个体存在,individual existence
1)individual existence个体存在
1.The novels by YUE Xin aim to explore the way of individual existence of Shanghai people, which has its peculiar characteristics among the mainstream themes of “saving the nation from extinction”.越薪的小说旨在探索“抗战”时期上海人的个体存在方式,在当时“救亡图存”的宏大主题中显得独特而自我。

1.The Existential Angst of the Individual and the Cultural Anxiety of the Nation --Bai Xianyong′s Novels and Existentialism;个体存在焦虑与民族文化忧患——兼论白先勇与存在主义的关系
2.Subjectivity is the core of personality, and the subjectivity on the individual person means the difference exists.个性的存在体现着差异性的存在,但差异性的存在并不一定能体现人的个性的存在。
3.the two units are functionally interdependent.这两个个体在机能上是相互依存的。
4.Being as My Body-Farewell to "Soul" Without Body;存在:作为一个身体—告别无身体的“灵魂”
5.An unobjective being is a nullity- an un-being.一个无法客体化的存在是空无,也就是不存在。
6.The second "proof" of God's existence is usually called the ontological argument.上帝存在的第二个“证明”通常称为本体存在论。
7.The Existence and the Non-existence of Global Solutions of a Free Boundary Problem;一个自由边界问题整体解的存在性和不存在性
8.Incorporation distinguishes the finances of the business owners from those of the business they own.公司在财务上与个体经济存在差异。
9.Your DNA is in every part of your body.你的dna存在于身体的各个部分。
10.Several copies of specific chromosome are present.特殊染色体存在着几个拷贝。
11.Global Existence of Solutions to a Hyperbolic-Parabolic System;一个双曲—抛物系统的解的整体存在性
12.The Exisence of Global Weak Solution On a Reaction Diffusion Equation;一个反应扩散方程整体弱解的存在性
13.It is issue of Existentialism to anatomize ?individual\|consciousness? on loner's existence.存在主义以解读孤独个体生存的"个人意识"为主题。
14.Individual s Existence Under Eternal Happiness--Kierkegaard s point of subjective existence;个体在永福之下的生存——浅谈克尔凯郭尔的主体生存观
15.Suppose a being which is neither an object itself, nor has an object.假设有一个存在,本身既不是客体,也没有客体。
16.In the original community, the public ownership existed in the form of both“ commonly-possessed” and“ individual-possessed”.在原始共同体中,公有制以“共同占有”和“个人占有”并存的方式存在。
17.the existence of two or more forms of individuals within the same species (independent of sex differences).在一个种类中两个或更多形态个体的存在(独立于性别的不同)。
18.the distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity.一个持续存在的实体所具有的独特的属性。

the existential individual存在个体
3)the existence of individual个人存在
4)the individual existence and freedom个体存在与自由性
5)this Being这一个存在
6)individual survival个体生存
1.This dissertation concerns the current most discussed individual survival, and studies underlying forces, premise, characteristics and purpose of Marx’s individual survival concept from the particular standpoint of ethics.个体生存面临着严峻的挑战,陷入了在短期内无法摆脱和克服的困境。
2.In both cases,individual survival is acknowledged and moral values are highly praised and the humanistic concern for a harmonious society is expressed.先秦儒家的代表孔子、孟子和荀子在"百家争鸣"的过程中,通过对义利关系的阐述提出了他们的伦理型财富观,从个人的角度提出重义轻利,取之有义;从统治阶级的角度提出义以生利,先义后利,以义制利,见利思义,表达了他们对于个体生存的重视和个人价值的理性思考和推崇,以及寻求社会和谐的人文主义关怀。

存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)existentialist ethics  cu陀012加yilun淞Ue存在主义伦理学(existeotialist ethics)见存在主丸