性意识,Sexual consciousness
1)Sexual consciousness性意识
1.Sexual consciousness reflects human deep lust which is the ultimate impetus to promote the social development.性意识是一种人类深层的欲望表现,是推动社会向前发展的最终动力。
2.Most dirty words have clear sexual consciousness orientation,people\'s especially women\'s sex organs or sexual behaviors being directly used as the target.大部分脏话具有浓厚的性意识指向,直接以男女性器官或性行为为对象,尤以女性为甚。

1.The Male Awareness Behind the Female Awareness in "the Destiny of Rebirth";《再生缘》女性意识背后的男性意识
2.Xiao Hong and San Mao: An Interpretation of Their “Women Awareness” and“Freedom Awareness”;萧红与三毛“女性意识”与“自由意识”解读
3.Life consciousness, gender consciousness, self-examination consciousness and aesthetic consciousness are all forms of expression of feminine consciousness at the present stage.生命意识、性别意识、自审意识和审美意识是现阶段女性意识的表现形态。
4.Independence of Gender Consciousness and Awareness of Female Subjectivity Consciousness;性别意识的独立与女性主体性意识的觉悟
5.Change of Women’s Consciousness and Sense of Lone in Ding Ling’s Modern Works;丁玲现代创作中女性意识与孤独意识的嬗变
6.XIAO Hong s Female Feeling in Her Consciousness and Her Works;萧红的生命意识与其作品中的女性意识
7.On Growth and Decline of Feminine Consciousness and Political Consciousness in Ding Ling's Works丁玲创作中女性意识与政治意识的消长
8.Reflection on Illegality Consciousness--On the Relationship Between Illegality Consciousness and Crime Intention;对违法性意识的反思——试论违法性意识与犯罪故意的关系
9.Jack · London, a Writer Who Praises Brutal Consciousness; Initial Study of the Brutal Consciousness and Its Social Significance in The Sea Wolf;兽性意识的张扬者——杰克·伦敦——初探《海狼》中的兽性意识及其社会意义
10.The Women Consciousness in Women s Writting;女性文学之女性意识——《长恨歌》、《上海女性》女性生命意识解读
11.unconscious intentionality无意识意向性 潜意识意向性
12.On the Compatibility of Implicit Learning Between Consciousness and Unconsciousness;试析内隐学习的意识-无意识兼容性
13.Consciousness Escape--The Nature of Unconsciousness Utopia意识的逃避——论无意识的乌托邦性质
14.the mental representation of sexual activities.性交活动的意识图象。
15.Historical Recognition: Subject Consciousness and Subjective Creativity;历史认识:主体意识和主体的创造性
16.An Experimental Study of Conscious and Unconscious Memory: On Word Concreteness Effect;意识、无意识记忆中词汇具体性效应的实验研究
17.The Discussing on the Scientification of Ideology and the Scientific Ideology;论意识形态的科学性和科学化的意识形态
18.Object consciousness, self-consciousness and its objectivity: a rethinking;对象意识与自我意识及其客观性:一个再思考

intentional consciousness意向性意识
1.Phenomenology is a kind of methodology pointing to the fact itself;the fact itself actually refers to the individual intentional consciousness.现象学是一种朝向实事本身的方法,实事本身即是指个体的意向性意识,这一现象学基本原理昭示了现象学关注生活实事、关注个体独特体验生成的人文精神与气质。
3)recollection unconsciousness意识性无意识
4)Maternal consciousness母性意识
1.Female writer Tie Ning has portrayed the mother image of various forms in her novels,and expressed intense summon to the natural maternal mood,highlighting uniquely,sincere and profound maternal consciousness in the contemporary feminine literature.女作家铁凝在小说中塑造了形形色色的母亲形象,表达了对自然母性情怀的强烈呼唤,在当代女性文学中凸显了独特、厚重、深刻的母性意识的特质。
2.The article discussed the necessary relation between female painters and maternal material creations,and then analyzes the aesthetics intension of maternal consciousness.文章论述了女性画家与母性题材艺术创作之间的必然性,并对母性意识的美学内涵进行分析,从而探究女画家的母性意识在母性题材作品中所起的作用,女性的母性意识使母性题材艺术创作散发出独有的魅力。
5)feminist consciousness女性意识
1.The faint scent feather up to goblet——Elaboration on the feminist consciousness in Zhu shuzhen s wine poem;且得清香寄酒杯——论朱淑真饮酒诗词中的女性意识
2.An analysis of feminist consciousness in Shu Ting s poetry;试析舒婷诗歌的女性意识
6)feminine consciousness女性意识
1.Appeal,resist,sacrifice——the development of "feminine consciousness"in the contempor ary novels from the late 1980s;呐喊·对视·献祭——论80年代后期当代小说女性意识的流变
2.Miss Charlotte Lucas and Jane Austin s Feminine Consciousness;卢卡斯小姐和奥斯丁的女性意识
3.The Harmony between Feminine Consciousness and Masculine Voice in Austen s Pride and Prejudice;奥斯丁《傲慢与偏见》中女性意识和男性声音的和谐

性意识性意识sex consicousness  性差别、性身份、性别角色和性冲动在心理觉察层次上的反映。性意识的形成和发展与性心理发育密切相关。个体最早的性意识产生于两岁前后婴幼儿对父母性别角色差别的认知。随后通过父母的教养行为和语言,在3岁形成自己是男性还是女性,即性身份的意识。同时通过排尿,洗澡等活动时对自己和异性儿童外生殖器的观察,意识到不同性别儿童性器官的差异,从而对自己性别的生物特性进行认识,这种性身份意识对性心理的正常发育是重要的。性意识对性行为有重要指导作用。