游戏说,Theory of Play
1)Theory of Play游戏说
1.Based on Kant s theory of play Schiller focuses on the essence of art and the play theory from a new perspective by adopting a new way of thinking.席勒“游戏说”拥有深厚的哲学基础,柏拉图、亚里士多德,尤其是康德的“游戏”概念对席勒影响很大。
2.Kant\'s aesthetic theory of play is improved by Sciller.康德的审美游戏说在席勒那里得到了进一步发展、完善。

1.directions that define the way a game or sport is to be conducted.球类或运动的游戏说明。
2.Popular TV Hostess: small break Hasbro games to test your observation, sensitivity.游戏说明:小破孩小丫要考验你的观察力,灵敏度。
3.Let's play Simon Says.我们来玩“Simon 说”的游戏吧。
4.Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters : Kettou Toshi Densetsu游戏王-决斗都市传说
5.The Recreational Words and the Relexed Life -On the Recreational Spirit in Fangfang s Novel;游戏的文本与游戏的人生——论方方小说中的游戏精神
6.Ryan said as he looked up from his Game Boy.赖恩一边说一边看着他的游戏机。
7.I know a good game,@ says Danny.“我知道个好游戏,”布赖恩说。
8.The Korean ruler played a sitting-on-the-fence political game.或者说,操演着两面讨好的政治游戏。
9."Damn it all," Harris said,"I invented the game."“见鬼”,哈里斯说,“这个游戏是我发明的。”
10.Mother objected that the weather was too wet to play outdoors.母亲反对说,雨太大不能做户外游戏。
11.The naming game adds to the appeal of the novel.命名游戏进一步增添了小说的魅力。
12.On the Language Games and the Narrative Techniques in Lolita;论小说《洛丽塔》的语言游戏和叙事技巧
13."Game" Character of WANG Zeng-qi s novels in 1980s;汪曾祺20世纪80年代小说的“游戏”品格
14.Analysis of Changes in Concept about Entertainment and Recreation in Chinese Novels;中国古今小说游戏、娱乐观念的演化
15.Temptation and Game--Analyses of the Love Novels in 1990 s;诱惑与游戏——90年代情爱小说略论
16.Desire and Loss--Review a Collection of Qiu Hua-dong s Novels Entitled Weep Game;欲望与失落——评邱华栋小说集《哭泣游戏》
17.Some people say, people are animals that love to play, games create people; in games people create the world.有人说﹐人类是爱玩的动物﹐游戏创造了人﹐人在游戏中创造了世界。
18.Narrator in the Game--Feiming s Narrative Techniques;游戏中的叙述者——论废名小说中叙述者的游戏叙述策略

game theory游戏说
1.The historical meaning of WANG Guo-wei s game theory;王国维倡导“游戏说”的历史贡献
1.The paper aims to begin with Kundera’s novel-game-form and game-spirit, and analyze combined with the author’s personal experience and political events, then unveil his heavy political-ethics anxiety which hide behind this kind of text game.本文分五个部分对该问题展开论述,第一部分,绪论,介绍米兰·昆德拉的文学创作情况和国内研究情况;第二部分,昆德拉与启蒙理性传统及现代性关系问题,通过将昆德拉在《雅克和他的主人》序言中对陀思妥耶夫斯基与狄德罗的不同看法进行分析,阐明其小说中体现出的启蒙理性传统和对现代性问题的表征与反思;第三部分,现代之后的昆德拉小说游戏,重点分析现代之后的昆德拉小说中的游戏精神和文本游戏特征;第四部分,昆德拉小说游戏精神背后的政治—伦理焦虑,结合作家本人的政治经历,揭示出其小说游戏中所蕴含的严肃本质:对现代社会中人类所面临的政治—伦理困境的思考;第五部分,结语,通过对昆德拉小说的文本游戏和政治-伦理焦虑进行分析,笔者认为,其小说呈现出一种由现代性的追求意义向后现代抹平意义转变的艰难过程。
4)the aesthetic Play assumption审美游戏说
5)game impulse theory"游戏冲动"说
6)instinct theory of play游戏本能说
