程颐,Cheng Yi
1)Cheng Yi程颐
1.On the Ideology of Quality-Oriented Education of Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi;论程灏、程颐的素质教育思想
2.A Comparative Research on SU Shi s and CHENG Yi s Opinions on Movement and Stillness of "Zhouyi";苏轼与程颐易学动静观的比较

1.The Rationalistic Tendency of Ch`eng程颐的理性主义倾向
2.The Position of Chen Yi′s Study about the Book of Changes in the Development of China′s Study;程颐易学在中国易学发展史上的地位
3.On People-oriented Thought of Cheng Yi and Cheng Hao and Its Value Today;简论程颐、程颢的民本思想及其现实价值
4.On the philosophical connotations expressed by CHENG Yi when he divided the ancient Text of Zhouyi into two sections;试论程颐对今本《周易》古经分篇的义理阐释
5.On ChengYi s Dualism of Human Nature of Principle Separating from Material Force;试论理气相分对程颐的性二元论的影响
6.Proof Study of Chen Yi Learn form Yanzi;程颐《颜子所好何学论》教育思想引证与疑义
7.The Conflicts between the Shu Theory and the Luo Theory in idealogical field;苏轼“蜀学”与程颐“洛学”在思想领域中的对立
8.Rational Dimension in Cheng Yi s Philosophy of Spiritual Realm: Analyzing Different Orientations in Cheng Yi and Cheng Hao s Spiritual Realms;程颐境界哲学的理性之维——兼论二程境界的不同取向
9.Differences and Similarities between CHENG Hao and CHENG Yi with Consideration on Reason and the Relationship between Good and Evil;从天理与善恶关系的角度看程颢与程颐天理的异同
10.ZHU Xi s promotion to the I Ching learning research of the Song Dynasty--simultaneously on the similarities & differences between CHENG Yi and ZHU Xi s I Ching learning;朱熹对宋代易学的发展——兼论朱熹、程颐易学思想之异同
11.A Study of the Architectural Design of the Winter Palace and the Summer Palace during 1862~1908 in China;同治光绪朝西苑与颐和园工程设计研究
12.A large scale clearing away of silt from the Kunming Lake in the Summer Palace, which was the first time in the 240 years since the lake came into being, began late last year.颐和园昆明湖成湖二百四十年来首次大规模清淤工程,去年年底拉开序幕。
13.Ho Leung Kit Ting Care and Attention Home cum Social Centre for the Elderly何梁洁庭颐养之家护理院暨颐老中心
14.We were glad to inform of you that we have arranged to load1000 sets computer which you ordered under the credit number4185 on“ Angel“ vessel which will leave here to your port tomorrow.⑽颐呛芨咝送ㄖ?惴剑?颐且寻涯惴剿?┕旱牡
15.Chan Au Big Yan Home for the Elderly [Po Leung Kuk]陈区碧茵颐养院〔保良局〕
16.Takes up three-fourths of this palace garden.占颐和园面积的3/4
17.Elderly Persons Priority Scheme共享颐年优先配屋计划
18.Tourists walk in the Summer Palace with deliberate steps.游人款步漫游颐和园。

Cheng Hao程颐
1.A Comparative Research on Cheng Yi and Cheng Hao s Thought of Moral Education;程颢与程颐德育思想比较研究
2.A Comparative Study on Cheng Yi s and Cheng Hao s Benti-gongfu Thought;程颢、程颐本体功夫思想之比较
3.The two feudalist scholars CHENG Yi and CHENG Hao who had the sense of worry and anxiety for the state situation of poverty and weakness pursued the belief of "promoting culture and education as their duties", cared greatly for the fate of their state, took an active part in the social reforms, made a comprehensive survey .具有国家忧患意识的封建士大夫程颢、程颐,面对国家积贫积弱的局面,"以兴其斯文为己任",忧国忧民,积极参与社会变革,综罗百代,融合三教,创立新儒学,适应了时代的要求,回应了时代的挑战,也体现了中华民族的精神。
3)Chen Yi程颐
1.Proof Study of Chen Yi Learn form Yanzi;程颐《颜子所好何学论》教育思想引证与疑义
2.The Status of Yichuan I Ching in Chen Yi′s Thought;《伊川易传》在程颐思想中的地位
3.The Position of Chen Yi′s Study about the Book of Changes in the Development of China′s Study;程颐易学在中国易学发展史上的地位
1.The sharp momentum in Chengyi s poetry is different from the peacefulness in that of Chenghao, which is caused by their spirits and learning styles .程颐诗中表现出的披坚执锐的气势与程颢诗歌从容和平的风格迥然不同 ,而这种诗风的分野根源于二人在精神气质和学术性格上的差异。
2.The article select four scholars to study whose names are Sunfu Chengyi Huanguo Zhuxi.本文主要选取了四位学者作为研究对象,分别是孙复,程颐,胡安国和朱熹。
5)Cheng Hao-Cheng Yi程颢、程颐
6)Ch'eng Hao and Ch'eng I程颢与程颐
