权力意志,will to power
1)will to power权力意志
1.Edna: typical embodiment of "Will to Power"——Rereading The Awakening and explaining Nietzsche s opinions of women;艾德娜:“权力意志”的忠实代表——重读《觉醒》,解构尼采的女人观
2.Nietzsche s doctrine of "will to power" is a tool primarily to criticize dogmatic philosophers,namely,pointing out the will to power behind philosophers prejudge,to reveal the hypocricy of philosophy,secoundly to disclose relativity of truth.但是,尼采的"权力意志"学说首先是他用来批判以往独断论哲学家的一个工具,也即通过指出哲学家偏见背后的"权力意志"来说明哲学的虚伪性,对真理之相对性的揭示只是尼采"权力意志"学说的次要目的。
3.Nietzsche criticizes Platonism and Christianity by changing Schopenhauer s will to live into will to power.尼采通过将叔本华的生存意志改造为权力意志,彻底批判了柏拉图主义和基督教。

1.Truth and Power--Comment on Nietzsche s Truth Theory of Power Will;真理与权力——尼采权力意志真理观述评
2.On Nietzsche s "Will to Power";尼采的“权力意志论”对现实生活的意义
3.Research on Nietzsche s “the Will to Power” and Sports Alienation;尼采的“权力意志”与竞技体育异化研究
4.Love and Expansion from "the Will to Power" by Nietzsche;爱情与扩张——浅析尼采的“权力意志
5.On the Cultural Roots of Corruption and the Qualified Power Will论腐败的文化根源与合格的权力意志
6.The Catcher in the Rye: A Free Zone for Will-to-Power;《麦田里的守望者》:权力意志自由释意的文本领域
7.Power-willing and Evil-wiping;权力意志与邪恶驱逐:解放区文学深度模式解读
8.Humanity, Hegemonies and the Will of Power: Han Fei-zi s Legal Philosophy;人性、霸道及权力意志——韩非子的法哲学论析
9.Anthology and External Performance of Rights Will of Literature--Discussion of “the Standard” Consciousness of SHEN De-qian s Criticizing at the Poetry Anthology;选本与文学权力意志的外化——试论沈德潜诗歌选本批评的“正典”意识
10.In the view of Nietzsche, the world is a kingdom of forces and wills to power; in chaos state, the world is generating and transmigrating.尼采眼中的世界是权力意志和力的王国,它是混沌、成和永恒轮回的。
11.The Artistic Declaration of Extreme Politics--the Visual Expression of Power and Will in Stage Photos from "Revolutionary Model Dramas";极端政治的艺术宣示——“革命样板戏”剧照中权力意志的视觉表达
12.Edna: typical embodiment of "Will to Power"--Rereading The Awakening and explaining Nietzsche s opinions of women;艾德娜:“权力意志”的忠实代表——重读《觉醒》,解构尼采的女人观
13.The Main Clue of Nietzsche's Philosophy:Revaluation of All Values Based on the Standard of the Will to Power尼采哲学思想的主轴:以权力意志为准则重估一切价值
14.The Cruelty of Life:Desire and Sin under the Will to Power Rethinking on Salvation Motif of "Thunderstorm"生之残酷:权力意志下的欲与罪——对《雷雨》救赎母题的再思考
15.The Non-rational Foundation of Seeking Creativity:An Analysis of Deleuze's Creative Concept of Will Power寻求创造的非理性根据——德勒兹权力意志创造观探析
16.Words and Power:Analyzing Foucaults "Cognitive Will";话语与权力——分析福柯“认知的意志”
17.His will is above the will of all the creatures. He has power over all things, and He is able to do everything.其意志凌驾万物意志之上。其权力超乎万物,且为所欲为。
18.Occupation does not give them the right to impose their will on the Iranian people.占领军没有权力将他们的意志强加于伊朗人民。

the will to power权力意志
1.Love and Expansion from "the Will to Power" by Nietzsche;爱情与扩张——浅析尼采的“权力意志
2.Nietzsche s aesthetics in the perspective of body have suggested itself that the artist who is his body provides a start point of art,because his intoxication disclose the nature of the will to power.身体为我们透视尼采的美学提供了这样一个视角:尼采是从艺术家这一身体性的存在者出发思考艺术的本源,他在艺术家的陶醉状态中揭示出作为创造力意志的权力意志
3.From Freuds doctrine of instincts,the theory of will by Schopenhauer and Nietzsche contains an internal contradiction in that the opposite phenomena of the will to live and the will to power cannot be expl.从弗洛伊德的本能学说看,叔本华和尼采的意志论都包含着一个内在矛盾,即无法在理论上逻辑地说明与生存意志及权力意志相反的现象,因为二者都共同缺失一个与生存意志或权力意志相对等的原则,这个原则就是死亡原则。
3)power will权力意志
1.A probe into the power will origin and cultural origin of corruption;腐败的权力意志根源与文化根源
2.Nietzsche s aesthetic view is an essential part of his life philosophy which holds that art is the manifestation of power will and product of collision of two spirits-Apollo and Dionysius.他认为艺术是日神和酒神两种精神冲撞和迸发的产物,是权力意志的表现形式。
3.The real maker of the tragedy was,however,the morality and power will of the revolutionary age.但悲剧的真正制造者是革命时代的道德与权力意志
4)the will of power权力意志
1.In addition, Mao Dun highlighted Nietzsche s theory of "superman" and "the will of power".他还十分重视尼采的超人哲学与权力意志说。
5)world of wills to power权力意志世界
6)Nietzsche's Will to Power尼采的权力意志

爱与意志爱与意志  书名。美国罗洛·梅著,蔡伸章译。该书作者是美国著名心理学大师、美国精神分析学会会长。本书描写了人类本能之一的爱(性、性爱、情爱、博爱)与欲念的科学规律,从心理学、社会学、未来学的深度和广度上,剖析了各种病态的爱欲。书中列举了各个时期、各个领域的大量实例,旁证博引、深入浅出 地论证观点,揭示主题。该书既能成为被普遍接受的综合心理科学读本,又可供文艺创作、 社会科学、文化教育工作者参考。有1987年甘肃人民出版社铅印本、1996年中国言实出版社铅印 合订本《罗洛·梅文集》。