王朝闻,Wang zhaowen
1)Wang zhaowen王朝闻
1.Dialectics and Fusion Mode of Thinking of Wang Zhaowen's Aesthetics Theory王朝闻美学的辩证融合的思维方式
2.Wang zhaowen, a famous contemporary Chinese aesthetician, is known for his big theory span, his abundant achievements and unique resrarch style in his study, known that he was able to disscuss aesthetics because of his proficiency in studying art, too.王朝闻是一位理论跨度大、著作丰富、特点鲜明的通艺而谈美的中国当代美学家。
3.WANG Zhaowen\'s work,analyzed from aspects of pioneering,emblematicalness and originality,projecting the times\' characteristics of WANG Zhaowen\'s sculptures,and further expatiating WANG Zhaowen sculptures\' outstanding achievement in sculpture area.本文以我国当代杰出的现实主义雕塑家王朝闻先生的雕塑作品的创作内容和形式塑造为立足点,从开创性、象征性、独创性三个不同的角度进行分析,突出王朝闻雕塑的时代性特征,并进一步阐述王朝闻的雕塑作品在雕塑界的突出成就。

1.QIAN Zhongshu and WANG Chaowen: Literary esthetics in comparison;钱钟书、王朝闻文艺美学研究的比较
2.On Wang Chao-wen's Dialectical Thoughts in Artistic Aesthetics浅论王朝闻辩证融合的艺术美学思想
3.The Horizon of Wang Zhaowen s Aesthetics Study in Recent 30 Years;近三十年王朝闻美学思想研究的问题阈
4.On Art Abstraction-;艺术抽象论——王朝闻美学思想系列研究之一
5.For example, Liu Hulan created by Wang Zhaowen in 1951 is simple and terse, revealing the revolutionary spirit of a young girl.王朝闻创作的《刘胡兰》(1951),整体造型单纯洗练,性格鲜明,表现了内在的精神力量,
6.A Founder and Pioneer of Chinese Marxist Aesthetics: the Contemporary Significance of Studying Wang Zhaowen’s Aesthetics;中国马克思主义美学的建设者与开拓者——王朝闻美学研究的当代意义
7.If a man in the morning hears the right way, he may die in the evening without regret.朝闻道,夕死可矣。
8."But what are morning clouds?" asked the king again.王曰: “何谓朝云?”
9.Wang is just part of the craze that has swept Taiwan this season, turning an island better known in baseball circles for its Little League teams into a hotbed of Yankees worshipers.王建民造成本季棒球热横扫全台,以少棒闻名于棒球界的岛屿变成孕育洋基朝圣者的温床。
10."Choson dynasty: or Yi dynasty, (1392-1910) Last and longest-lived of Korea's dynasties."朝鲜王朝,亦称李朝,朝鲜最后的、也是统治时间最长的一个王朝(1392~1910)。
11.Koryo: Korean kingdom ruled by a dynasty of the same name from 935 to 1392.高丽王朝:935~1392年统治高丽王国的同名王朝。
12.Confucius said: "If I can hear the Tao in the morning, in the evening I can die content."子曰:「朝闻道,夕死可矣」
13.Memories of the Reign of George the Second乔治二世王朝回忆录
14.in Stuart times/the time(s)of the Stuarts在斯图亚特王朝时代
15.after 300 years the dynasty fell.300年后王朝覆灭了.
16.I go in state to court meet the queen.我正式上宫廷朝见女王。
17.Georgian architecture乔治王朝风格的建筑
18.A "Ming Dynasty" Comes to Texas“明王朝”来到得克萨斯

Wɑng Zhɑowen王朝闻(1909~  )
3)By Wang Zhaowen appeal view论王朝闻的情趣观
1.The family of Dbavs is one of the main aristocratic families in Tube dynasty.韦氏家族是吐蕃王朝时期主要的贵族家族之一。
5)Korean dynasty朝鲜王朝
1.Effects of the Changing of Huayi Concept On the Absorbing of Chinese Culture of Korean Dynasty;华夷观的嬗变对朝鲜王朝吸收中国文化的影响
2.Daming Law is brought to Korean peninsular in the latter part of Korean Dynasty.《大明律》于高丽末期传入朝鲜半岛后,虽引起了朝鲜王朝统治者的高度关注,但从洪武二十五年至景泰六年,《大明律》一直与唐律、元律混同使用,造成了朝鲜王朝法律体系和法律制度的混乱局面。
6)dynasty-clividing method王朝分朝法
