马克思主义唯物史观,Marxist historical materialism
1)Marxist historical materialism马克思主义唯物史观
1.Three Representatives Thought" aims to meet the needs of mankind and to help a healthy and comprehensive development of mankind and holds that the common people are the main force and creator of history, which is a scientific application of Marxist historical materialism and reveals the theoretical nature of "keep pace with the times"."三个代表"重要思想,立足于满足"现实的人"的需要,坚持人民是历史的主体和创造者的观点,与人的自由而全面发展的目标紧密结合,科学运用、继承了马克思主义唯物史观,体现了马克思主义与时俱进的理论品质。
2.The Marxist historical materialism is the theoretical foundation for Comrade Jiang Zemin to put forward the important remark of “representing the three aspects”.马克思主义唯物史观是江泽民同志提出的“三个代表”重要论述的理论基础。
3.Marxist historical materialism is the scientific concept development about the entire human society and it is science to reveal the general laws of human social development.马克思主义唯物史观是关于整个人类社会的科学发展观,是揭示人类社会发展一般规律的科学。

1.Marxism Historical Materialism and the Human Integrated Development;马克思主义唯物史观与人的全面发展
2.On the Theoretical Contribution of Marxist Historical Materialism;试论马克思主义唯物史观的理论贡献
3.Comparison Between Sartre Social Historicism and Marxism Materialistic Historicism;萨特社会历史观与马克思主义唯物史观之比较
4.On the New Development in Marx′s Historical Materialism Reflected in the Thought of "Three Represents;“三个代表”思想对马克思主义唯物史观的新发展
5.Comments on Plekhanov's Contribution to Marxist Materialist Conception of History论普列汉诺夫对马克思主义唯物史观的贡献
6.Research on the early spread of marxist historical materialism and historical terms in China试述马克思主义唯物史观与史学术语在中国的早期传播
7.The Important Role of the City Residents Society in the Creation of Marxist Historical Materialism;市民社会在马克思主义唯物史观创立中的重要作用
8.Historical Materialism of Marxism considers that human being is the premise and basis of human's history, the power of history development, and the purpose of history.马克思主义唯物史观认为,人是历史的前提和基础、是历史发展的动力、是历史的目的。
9.Marx s Transformation from Humanitarianism to Historical Materialism;马克思从人道主义到唯物史观的转变
10.Marxist Viewpoint on Philosophy and Historical Materialism in a Broad Sense;马克思主义哲学观与广义历史唯物主义
11.The Historic Materialism Foundation of the Nature View: On Karl Marx s Nature View;自然观的历史唯物主义基础——论马克思的自然观
12.Materialist Conception of History is Mark's New Materialism--Marx's Self-Orientation of Materialist Conception of History论唯物史观就是马克思的新唯物主义——据马克思对唯物史观的自我定位
13.Research on Academic and Axiomatic Trend of Marxism Historic Theory Since Reform & Opening Policy and Comment on Materialistic Conception of History and Science of History马克思主义史学理论的学术化与宏观化——兼评《唯物史观与历史科学》
14.Critiquing the Conception of History in Western Scientistic Marxism;唯科学的西方马克思主义历史观评析
15.Historical Destiny of Materialist Conception of History --Reflections on the Interpretation of Texts of Marxism;唯物史观的历史命运——关于马克思主义文本解读的思考
16.On the Deep Essence of Historical Materialism: Marx s Materialistic View on Humankind;论唯物史观的深层实质:唯物主义人类观——从表面理解马克思到深入理解马克思
17.Historical Materialism: The Axis of Marxist Political Philosophy;历史唯物主义:马克思政治哲学的轴心
18.On Ethical Criticism and the Materialist Viewpoint of Feminism;马克思主义女性主义的伦理批判:唯物史观的视角

Marxist history view of only thing马克思主义的唯物史观
3)Marxism dialectical materialism马克思主义唯物辩证法
4)Marxism Materialism马克思主义唯物论
1.Marxism Materialism and Educational Technology Equipment Work;马克思主义唯物论与教育技术装备工作
5)Marx practical materialism马克思实践唯物主义
6)historical materialism by Marx and Engels马克思和恩格斯共同创立的历史唯物主义

唯物史观(见历史唯物主义)唯物史观(见历史唯物主义)materialist conception of history  welw略hlg。。n_唯物史观(ma拢r呈alist.conceptionof从S-tor了)见历史唯物主义。