纯粹美,pure beauty
1)pure beauty纯粹美
1.Constant pursuit of pure beauty——Comment on The Illuminant Aesthetics:Non-mainstream Observe by Liu Shi-lin;生生不息的纯粹美追寻——评刘士林的《澄明美学·非主流之观察》
2.Based on the pure beauty and dependent beauty by Kant,this article illustrated that Kant de- fined the‘Concept of beauty’upon the dependent beauty,by which it discussed the differences and inner roles be- tween the‘Concept of beauty’and the experience models;this article also talked about the implication of the‘Concept of beauty’upon the development of aesthetics and theory of art.本文从康德的纯粹美和依存美出发,阐述了康德把“美的理想”确立在依存美上,进而论述了“美的理想”与经验范本的区别和内在规定性,同时,也论及了“美的理想”对美学发展和艺术理论的意义。
3.The beauty of freedom in Kant′s esthetics is pure beauty so called by non-mainstream esthetics.非主流美学的一个重要特点是它的非意识形态性 ,它所研究的是作为私人活动的审美活动 ,是与真、善区别开来的美 ,即纯粹美

1."The Pure Beauty" and "the Dependant Beauty" in Kant s Aesthetics;论康德美学中的“纯粹美”和“依附美”
2.Constant pursuit of pure beauty--Comment on The Illuminant Aesthetics:Non-mainstream Observe by Liu Shi-lin生生不息的纯粹美追寻——评刘士林的《澄明美学·非主流之观察》
3.This is a wonderful occasion for you to capture a sense of sheer beauty if only your instinctive capacity for the appreciation of beauty has not entirely left you.只要你审美的本能不曾汩灭时,这是你的机会实现纯粹美感的神奇!
4.Just as long as your ability to appreciate beauty hasn't been extinguished, then here is your opportunity to realise the miracle of pure aesthetic appreciation!只要你审美的本能不曾泯灭时,这是你的机会实现纯粹美感的神奇!
5.Noan Webster had asked for a genuine American style.诺亚·韦伯斯特早已呼吁创造一种纯粹美国的文体。
6.Language Directly Becomes Nature Showing--Recognize Again "Unadulterated Art" and "Abstract Expressionism;语言直接成为本质的显现——对“纯粹美术”和“抽象表现主义”的再认识
7.Pure Art and Pure Aesthetics:On Kandinsky s Aesthetic Thoughts;纯粹的艺术与纯粹的美学——康定斯基美学思想研究
8.There's no such thing as a plain American, any- way.无论怎样,没有什么纯粹的美国人。
9.Objects of sheerest beauty they have been called.冰山具有最纯粹的美,人们如是说。
10.Such questions are not considered by Americans to be too personal.在美国人看来,这些问题不算是纯粹的私人问题。
11.The American simply regards a car as a means of transportation.美国人把汽车纯粹看成是一种运输工具。
12.Flirting is a purely American custom, it doesn't exist here.调情卖俏纯粹是美国人的习惯,这里完全行不通。
13.Kandinsky seeks to establish pure aesthetics through abstract art.通过抽象艺术,康定斯基试图建立纯粹的美学。
14.The Purity of Music--Reflection on Music Essence;论音乐美的纯粹性——对音乐本质的思考之三
15.Pure-intuition and State-artistic Conception --Comments on Wang Guo-wei s idea on Chinese aesthetics;纯粹直观与境界—意境——王国维中国美学理念探本
16.“Pure” excise“纯粹”的附加工作
17.Pure Theory of Law and Purifying of Law;纯粹法学与纯粹法律——论原则性法典
18.In this condition nothing but pure Awareness remains and nothing is missing to take away from Wholeness and Perfection.在这种状态下,只有纯粹的觉知,在整体和完美中并无所缺。

free beauty纯粹美
1.Kant divide beauty into two types in the Judgment of Taste : " Free beauty " and "dependant beauty " .康德在“美的分析论”中,按照鉴赏判断的纯粹性程度,将美划分为“纯粹美”和“依附美”两种类型。
3)unadulterated art纯粹美术
1.In fact, "unadulterated art"and "abstractexpressionism" is a kind of painting art, which can directly turn language into nature showing."纯粹美术"和"抽象表现主义"事实上都是一种"语言直接成为本质的显现"的绘画艺术。
4)pure aesthetic feeling纯粹美感
5)the free beauty and the dependent beauty纯粹美与依存美
1.Naoji appreciates the people with unreservedness and pureness.直治推崇拥有本真、纯粹的品质的精神贵族,对虚伪的社会与人类充满不信,批判着世俗。
2.This thesis attempts to probe into his spirit course from the pureness to variedness, and explores and understands his tasteful consciousness and gradual change of rhetoric, and the collision of his soul and the tend towards of his spirit.从一个纯粹的少年布尔什维克到被人讥为“消解理想”、“躲避崇高”的“犬儒主义者”,王蒙呈现给文学研究者的是杂色的存在。

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