美学方法论,aesthetic methodology
1)aesthetic methodology美学方法论

1.Aesthetics Methodology and Artistic Nature Viewpoints --Aesthetic Nature of Art through the Eastern and Western Classical Aesthetics;美学方法论和艺术本质观——从东、西方古典美学看艺术的审美本质
2.On the Modern Transition of China s Aesthetical Methodology;关于中国美学方法论的现代转型问题
3.On the Question of Aesthetic Methodology;体验·反思·思辨——关于美学方法论问题
4.Research of Aesthetician --The evalution and analysis of Mr Zong Baihua s system of methods of Life Esthetics.;唯美者的散步——宗白华生命美学方法论评析
5.Copernicus Revolution in Aesthetic Research--An Analysis of Kant s Transcendental Aesthetic Methodology;美学研究的“哥白尼式革命”——康德先验论美学方法论解析
6.On the Basis of Modern Methodology of Aesthetic Education Model;美育教学模式的现代教学方法论基础
7.The Western Academic View of Phenomenological Methodology and Its Significance to Aesthetic Studies;西方学界论现象学方法及其对美学研究的意义
8.Tries to Discuss the Natural Diagnostic Method Is the Contemporary Esthetics Methodology Foundation;试论自然辩证法是当代美学的方法论基础
9.Aesthetic declaration of the modern theory of human nature;近代自然人性论的美学宣言——论明代童心说、性情论美学的思想方法
10.The Role of Aesthetic Method on the Creation of Natural Sciences;论审美方法在自然科学创造中的作用
11.Methodology Research of Chinese Aesthetics;从方法论角度看中国美学的研究现状
12.An Analysis of Western Hermeneutics and Receptive Aesthetics According to Methodology;从方法论角度看西方解释学与接受美学
13.The Approaches of Comparative Aesthetics--Also a comment on Mr. Zhou Laixiang s contribution;比较美学研究方法略论——兼论周来祥先生的贡献
14.The Application of New History Studies Methodology in the Huang Binhong’Theory of the History of Arts论新史学方法在黄宾虹美术史论中的运用
15.The Evaluation Method of Technologic Aesthetics Quality of Engineering Course Students in Higher Vocational Colleges;论工科类高职学生技术美学素养的评价方法
16.On the Predicament and Breakthrough of Aesthetics from Perspective of the Humanities Methodology;人文科学方法论视野下美学的困境与出路
17.Painting history equal to painting study: Deng Yizhe’s aesthetics in painting and calligraphy and its methodological significance;画史即画学——邓以蛰书画美学及其方法论意义
18.On the Methodology of the Positive Political Theory美国罗彻斯特政治科学学派的方法论评析

Aesthetics method美学方法
3)law science methodology法学方法论
1.The innovation and adjustment to the environmental law science theory——A perspective of ecologicalization of law science methodology;环境法学理论的创新和调整——以法学方法论的生态化为视角
2.This paper defined and demonstrated the connotation of the ecology of law science methodology via two degrees:the first is to seek the legal support of ecology of law science by expanding the concept of ecology of law science methodology outwards to degree,the second examines the inside structure of the ecology of law science methodology.从生态整体观的视角出发,通过两个向度对法学方法论生态化的内涵予以界定并展开论证,第一个向度是从法学方法论的生态化概念向外拓展,寻求法律生态化的背景支援,第二个向度则对于法学方法论生态化进行了内部结构审视,以期厘清日前学界由此概念所引发的激烈争鸣。
4)jurisprudence methodology法学方法论
1.In the modern progress,the studying object of legal logic may be located as the following: Legal logic is the logic subject to study legal thinking,the intersection between law and logic,the applied logic that links legal system with legal practice and law application,and the legal logic is the theoretical foundation and important component part of jurisprudence methodology.在新的情境下,法律逻辑学的研究对象可做新的定位:法律逻辑学是研究法律思维的逻辑学科,是法学与逻辑学的交叉,是面向法律制度、法律实践和法律适用的应用逻辑,是法学方法论的理论基础和重要的组成部分。
2.After observing the history of development of methodology of law,this paper points out that environment problems cannot be well solved by applying the existing jurisprudence methodology and resorting to law.本文通过厘清法学方法论的历史演变规律,指出了应用现有法学方法论诉诸法律来解决环境问题之乏力,并认为科学发展观作为崭新的发展观,是对传统发展观的反思和超越,它将引发一系列价值观念的变革。
5)law methodology法学方法论
1.In chapter 1 methodology view of this paper is specified by explaining the pluralism of Law methodology, .第一章首先通过对法学方法论多元主义的阐释和对“法律与文学”运动的介绍,论述了“法律与文学”作为研究方法的可行性,指出了方法论进路,从而明确了本文的方法论立场。
6)methodology of jurisprudence法学方法论
1.If it is true that the theory of natural law establishes criterion of good law,the methodology of jurisprudence resulting from the Roman j.如果说自然法理论为良法确立了价值标准,那么建立在古罗马法学基础上的法学方法论是保障良法能够得到切实有效地实施的理论。
2.The methodology of jurisprudence is not only an important content of jurisprudence research but also is intimately related to legal practice.法学方法论是法理学研究的重要内容之一,也是与法律实务最密切相关的部分。
3.We should draw lessons from the contemporary methodology of jurisprudence and absorb "the comprehensive interests balance pattern","stable value status" and "dynamic balance methods".在方法论层面,比较与借鉴法学方法论以及两大法系中经验,中国刑事诉讼法可确立"综合式利益衡平模式",融合"静态位阶方法"和"动态衡平方法";同时,作为保障,需要克服部门利益化、职业利益化的偏狭心态,完善刑事诉讼法立法艺术,培植刑事诉讼"法权感",力求利益均衡化、最大化。

信息论心理美学信息论心理美学aesthetics of information theory  信息论亡理美学(a e sohetiC、。f informati‘)ntheory)参见“认知心理美学”