爱欲解放,Eros liberation
1)Eros liberation爱欲解放
1.Rethinking about Marcuse s Eros Liberation;对马尔库塞爱欲解放论的再思考
2.Aiming at human dissimilation, he thinks “Eros Liberation" is the way to human Liberation.关注人,关注人的生存现状,对人的本质的探讨成了他众多著作所围绕的中心,针对人的全面异化的现状,他提出了“爱欲解放”的拯救方法,用他的马克思主义观影响了一代人。

1.Comments on Marcuse Eros and Civilization;爱欲解放与现代文明——评《爱欲与文明》
2.Study on “Eros liberation” of Marcuse;马尔库塞“爱欲解放论”的本质探析
3.Liberation of Eros and Liberation of Sensibility--A Comparison of the Theory on Human Liberation by Marcuse and Marx爱欲解放和感性解放——马尔库塞和马克思关于人的解放理论比较
4.Marcuse s Erotic Liberation and its Ontological Perspective;马尔库塞的爱欲解放论及其存在论视域
5.On Marcus's Aesthetics Thought爱欲解放与审美之维——论马尔库塞的美学思想
6.Rationality Eros politics--on Eros and civilization理性、爱欲、政治——解读《爱欲与文明》
7.A Physiological Interpretation of Sexual Urge of Females in Ancient Love Dramas;古代爱情戏中女性爱欲的生理学解读
8.The Object and Desire of Love--Thinking about Plato s Symposium;爱的对象与渴望——柏拉图《会饮篇》爱欲理论解析
9.The Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde: Change from Liberation of Sensory to Sexual Indulgence王尔德童话:从感官解放到纵欲的嬗变
10.Conflits entre l'amour chrétien et le plaisir de l'amour基督之挚爱和爱神之爱欲间的冲突——解读纪德的《田园交响乐》
11.Patriotic Feelings,Body Politics,Selfish Lust-Comment on An Lee s Lust,Caution;国族情怀 身体政治 私己爱欲——解析李安电影《色·戒》
12.So it does, the freedom and education are the Eros, are the pursuit of the eternity.教育就是“爱欲”,在“爱欲”中追寻永恒。
13.Desire in the Revolution - recognized Narratives--Interpretation of the Underlying Discourse in Fictions from the Liberated Region;革命认同叙事下的欲望言说——解放区小说潜在话语解读
14.By understanding our childlike feelings we automatically open a door for loving feelings to permeate what we say.了解自己孩子般的感觉,使我们自动打开爱的门允许自己畅所欲言。
15.3. Carnal desire of female, which has been depressed for a long time, has to be untied through the novels of Eileen.3.女性长久被压抑的情欲透过张爱玲的小说得到解封。
16.Love Incarnat in Care and Desire: A Post-Psychoanalytical Reading of Iris Murdoch s Novels;化身于操心和欲望的爱—艾丽斯·莫多克小说的后精神分析解读
17.Love Language,Female Growth and Female Writing:On Maggie in The Thorn Birds;爱情话语·女性欲望·女性书写——《荆棘鸟》中的梅吉形象读解
18.What I like best about him is, he freed the slaves.我最喜爱他的地方就是他解放了奴隶。

liberation of Eros爱欲解放
1.In Marcus\' view,the system of modern capitalism society is a new centralization autocracy what constrains human nature,is the aspect of aesthetics in the art form which has self-leading and surpassing nature,and is the way to liberation of Eros thought put forward by him.爱欲解放本体论的提出,既是马尔库塞对人性的重新解释,也是他对现代资本主义社会的批判。
3)Eros Liberation爱欲解放论
1.Evaluation of Marcuse s Eros Liberation;马尔库塞“爱欲解放论”评析
4)love and desire爱欲
1.This paper has investigated the love and desire of Greek culture in three ways of history,mythology and aesthetics.从历史、神话与美学三个层面探讨了古希腊文化精神中的"爱欲"问题,指出"爱欲"内部的二元划分是构成古希腊文化精神的阴阳两面,也是传统西方思想的内在对立紧张的源头之一。
2.Lady Chatterley s lover is a song of love and desire, Connie is gradually given a new life in constant change of sex scene.《查特莱夫人的情人》是一首爱欲的颂歌,康妮在性爱场景的不断演变中逐步走向了爱欲的新生 之路;古华的小说《贞女》体现了重复的修辞术,呈现为一种突出的美学特征。
1.Gender-Oppression in the Transformation of"Eros" to"Agape";从“爱欲”到“圣爱”观念转化中的性别压迫
2.Study on “Eros liberation” of Marcuse;马尔库塞“爱欲解放论”的本质探析
3.Rationality Eros politics——on Eros and civilization理性、爱欲、政治——解读《爱欲与文明》
1.His latest novel Scandal or Romance provides the readers with a new angle and creates the artistic image of "Liu Mila" with anxiety and love.新作《丑行或浪漫》为读者提供了一个新的视角,塑造了刘蜜蜡这个充满焦灼和爱欲的肉身形象,但并未能为张炜的写作昭示一条明确的坦途。
2.In his life of vagrancy, the female inspired his love, and helped him comprehend the true meaning of art.流浪的一生中 ,女性激发了他的爱欲 ,使他领悟了艺术的真谛 ,并在艺术创作中找到了内心的和谐 ,灵魂得到升华 ,最终走向人的本原———永恒的母性。

触欲【触欲】 (术语)五欲之一。男女身分等之触境,使之人起爱欲之心者。