文艺美学,literary aesthetics
1)literary aesthetics文艺美学
1.On the tendency of universal emotion in ancient Chinese literary aesthetics;中国古代文艺美学的泛情论倾向
2.The art research that blends into the aesthetics has more and more independent developmental trend,and is gradually forming a subject of literary aesthetics.随着美学研究的现代转向,艺术活动被视为人类审美化(诗意)的生存方式,更加突出了它的美学意义,“混合于”美学中的艺术研究越来越具有独立发展的趋势,遂形成文艺美学学科。
3.Although there had existed relation between literaturwissenchaft and aesthetics, yet before Kant, there had not been constructed the holistic knowledge system of literary aesthetics.康德之前,文艺学与美学虽有联系却未构成完整的文艺美学知识体系。

1.The Discipline Dividing Line between Aesthetics of Literature- Arts, Sociology of Literature- Arts and Psychology of Literature- Arts;文艺美学、文艺社会学、文艺心理学的学科分野
2.Thoughts on “Aesthetics of Art and Literature”省思“文艺美学”——从胡经之先生《文艺美学》谈开去
3.On Literary Aesthetical Views of "Contrast of Beauty and Ugliness" and "Taking Ugliness for Beauty";论“美丑对照”与“以丑为美”的文艺美学
4.New Contributions to the Study of Art and Literature:Hu Jing-zhi s Research on Literary Aethetics;文艺学的新开拓——胡经之的文艺美学研究
5.On the Art Beauty--The review of Zhanghan s Art Aesthetics;艺术美的整体考察——张涵文艺美学研究述评
6.From Literaturwissenchaft, Aesthetics to the Construction of Literary Aesthetics--On the Contribution of Kant to Modern Aesthetics;从文艺学、美学到文艺美学建构——论康德对近现代文艺美学的理论贡献
7.Research on Literary Aesthetic Idea in Liu Xie s Yin Xiu;《文心雕龙·隐秀》篇中的文艺美学思想
8.Impact of Western Criticism on the Birth of Modern Chinese Literary Theory;西方文论与现代中国文艺美学的发生
9.A PIONEER IN THE FIELD OF LITERATURE AND ART AESTHEICS --Analysis of the Research of Literature and Art Aesthetics by Hu Jingzhi;文艺美学园地的拓荒者——胡经之的文艺美学研究论析
10.Chinese Aesthetics of Art and Literature as a Modernity Event;作为现代性事件的中国文艺美学——谈文艺美学的现代发生与发展
11.Explorations of Literature and Art A esthetics Keeping in Pace with the Times---On the Development of HU Jing-zhi s Thought on Literatu re and Art Aesthetics;与时俱进的文艺美学探索——论胡经之文艺美学思想的发展
12.Humane Spirits in Chuang Tzu s Thought of Art and Literary Esthetics in View of Natural and Esthetic Perspectives;从自然审美观看庄子文艺美学思想的人文精神
13.Study on the Chinese Mainland Literary Theory and Aesthetics History in New Century;新世纪中国大陆文艺美学学术史研究
15.Transcendence and Integration: A Commentary on HU Jing zhi′s Studies of Aesthetics of Literature and Art超越与整合——评胡经之的文艺美学研究
16.AAAL (American Academy of Arts and Letters)美国艺术和文学学会
17.Art Department, Lu Xun Institute of Literaturs and Arts鲁迅艺术文学院美术系
18.Two "renaissances" and the rejuvenation of American literature;两次“文艺复兴”与美国文学的中兴

aesthetics of literature and art文艺美学
1.The Shaping of Aesthetics of Literature and Art and Its Characteristics;文艺美学学科的形成及其特点
2.Aesthetics of Literature and Art is an Intercontextual Discipline;文艺美学是一门“间性”学科
3.Research on Development of Aesthetics of Literature and Art as a Discipline in Mainland China (1971-2000);中国大陆文艺美学学科发展史实研究(1971-2000)
3)Literary and Artistic Aesthetics文艺美学
1.Significance and Aesthetic in Artistic Circumstances :Research in Literary and Artistic Aesthetics;艺术的情境之寓——文艺美学探微
2.Mao Zedong Thought of literary and artistic aesthetics is an important component of his thought of literature and art.毛泽东文艺美学思想是毛泽东文艺思想的重要组成部分。
4)literature aesthetics文艺美学
1.From the point of view of literature aesthetics,the ontology is Yi in Yun Yu Yang Qiu.《韵语阳秋》文艺美学“意”本体定位有两个立足点:一,文艺作品内蕴之“意”相对于诸形式因素的本体性;二,审美主体(“意”)相对于审美客体(“境”)的本体性。
2.Literature system under culture context has pioneer significance to literature aesthetics of Marxism and art criticism.对艺术背后文学制度的思考,对马克思主义文艺美学与文艺批评具有先锋性的意义。
3.The "literature aesthetics" is a Chinese-featured academic category with an extreme controversy in recent 30 years.“文艺美学”是近30年来颇具争议的有中国特色的学术范畴。
5)Literary and art aesthetics文艺美学
1.Literary and art aesthetics is the inexorable outcome of the development of traditional aesthetics.文艺美学是传统美学发展的必然产物。
2.Hu′s frame of literary and art aesthetics is enlivened with heartbeats of life.胡经之先生率先提出开拓和发展文艺美学的构想并率先实践 ,是80年代初中国文艺学研究中的重大事件。
6)Literature-esthetics concept文艺美学观

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