当代美学,contemporary aesthetics
1)contemporary aesthetics当代美学
1.Reading Contemporary Aesthetics, and Pondering over the Application of "Artistic Conception";读当代美学 考“意境”之体量
2.Overcoming its rationalism and enhancing its un-rationalism is a necessary link in the establishment of contemporary aesthetics.扬弃其理性主义,发扬其非理性主义,是当代美学建设的一个必要环节。
3.Under the special confused social psychological background at the turning of society, contemporary aesthetics is unavoidably in a awkward situation which shows in the following aspects: commercialization and formalization and which missed its traditional meaning and value.在社会转型时期所特有的困顿迷茫的社会心理背景下,当代美学也不可避免地陷入了极其尴尬的存在状况中,表现为当下化、商业化和形式化,丧失了其传统的意义和价值。

1.Practical Aesthetics: Inevitable Choice of Current Aesthetic Studies;实用美学:当代美学求索的必然选择
2.On the Plight of Western Classical Aesthetics and the Construction of Contemporary Chinese Aesthetics;西方古代美学困境与中国当代美学的建构
3.On the Relationship between the Western Esthetic History and the Knowledge Construction of the Contemporary Chinese Esthetics;《西方美学史》与中国当代美学的知识建构
4.New Development of Contemporary Aesthetics--Reflections on Xu Dai s New Concept of Aesthetics;当代美学建设的新进展——读徐岱《美学新概念》
5.Aesthetics,Where Shall We Go?--Deeply Reflection on Chinese Contemporary Aesthetics美学,将路归何方?——关于中国当代美学的深层反思
6.Postmodernism and Contemporary Aesthetics and Psychology in the West当代西方美学、心理学与后现代建筑派
7.Life-Aesthetics and Construction of Chinese Contemporary Aesthetics Culture;生命美学与中国当代审美文化的建构
8.The Intellect Beauty of Jin-Dynasty and Contemporary Aesthetic Education晋人的美和当代美育——现象学视域内晋人之美的当代价值
9.A New View of Current Aesthetic Education-A Study on Aesthetic Education of Subject-Teaching in Middle School;当代美育新视野—中学学科教学美育探讨
10.Aesthetics of Time: Temporal Rhetoric and Aesthetic Evolution of Contemporary Literature;时间的美学——论时间修辞与当代文学的美学演变
11.On Contemporary Chinese Americnan Literature--An Emerging Literature;冒现的文学——当代美国华裔文学述论
12.I was then the military representative at the Central Academy of Fine Arts.我当时是接管中央美术学院的军代表。
13.The New Extension of Contemporary Western Architectural Aesthetics in High-Tech Age;高科技下当代西方建筑美学的新拓展
14.Comparing Moral Education Practice between Sino-US Universities and Drawing Lessons;当代中美大学德育实践的比较与借鉴
15.Self, Nature, and the Contemporary Native American Autobiography;自我,自然及当代北美印第安自传文学
16.A Review of the Debates on Principle in Contemporary American Bioethics;当代美国生命伦理学中原则之争述评
17.The Image of the United States in Hong Kong s Feminist Writing;当代香港女性主义文学中的美国形象
18.On the Marxist Aesthetic Ideas and Its Evolution in Modern China;论马克思主义美学在我国当代的演变

Modern communication aesthetics当代传播美学
3)modern art teaching当代美术教学
4)Chinese Contemporary Aesthetics中国当代美学
1.Since the 1990s, Chinese contemporary aesthetics enters into a new historical period and takes place aesthetic transformation, but it also faces the predicaments to develop further at the same time.20世纪90年代以来,中国当代美学进入了一个新的历史发展时期,开启了美学研究的转型,但同时也面临着进一步发展的困境。
5)America modern literature美国当代文学
6)contemporary vocal music esthetics当代声乐美学
1.The contemporary vocal music esthetics should belong to the traditional esthetics category.当代声乐美学应属传统美学研究的范畴。

《当代西方电影的美学思想》  中国电影理论专著。李幼蒸著。中国社会科学出版社1986年出版。全书分《绪论》、《电影语言》、《电影表现与现实》、《电影"作者"、作品与观众的结构分析》、《反传统电影潮流》和《先锋派电影的实践与理论》 6章21节;介绍了当代西方电影美学研究的重要发展和面临的基本问题;论述了60~70年代西方主要电影美学理论,特别是结构主义和符号学电影理论的基本概念和观点,还涉及电影中的科学研究、哲理表达等问题。