审美批评,Aesthetic Criticism
1)Aesthetic Criticism审美批评
1.His aesthetic criticism was connected with Chu Culture and his aesthetic concepti.沈从文认为,诗歌艺术的关键在于"文字技术"与"形式韵律",文体成为其审美批评的测度。
2.Secondly, cultural criticism has always been a part of literary criticism, for the opposite of cultural criticism is not literary criticism, but aesthetic criticism.文化批评是文学批评的内部成员,它与审美批评具有不同的研究方法和研究旨趣。

1.Guardian of Beauty-Discussion of Shen Congwen s Aesthetic Criticism;美的守护者——沈从文审美批评论略
2.Aesthetic Criticism:Original Form of the New Age Feminist Literary Criticism;审美批评:新时期女性主义文学批评的原初形态
3.Estheticall Compatibility with Utility:Li Changzhi s Esthetic Criticism View;审美对功利的兼容——李长之的审美批评
4.A Study of Xu Yuanchong s Translation Theory and Practice: A Perspective of Aesthetic Translation Criticism;许渊冲翻译研究:翻译审美批评视角
5.Interpretations to the Meaning of Cinema Aesthetics--On Aesthetic Critique of Film;电影美学意义的阐释——试论电影的审美批评
6.The Value and Function of Art Metaphor in the Aesthetic Criticism--LI Jian-wu in Literary Criticism as An Example艺术隐喻在审美批评中的价值与作用——以李健吾的文学批评为例
7.From Aesthetic to Social Criticism: A Study on John Ruskin s Critical Ideas;从审美到社会批评——罗斯金批评思想探论
8.Criticism of the Aesthetic Taste--Aesthetic Pleasure Steps toward Lofty Medium;审美趣味批评——审美愉悦走向崇高的中介
9.introspection on the criticism of Thema ss culture at an aesthetic angle审美主义视角下大众文化批评的反思
10.Cultural Aesthetic World Constructed by Publication, Authors & Criticism;刊物、作家、批评构筑的文化审美世界
11.Making Ecological Discourse Aesthetic:the Poetic Sentiment Dimension of the Eco-criticism;生态话语审美化:生态批评的诗意之维
12.The Two Wings of the Modernity Criticism: Rationalism Criticism and Aesthetics Salvation;现代性批评的两翼:理性批判与审美救赎
13.Thinking,Appreciation and Criticizing--A Review of "Night Rain in Chang an" by Xing Xiaoli;思辨·审美·批评精神——评邢小利文艺论集《长安夜雨》
14.On Moral Nature of Literary Criticism;文学批评的审美功能和社会政治功能评析
15.The Aesthetic Transcendence of Ideological Theory --A Criticism on Neo·ideological criticism;意识形态理论上的审美超越——对新意识形态批评的批评
16.On the Value Adoption of Aesthetic Realization of China s Literacy Criticisim in the 20th Century;中国20世纪文学理论批评审美感悟价值取向论
17.On The Theory of Aesthetic Principles of Political Teaching in Ancient Chinese Literary Criticism;中国古代文学批评中的政教审美原则论
18.The essential features of poetic flavour and criticism with aesthetic purpose by distinguishing between poetic flavours;诗味的本质特征及辨味批评的审美目的

aesthetic critique审美批评
1.This thesis analyses the characteristics of Mao Dun s aesthetic critiques in his literary criticism.本文在分析茅盾文学批评的审美批评特征的基础上,探讨其审美批评所受到的限制,以及这种限制所以产生的原因。
3)criticism aesthetic standards批评审美标准
4)aesthetic impression criticism审美印象批评
1.In the end, a clarification is made in the perspective of critical style into the causes for the great fame of modern aesthetic impression criticism through its goo.审美印象批评是中国现代文学批评园地中一道小巧而亮丽的风景。
5)conscious aesthetic criticism自觉的审美批评
1.Based on the case studies of the Beiping School critics, such as Shen Congwen(沈从文), Zhu Guangqian(朱光潜), Li Jianwu(李健吾), Liang Zongdai(梁宗岱) and Li Changzhi(李长之), we make an emphatic enquiry into their achievement in critical theory and practice when they approach toward a conscious aesthetic criticism.但是对于京派批评的研究至今仍然不够充分,本论文将回顾京派及京派批评的产生与发展的历史概况与历史境遇,并对沈从文、朱光潜、李健吾、梁宗岱、李长之等具有代表性的京派批评家进行个案研究,在此基础上重点考察京派批评在走向自觉的审美批评的道路上所进行的批评的理论建设及其实践成就。
6)aesthetic translation criticism翻译审美批评

批评与自我批评  中国共产党在长期革命斗争中形成的优良作风之一,也是社会主义学校德育方法之一。它在形成健全的集体舆论,树立良好校风,提高学生觉悟和帮助学生改正缺点错误方面都有重要作用。    批评是指教师对学生或学生对同学的不恰当的思想言行给予否定的评价,唤起他们的警觉,去努力改正自己的错误和缺点。为了使批评能够收到良好的效果,批评者要弄清被批评者错误的事实及其来龙去脉,进行符合实际的恰如其分的批评;要有耐心,允许被批评者申辩,并通过摆事实、讲道理帮助他们认识错误,指出改正的办法,启发他们自觉改正。与此同时,要充分估计被批评者可能作出的反应,设法防止其反应的消极方面,或做好准备,使其及时消除。要从团结的愿望出发,尊重学生的人格,鼓励学生自我改正的信心。批评要取得学生集体的支持,以加强批评教育的作用。要教育学生正确对待批评,不讳疾忌医,不因受到批评而失去上进的信心。    自我批评是指在自我认识、自我评价的基础上,对自己不恰当的思想言行进行批评,督促自己改正错误和缺点。自我批评是自我教育的重要方式。要帮助学生充分理解共产主义思想品德的要求,使他们明了自我认识和自我评价的准绳。人们的自我认识和自我评价的能力,常常落后于认识和评价他人的能力,要教育学生对自己高标准、严要求,经常反省和深刻剖析自己的思想言行。要教育和鼓励学生根据社会主义社会和学校生活的准则,诚恳地检讨自己的思想言行,争取老师、同学对自己更多的帮助。