和谐美学,harmonious aesthetics
1)harmonious aesthetics和谐美学
1.On the harmonious aesthetics of Marxist economic and philosophic manuscripts in 1844;《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中的和谐美学思想
2.The great aesthetic principle of aesthetics created by Harmony annotates the perfection of harmonious aesthetics,and embodies the great principle of ripeness and harmonious aesthetic realm.和谐发展蕴涵的美学意韵是和谐美学

1.On the Harmonization of Confician,Daoist and Zhouyi's Esthetics论儒家、道家与《周易》的和谐美学思想
2.Three Historical Patterns of Aesthetics --Zhou Lai-xiang s harmonious aesthetics Briefly on;美的三大历史形态——周来祥和谐美学略论
3.On the harmonious aesthetics of Marxist economic and philosophic manuscripts in 1844;《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中的和谐美学思想
4.On aesthetics of physical science from the angle of the harmony between science and art;从科学与艺术的和谐性看物理科学美
5.Achieve Harmony through Mutual Appreciation-Speech at Georgetown University in the US;美美与共 共致和谐——在美国乔治城大学的演讲
6.Aesthetically pleasing, harmonious, and effective arrangement of parts to form a whole.各部分和谐生动、合美学规律的作品。
7.A Comparison of Views on Harmony in the Aesthetic Thought of Confucianism and Taoism in the Pre-Qin Dynasty先秦儒道美学思想中的“和谐”观比较
8.Constructing a harmonious society is a human great aesthetic project.构建和谐社会,是人类伟大的美学工程。
9.Building Artistic Cultural Ethos Constructing Harmonious University Campus;营造美术文化氛围 构建和谐大学校园
10.Psychological harmony construction significance of Kant s esthetics thoughts;康德美学思想中的心理和谐建构意义
11.The Implication of Ecological Esthetics and Harmonious Potential of Cave-dwelling in North Shaanxi;陕北窑洞的生态美学意蕴与和谐潜质
12.Harmony between Human and Nature:Aesthetic Spirit in Chinese Landscape Paintings;人与自然和谐:中国山水画的美学精神
13.The Pattern of Practice Aesthetics and the Construction of Harmonious Society;“实践美学”范式与和谐社会的构建
14.The minimun harmony --On Theodor Weisengrund Adorno s aesthetic thinking;最低限度的和谐——论阿多诺的美学思想
15.The Research on the Aesthetic Education to Cultivate University Students' Harmonious Character培育大学生和谐品格的审美教育研究
16.On the Harmonious Aesthetic Thought of Pythagoras简论毕达哥拉斯的“和谐”美学思想
17.The Role of Aerobics for the Harmonious Development to Individual Students健美操对大学生个体和谐发展的作用
18.Talking about the buliding of harmonious relationship between nurs-patient based on nursing aesthetics从护理美学角度谈构建和谐护患关系

aesthetic theory of harmoniousness和谐论美学
3)harmonious manage aesthetics和谐管理美学
4)harmonious beauty和谐美
1.On harmonious beauty in hydraulic structure design;和谐美在水工建筑设计中的应用
2.It introduces aesthetic feature of Chinese traditional geomantic omen theory from symmetrical beauty、harmonious beauty、symbolic beauty and humanistic beauty,and illustrates specific expression and meaning of each aesthetic feature,which lays out aesthetic spice and creating spirit of ancient people.从对称美、和谐美、象征美、人文美四方面介绍了中国传统风水理论中的美学特征,并对各个美学特征在实物中的具体体现以及象征意义作了说明,从而深刻展示中国古代劳动人民的审美情趣和创造精神。
1.Based on Qian Zhongshu s remark on translation, "realm of transformation," this paper makes a general comparative study on some metaphors chosen from his famous novel and its English version Fortress Besieged in terms of translation aesthetics in harmony, dynamics and tortuosity.从翻译美学的角度比较分析 ,《围城》的比喻翻译具有和谐美、动态美和曲折美。
6)beauty of harmony和谐美
1.There are two aesthetic feelings -"beauty of neutrality" and "beauty of harmony" in the difference between eastern and western antiquities due to distinctive historical characteristics.不同社会的历史特点使得中西方古代出现了同中有异,异中有同的两种美感——"中和美"与"和谐美"。
