张楚廷,Zhang Chuting
1)Zhang Chuting张楚廷
1.A Study on Zhang Chuting s higher education philosophy;张楚廷高等教育哲学理念研究
2.Zhang Chuting and Humanistic Character Education;张楚廷人文素质教育理念研究
3.A Brief Discussion on Zhang Chuting s Management Thought of Higher Education;张楚廷高等教育管理思想略论

1.Keep the "Root" of the University here--the Reading of "the Philosophy of Higher Education" that Written by ZHANG Chu-ting;把大学的“根”留住——读张楚廷《高等教育哲学》
2.Returning to the Basics--on Zhang Chuting s educational thoughts;回到最基本——张楚廷教育思想与实践探析
3.Education for man--On ZHANG Chu-ting s humanism ideas on Education;为了人的教育——张楚廷先生人本教育思想探析
4.Some Thoughts on Aesthetic Education--Reading "educational philosophy" of ZHAN Chu-ting关于美育的几点断想——读张楚廷《教育哲学》
5.A President 's Adventure--Impression of President's Narration by Zhang Chu-ting一位校长的心路历程——读张楚廷校长的《校长叙论》
6.Establishment of Human-centered Curriculum in the Perspective of Primary Structure;元结构视野中的人本课程建构——张楚廷教授课程思想初探
7."The Chinese Philosophy of Our Own"--Five Interpretation of the Purports of Zhang Chu-ting s Philosophy of Education;“我们中国人自己的哲学”——张楚廷教育哲学旨趣五解
8.A Way to Science-Humanism Pedagogy--Professor Zhang Chu-ting s Pedagogy Horizon;一种科学—人文主义的教育学路径——张楚廷教授的教育学视界
9.The Deep Thinking of Human s Education and Educate Human Being;人的教育与教育人的深层思考——张楚廷《教育哲学》述评
10.Idea about Mathematics Culture and Mathematics Education;也谈数学文化与数学教育的关系——兼与张楚廷先生、黄秦安先生商榷
11.Pedagogical Significance of Theses on Feuerbach: A Discussion with Mr.Zhang Chuting《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》的教育学意蕴解读——兼与张楚廷先生商榷
12.University Presidents Education Thoughts and Their Influence on University Characteristics;大学校长的教育理念与大学特色——兼谈湖南师范大学校长张楚廷的教育理念
13.Appraising "Shanghai Negotiation" in 1925 Again --Discussing the Opinions of Wutinkang and Baoluotin Concurrently;重评1925年“上海谈判”——兼论吴廷康、鲍罗廷的主张
14.The Official Wizard includes the King of Chu State,Officer Wizard,the Song Wizard and Supernatural Wizard which are in palace;官方巫觋包括楚王、巫官和宫廷中的歌巫、神巫;
15.The Witness of the Early Han Royal Conflicts:The Chu Songs of Liu Bang and His Heirs;汉初宫廷斗争的见证:刘邦及其子孙的楚歌
16.The photograph has poor definition.这张照片轮廓很不清楚.
17.The Court should be at great charges for the pomp.如此铺张,朝廷要消耗巨额经费。
18.A map of Argentina, family and childhood memories.一张阿根廷,家庭和童年记忆的地图。

Zhang chu-ting张楚廷
1."The Chinese Philosophy of Our Own"——Five Interpretation of the Purports of Zhang Chu-ting s Philosophy of Education;“我们中国人自己的哲学”——张楚廷教育哲学旨趣五解
3)Zhangchu regime张楚
4)Zhang Ting-yu张廷玉
1.At the begining,Wan si-tong completed the first draft,and then Wang Hong-xu finished the second manuscript,At last Zhang Ting-yu finalized the text.礼志》先后经过了三个阶段的纂修,分别完成于万斯同初稿、王鸿绪二稿和张廷玉定稿。
5)Zhɑng Tingfɑ张廷发(1918~  )
6)Zhang Tingyu张廷玉(1672~1755)
