人格理想,personality ideal
1)personality ideal人格理想
1.Zhenren and Jiren separately embody two planes of Zhuangzi s personality ideal.《庄子》中的“真人”和“畸人”分别体现了庄子人格理想的两个层面。
2.We separate this thesis into four sections:In section one, we analyze the meaning of his personality ideal, the cause of it and Tang s contradictive feeling when i.本文从整体角度出发,以期通过分析汤显祖的人格理想与戏曲创作的关系,把握“临川四梦”中蕴含的深意及其价值。

1.Mencius Ideal of Moral Quality, Personal Fascination and its Significance in Modern Times;孟子的人格理想、人格魅力及其当代意义
2."Formation in Yue":the Highest Personal and Political Ideal of Confucianism“成于乐”是儒家最高的人格理想与政治理想
3.Ethical ideas in Gesaer and ideal personality of Gesaer;试论《格萨尔》中的伦理思想与格萨尔理想人格
4.The Construction of Confucian Ideal Personality and Comtemporary Moral Personality儒家的理想人格与当代道德人格建构
5.The Perfection of Ideal Personalities of the Confucians Prior to the Qin Dynasty and the Perfection of Contemporary Personalities;先秦儒家理想人格与现代人格的完善
6.The Personality Dimension of Editing Subject and Their Ideal Personality Traits编辑主体的人格维度及理想人格特征
7.Approaching Juangtzyy s idea of “perfect man”in view of Aesthetic Education;庄子“至人”理想人格的美育思想探微
8.From Ideal Personality to Realistic Personality--On Deng Xiaoping s Development of Mao Zedong s Thoughts about Personality Shaping;从理想人格到现实人格——邓小平对毛泽东人格塑造思想的发展
9.The Comparative Research on Ideal Personality of Maslow and Mencius孟子与马斯洛思想中理想人格的比较
10.The Comparative Research between Humanstic Healthy Personality and Confucian Ideal Personality人本主义健康人格和儒家理想人格的比较研究
11.Model of Harmonious Social Ideal personality--brief analysis of Zhou En-lai s harmonious personality;和谐社会理想人格的楷模——周恩来和谐人格简析
12.Double-personality:Ideal Personality Construction of Contemporary University Students;当代大学生人格建构的理想模式——双性化人格
13.A sage should be both human and intelligent--On Wang BiIdeal Personality情智兼得方为圣人——论王弼的理想人格
14.Man of Honor and Man of God--Ideal Personality in ZhouYI;君子与圣人——论《周易》的理想人格
15.Theoretical Construction of the Chinese Personality Assessment Scale;编制中国人人格量表(QZPS)的理论构想
16.Mongolian Life Ideal in "Jiang Ge Er;《江格尔》中蕴含的蒙古人民的人生理想
17.New Investigation of Nietzsche Ubermensch Theory;理想人格之丰碑——尼采的“超人”学说解析
18.Scholar-bureaucrats' Ideals in Shishuo Xinyu从《世说新语》看魏晋士人的理想人格

personal ideal人格理想
1.Gao Yuan-dong,the author probes into the creative background, the image attribution of the lotus and the meaning of custom of plucking lotus to prove that the month-scene of lotus pond is the catharsis of distressed pneuma and the quest of personal ideal and denies the issue that the works embodies the love-agitation for adoration to opposite sex from Zhu Zi-qing.针对高远东先生对《荷塘月色》的误读 ,拟从创作背景、“荷”的意象属性和采莲风俗内涵的探讨 ,来证明《荷塘月色》是朱自清苦闷灵魂的宣泄和人格理想的寻觅 ,从而否定其认为作品体现了朱自清“爱欲骚动”和对异性爱慕这一论
3)ideal of personality人格理想
1.The dominant value of the novel is to pay much attention to the essence of man,human nature,the ideal of personality and man s mission of self-atonement.《古船》的主导价值显示为对人的本质、人性、人格理想以及人类自我救赎使命问题的密切关注。
4)ideal personality人格理想
1.The scholars in Wei and Jin Dynasty valued the beauty of natural scenery, and therefore made up for the weakness of ideal personality viewpoint hold since the Qin Dynasty by Taoist school.本文以为,道家自然人格理想和儒家伦理道德人格理想相对而立。
2.The ideal personality that Qu Yuan pursued is composed of two parts: "inner beauty" and "refinery of ability".屈原追求的人格理想是由两部分组成的 ,一是“内美”,二是“修能”。
5)personality ideals人格理想
1.Considering Jin Yong s different stresses on personality ideals, his novels undergoes three stages: collective standard heroes, individual standard heroes and counter-heroes.金庸小说创作根据人格理想侧重点的不同可分群体本位英雄、个体本位英雄、反英雄三个阶段。
6)ideal personality理想人格
1.On the essential socialist ideal personality in China;我国社会主义理想人格论要
2.On the defects of ideal personality of the Confucian school and their transition in modern times;略论儒家理想人格的缺失及其近代转换
