先锋文学,vanguard literature
1)vanguard literature先锋文学
1.As a literary phenomenon,"vanguard literature" has early disappeared,which had caused a sensation on the literary circle in the mid-1980s.作为一个文学现象,曾经在20世纪80年代中期的文坛上轰动一时的"先锋文学"早已烟消云散。
2.This article puts great emphasis on discussing the relationship between humanism and vanguard literature: how literature s purchasing humanism influenced vanguard indirectly;how humanism s highlighting was presented with reversion in the vanguard literature and lost the balance, so to get a kind of clear expression.人道主义及其相关问题的探求对先锋文学的出现起了不可置换的诱导和催生作用。

1.Avant-garde Literature and Its Support Net --A Study on the Research Methodology of Chinese Contemporary Avant-garde Literature;先锋文学先锋文学的支持网络——关于中国当代先锋文学研究方法论的思考
2.Vanguard Literature,Local Culture and My Creative Novel-writing;先锋文学、地域文化与我的小说创作
3.On the Aesthetic Viewpoints of Franz Kafka s Chinese Pioneering Literature;论中国先锋文学对卡夫卡的审美观照
4.A Discussion of A needs Analysis Necessary for an Effective Business-oriented English;法国“新小说”与中国当代先锋文学
5.The ideas of absurdity and death in Chinese avant-garde literature;中国先锋文学的荒诞意识和死亡意识
6.The Influence of Existentialism on Chinese Contemporary Van-literature;存在主义对中国当代先锋文学的影响
7.The Two Kinds of Avant-garde Deserves Commendation--About the End and the Type-change of the Avant-garde Literature;两种“先锋”都值得肯定——也谈先锋文学的终结与转型
8.Chinese avant-garde literature rquests and anxiety in modernity at the end of 20th century;20世纪末中国先锋文学的现代性诉求与焦虑
9.Dialectical development of literature and culture--An outline on the modernity of Contemporary Chinese Avant-garde Literature;文学与文化的交相辩证发展——中国当代先锋文学现代性研究论纲
10.Two Kinds of Modern Lunatic Imagination:Reading Again the Lunatic Pedigree of "the Seeking Origin Literature" and"the Vanguard Literature";现代性的两种“疯癫”想象——重读“寻根文学”与“先锋文学”中的“疯人”谱系
11.Amos Tutuola, Pioneer of Nigerian English Literature;图图奥拉——尼日利亚英语文学的先锋
12.The Enlightenment to China Vanguard Novel Gained FromLatin America Contemporary Literature;拉美当代文学对中国先锋小说的启示
13."Avant-garde" Reassessed: Subversion of "Existence"--A Comparative Study of Existentialism Literature and Chinese Avant-garde Novel;再估“先锋”:对“存在”的颠覆——存在主义文学与中国先锋小说比较研究
14.The Neo-realism and the Avant-garde Pop Literature in the American Literary Movement;美国文学运动中的“新现实主义”和“先锋派俗文艺”
15.Andy Canvin is a pioneer on the strange frontier of DNA genealogy.安迪-卡文是DNA谱系学奇异前沿的先锋人物。
16.Shanghai Style Literature and Modern Media: Pioneer Magazines, Pop Pictorials and Petty Papers;海派文学与现代媒体:先锋杂志、通俗画刊及小报
17.The Avant-garde Quality of Chinese Fiminine Literature in the 1980-90s;二十世纪八、九十年代女性文学的先锋品质
18.Enumeration of Native and Foreign Literature:litera ture situation of vanguard school and new realism;“土”“洋”并举 :“先锋派”与“新写实派”的文学景观

pioneering literature先锋文学
1.Spiritual flow variation of Pioneering Literature in Present Age of China;论中国当代先锋文学的精神流变
2.The paper attempts to make a new analysis on the spirit of the pioneering literature and its impact on current literature creation, holding that with the help of renovation of the form, pioneering literature displays the ideal literature spirit.试图对先锋文学的文学精神和对当下文学创作的影响给出新的解析,认为先锋文学借助形式的革新将理想的文学精神呈现出来,既包括了对传统文化的内省和领悟,又拓展了中国文学的现代性内涵,并将二者融于一炉;不管先锋文学的形式革命多么强烈,都难以掩盖其应有的文学精神的指向,虽然先锋作家作为创作群体已经消失,但先锋文学的实验和探索在新生代那里得到了传承,丰富了当代文学的文学精神。
3.Pioneering Literature and Koot Literature——An Analysis of Contemporary Literary Works;本文以《你别无选择》和《小鲍庄》为重点 ,兼及同类其他作品 ,分析了2 0世纪 80年代中期的先锋文学和寻根文学的思想和艺术特色 ,论述这两种文学在新时期的文学改革中的历史地位。
3)Avant-garde literature先锋文学
1.Chinese avant-garde literature rquests and anxiety in modernity at the end of 20th century;20世纪末中国先锋文学的现代性诉求与焦虑
2.The ideas of absurdity and death in Chinese avant-garde literature;中国先锋文学的荒诞意识和死亡意识
3.By reviewing the post modernit y characteristics of the avant-garde literature, we can understand its special art pursuit and the position in the literary history.通过反思其后现代性特征,可以看到先锋文学独特的艺术追求和它所具有的文学史地位。
4)On the Theory of "Post-pioneer Literature""后先锋文学"论
5)Vanguard of Literature and Arts《文艺先锋》
1.Vanguard of Literature and Arts (1942-1948) and the Movement of Literature and Arts in the Area Controlled by the Kuomintang;《文艺先锋》(1942-1948)与国统区文艺运动
6)pioneer text先锋文本

缅甸文学宫文学奖  缅甸独立以来唯一的全国性文学奖。缅甸文学宫(亦称缅甸翻译协会)从1949年开始,举办文学作品评奖活动,每年评选出前一年出版的各类书籍的获奖者,给予一定的奖金。最初只评选长篇小说一种,后逐渐增加评奖项目。1962年改称为"艺术文学奖"。1964年又改名为"缅甸民族文学奖"。现设长篇小说、短篇小说、儿童文学等11项。为鼓励和培养青年作家的写作,1969年另设"文学宫稿件奖"。青年作家未出版的稿件均可申报参加评选。对得奖的稿件,除授予奖金外,并负责出版。