非日常生活,non-daily life
1)non-daily life非日常生活
1.Professor Yi Junqing proposes the critical theory of daily life,which draws a distinction between daily life and non-daily life,between daily and non-daily thinking,thus providing a new perspective for cultural and philosophical studies.衣俊卿提出日常生活批判理论,区分日常生活和非日常生活、日常思维和非日常思维,为文化哲学研究提供了新的视角,对于深化人文社会科学研究、说明当今世界文化危机具有积极意义,对于我们的文化哲学和精神文明建设具有重要启示意义。
2.Culture is the comparatively steady way of life formed in the connection between daily life and non-daily life.文化是在日常生活与非日常生活的相互关联中凝结而成的人的相对稳定的生存方式。

1.Moral Education: the Mutual Space between Everyday Life - World and Non - everyday Life - World;道德教育:在日常生活与非日常生活之间
2.The inside part is made in the glass foundry, a special bottle with very thin walls, much too fragile for everyday use.内部的这个瓶子用非常薄的玻璃制成,由于太薄不易用于日常生活。
3.Hong Kong and France have a very close relationship.香港与法国的关系非常密切,这点从香港人的日常生活可见一斑。
4.coefficient of daily necessities日常生活必需品系数
5.Thanks ever so much for the lovely birthday present.非常非常谢谢您这漂亮的生日礼物。
6.He has a philosophic approach to life.他对待生活非常达观。
7.led a very bad life.过着非常不道德的生活。
8.My grandmother lived very simply.我祖母生活非常简朴。
9.The presentation of the net amount of any gain or loss brought about by any non-routine activity less the expenses is not an offset.非日常活动产生的损益,以收入扣减费用后的净额列示,不属于抵销。
10.Aestheticism and Life-Rethinking on the Aestheticalization of Daily Life;审美与生活——日常生活审美化再思考
11.The Way of Returning to the Real Life--The Research on the Critical Theory of Everyday Life回归生活之路——日常生活批判研究
12.I badly want to go to the festival.我非常想去参加节日活动。
13.For another, they live a very isolated life in which their own companionship is their main ongoing source of sustenance, as few others resonate.其次,他们过着非常隐居的生活,所做的接触主要只是日常维生,而这极少会有人共鸣。
14.Being and Everyday Life──analysis of ordinary people in daily life by heidegger;存在与日常生活──谈海德格尔对日常生活中的常人分析
15.Country life is quite different from city life.乡村生活与都市生活是非常不同的。
16.City life is very different from country life.都市生活和农村生活是非常不同的。
17.Chinese culture is very different from American culture.都市生活和乡村生活是非常不同的。
18.Inertia is evident in our every day experiences.惯性在我们日常生活中是很常见的。

daily life日常生活
1.The affection of behavior therapy to the daily life of chronic schizophrenic inpatients;行为治疗对住院慢性精神分裂症患者日常生活作用的影响
2.Rewriting of Ideal and Affirmation of Daily Life Experience——On Wangmeng s Series of Novels on Seasons and Else;理想的重写与日常生活经验的肯定——论王蒙的“季节”系列小说及其他
3.Beauty is life and the aestheticization of daily life——to begin with Cheruyshevski′s aesthetic theory;“美是生活”与“日常生活的审美化”——由车尔尼雪夫斯基的美学理论想起
3)everyday life日常生活
1.Aestheticization of everyday life and thinking of the subject of literature and art;日常生活的审美化与文艺学的学科反思
2.Modern Design in Everyday Life;现代设计的日常生活批判
3.The Seek and Loss of Aesthetic Ideal——Urban everyday life and the change of aesthetic orientations in women writing of China in 1990s审美理想的寻找与迷失——城市日常生活与20世纪90年代女性写作的审美取向
4)ordinary life日常生活
1.The Ordinary Life Base of Institutional Justice;制度公正的日常生活基础
2.According to the general thinking,the concept of ordinary life is opposite to the definition of job(whether in the time or in the space).按照一般思维,日常生活与工作是两个相对对立的概念(无论是时间上还是空间上),但通过日常生活中人与人的交往所形成的观念和衍生的人际关系,使得两者看似对立,实则紧密相联。
3.Almond and Sidney Verba investigated the conditions of civil virtue in five Western countries,and the social survey of "Analysis of moral ordinary life of citizens" could provide concrete evidence of civil virtue in China.两次调查各有侧重,前者着重于公民文化,后者则立足于公民的日常生活,但就调查的主体、对象及公民美德的层次而言,二者的比较具有坚实的理论基础。
5)daily life circle日常生活圈
6)everyday life history日常生活史

日常生活技能日常生活技能daily living skills  日常生活技能(daily living skilzs)自行洗脸、穿衣、排泄、沐浴、用餐、移动、使用家庭器具等,对于一个残疾者成为一个独特的问题。对这些进行训练非常重要,可使他们在日常生活中自立自理,而尽量少依赖他人,并增加其生活适应能力。 (张宁生撰李考忠审)