层面。
3.Rousseau’s works embody the disintegration of classical aesthetics and the conversion of 19th-century aesthetic paradigm.在卢梭及其著作那里,我们不仅可以看到西方古典主义美学的解体迹象,更能够发现19世纪艺术审美范式的转换镜像。

1.Rousseau and the Conversion of 19~(th)-Century Aesthetic Paradigm;卢梭与19世纪西方审美范式的转换
2.The Conception of Classic、Romantic and Modern as an Aesthetic Paradigm作为审美范式的古典、浪漫与现代的概念
3.The Significance of the Tragic Paradigm for Chinese Literature in the 20th Century;论悲剧性审美范式对于20世纪中国文学的意义
4.Aesthetic norms are a generalization of beauties in a certain space-time. In the process of historical development, the aesthetic norms of national ecological beauty have been the beauty of interdependence, the beauty of rivalry and the beauty of symbiosis.在历史发展过程中 ,民族生态的审美范式依次形成为依生美、竞生美和共生美三大范式。
5.Under Ecology Esthetic Model the Innovational Ponder on Chinese Artistic Design Major Undergraduate s Esthetic Education Curriculum System;生态审美范式下我国艺术设计专业本科美育课程体系的创新思考
6.The Aesthetic Expression of Life and Fate in Fiction;小说:人生命运的美学表达——再谈路遥小说《人生》的审美范式
8.Boundless Love for Homeland-Humanities and Beauty Appreciation Approaches for LI Pei-fu s Novels;永远的乡土情结——李佩甫小说的人文情怀与审美范式
9.Construct Art World with New Taste Modes--On the Representing Methods of New Realistic Stories;用新的审美范式构建艺术世界——论新现实主义小说的表现方法
10.Visual and Audio Aesthetic Modes in Modern Chinese Literature;凝视与倾听——试论中国当代文学中的视听审美范式问题
11.Aesthetic Perspective of the Study of Literary Anthropology for a Century;百年文学人类学研究范式的审美视阈
12.Aesthetic and entertainment value from the perspective of artistic paradigm艺术范式视野中的审美娱乐价值探微
13.Metathought of the Writing Paradigm about the Contemporary Chinese Theory Aesthetics History;中国美学史著作审美理论写作范式研究
14.The Analyse on Pattern of Aesthetic Law-thinking;按照美的规律建造法——审美的法思维范式初探
15.A Text on the Use of Expressive Model of Color Image in the Consfraction of Poetic--the Expressive Models of Blue Image and Yellow Image;再论诗歌审美中色彩意象抒情范式——蓝色意象与黄色意象抒情范式
16.On the Paradigm Shift of Christian Aestheticism and Its Relationship to Western Modernity论基督教审美主义的范式转换及其现代性问题
17.On the Model Selection and Aesthetic Orientation of He Zhu s Poem;试论贺铸词创作过程中的范式选择与审美定位
18.Information Culture Trend and the Transformation of Contemporary Aesthetic Culture;信息文化潮流与当代审美文化的范式转换

aesthetic patterns审美范式
1.His longing for hometown in his poems are presented in several aesthetic patterns.戴复古诗歌中的乡关之思主要呈现为以下几种审美范式:对节感怀、遇物思归、寄情山水、直抒襟怀。
3)post-aesthetic model后审美范式
4)aesthetic appreciation-emotion's paradigm审美-情感范式
5)conventional aesthetics pattern传统审美范式
1.One of the important reasons leading the end is major writers shortcomings, lacking the base of thinking and the depth of spirit, misunderstanding the taste of conventional aesthetics pattern , abandoning the approach of text s form.但在短短几年内由发轫、高潮走向基本终结,探其原因,创作主体自身的缺陷——思想根基与精神深度的缺乏、对"审丑=反叛传统审美范式"的误解、对文本形式探索的放弃,导致了"先锋小说"的终结。
6)aesthetic category审美范畴
1.To a certain extent,the development of aesthetics is the extending of aesthetic category.一定意义上,美学的展开就是审美范畴的展开。
2.Where there is beauty,there is ugliness in literature,but ugliness certainly should be an important aesthetic category in art appreciation.在艺术创作中,有美就必然有丑,“丑”理所应当成为艺术鉴赏中的一个重要的审美范畴。
3.Da(meaning "big" literally) is an old and important aesthetic category in China,and the conception of "Da is beautiful" probably began to take shape when Chinese people changed their object of worship from nature to heroes.“大”,是中国古老而重要的审美范畴,以“大”为美当萌芽于自然崇拜转向英雄崇拜的过程中。

Boole函数的范式Boole函数的范式Boolean functions. normal forms of 致洲月e函数的范式!B。目e韶腼比佣5.normaifom.sot’;E抑e.‘Ix中扒。目“盛I.oPM旧日‘.I,Ie和p删] 表达Boole函数一类特殊公式.区别为析取范式 (disjunctive normal form)(见B喊e函数的极小化(Boolean functio。5 mlnimization of))与合取范式(conzunctive noroial form).如果乘积x了,·x考的所有变元都不同,则称为人级匆等令零(elem“ntary conjunc-t,on),其中,当。二l时,x“二x二当a:二0时,、“=〔二“l”被看作o级的初等合取·如果逻辑和一弓丫一丫戈气的所有变元都不同,就称为;级的初等析取(elemen-tary dlsjunctlon)“‘0”被看作0级的初等析取. 公式吸l\/丫涯r,其中及,,…以分别是;一,r;级的互异的初等合取,称为一个析取范式,数乙一,r称为它的享伞件(complex,ty,;公式戮’“琳其中黔l,…贱分别是尸1,一p级的互异的初等析取,称为一个合取范式,数工泊。称为它的复杂性(com-Plexity).每个不恒为零的Boole函数都可由一个析取范式来定义,一般说,这种范式不是唯一的对于不恒为零的Boole函数,同样也可用合取范式来定义. 从定义Boole函数f(、,一凡)的一个表出发,容易得到家布哲粤苹享(详r几ctd‘sjunctiVen‘,rmalfofm)以!丫…\厂或、,其中谈二一‘,一x哭’·‘,二二1 ,‘),同时忆一,氏。满足‘(认1.·…氏。)=1-表达一个Boole的数f的完满析取范式是唯的.完布仓零苹感(娜r全补“‘conjunct,Ve‘“orma}for“‘)‘“丁以类似地来定义. 对“儿乎所有的”Boole函数,山于一单位集的个数在2门’一石2”2与,{+护万2”’之间变动,故对J‘.儿乎所有的”Boole函数,完满析取范式的渐近复杂性是nZ”’.那些仅在点取零值的凡几‘Boole函数,其完满析取范式具有最弋的复杂性这个复杂性是。