审美关系,Aesthetic relationship
1)Aesthetic relationship审美关系
1.The aesthetic relationship of music,the same as value relationship,exists in the harmony and combination of aesthetic subject and object.音乐审美关系与价值关系一样,存在于审美主客体的协调、融合之中,因此,审美主客体之间的协调、融合是构建音乐艺术审美关系的基础。
2.One of the important resources of advertisement design comes from Chinese ancient thoughts in philosophy and aesthetics whose dialectic aesthetic relationships are indicated in advertisements——the normal and the astonishing, the simple and the complex, the refined and the vulgar, the frank and the obscure: the normal, conforming with people’s thinking; the astonishing, exceeding all expectations.中国古代的哲学思想和美学思想是当代广告创作的重要源泉,正与奇、简与繁、雅与俗、直与曲等辩正审美关系在广告中有着突出的表现。

1.Dynamic Participation,Two Time Esthetic and Tertiary in Esthetic Relationship--On three peculiarities in the tourism esthetic place;动态参与·二度审美·审美关系第三者——简议旅游审美场三特点
2.Discussion on the Witchcraft's Significance for Constructing Aesthetic Relations and Aesthetic Psychology论巫术对审美关系和审美心理建构的意义
3.Research of the Aesthetic Relationship of Music Art--An Aesthetic Look into the Musical View in Huai Nan Zi;音乐艺术审美关系初探——兼论《淮南子》中的音乐审美观念
4.An Analysis of the Relationship between the Imagery of Water and Aesthetic Appreciation for Female in Chinese Culture;中国文化中水意象与女性审美关系之探微
5.From Natural Aesthetics to Ecological Aesthesis:the Identification of the Relationship从自然审美到生态审美:关系的确证
6.The Relation Of Aesthetic Quality, Aesthetic Spirit and Modern Society;审美素质、美学精神与现代社会的关系
7.Relationships Among Art Creation Aesthetics and Education论艺术创造及审美与艺术教育之关系
8.Husserl s Phenomenology and the Problem of the Relation between Aesthetic Subject and Object;胡塞尔现象学与审美主客体关系问题
9.The Aesthetic Concept of Fu Shan’s Calligraphy;从书——道关系看傅山的书法审美理念
10.Relationship between the Historical Development and Aesthetic Activities of the Human Being;人的历史发展与人的审美活动的关系
11.Construction on the Aesthetic Teacher-student Relation under the Post-modern Horizon后现代视野下审美型师生关系之建构
12.Looking for the Beauty s Charm Aesthetic Culture Investigation of the Relations Between Poem and Music;寻找“美人”神韵——诗歌与音乐关系的审美文化考察
13.Beauty Is an Inevitable Compound Deformation of the Relationship between Subject and Object;美是审美主客体关系的必然合成变形物
14.An Relative Study of Aesthetic Cognition and Aesthetic Experience s Impact on University Student s Multiple Happiness;审美认知、审美体验与大学生综合幸福感的关系研究
15.A Dialectic View of the Relationship between Aesthetic Object and Subject in Classical Chinese Poetry Translation;论中国古典诗歌翻译中审美主体与审美客体的辩证关系
16.The Design and Aesthetic,The Research Based on the Relationship of Product Appearance Design and the Public Aesthetic Taste设计与审美——基于产品外观设计与大众审美情趣关系的研究
17.Systematic Appreciation of Beautiful and the Teaching of Art Subject;系统审美和美术学专业教学——关于美术专业的课程研究
18."Harmony of Aesthetic Taste and Beauties’Beauty":an Aesthetic Basis for the Realization of Harmonious Interpersonal Relationship Between University Students“美美与共”是实现大学生人际关系和谐的审美要求

aesthetic relation审美关系
1.From the very beginning, he distinguishes aesthetics from the theory of art, and determines the object of aesthetics is the aesthetic relation.蒋孔阳有一个较高的逻辑起点,一开始就将美学与艺术学做了区别,确认美学的对象是审美关系
2.The aesthetic relation of human treating reality that starts from practical materialism and practice concept is the central research object.从实践唯物主义及其实践概念出发的人对现实的审美关系,是实践美学的中心研究对象。
3.The essence of the artistic language is an aesthetic relation between the language and a thing.语言是一种精神创造活动,语言艺术化表质是语言与现实之间的一种审美关系,审美关系包含三个环节:感物得意。
3)Aesthetic relations审美关系
4)the aesthetic relationship between teachers and students审美型师生关系
5)the aesthetic disinterestedness审美无利害关系
6)aestheticized relationship between teacher and student审美化师生关系

经济关系(见生产关系)经济关系(见生产关系)economical relation  1 ingji gU口nxj经济关系(eeonomieal relation)系。见生产关