审美风尚,aesthetic fashion
1)aesthetic fashion审美风尚
1.The mutual influence of music and literature did not only decide the age s aesthetic fashion, it also influenced the change of the literary style and theory.魏晋时期音乐与文学的交互影响,不仅共同规约了时代审美风尚,同时还影响了文学理论和诗文风格的转变。
2.In the present paper, the author manages to use historiography, sociology and archaeology to carve out a new space for Capital Fu from the capital construction, life and aesthetic fashion.本文运用史学、社会学等方面的知识,结合考古资料,从都城营造、都城生活、都城审美风尚三个方面对都城赋进行文化解读,试图为都城赋的研究寻一新空间。

1.Discussion on Shih-shuo Hsin-yu and Prevailing Aesthetic Custom of Intellectuals in Wei-Jin Dynasties;论《世说新语》与魏晋士人的审美风尚
2.The aesthetics influence of official selecting system of Sui Dynasty;隋代选官制度变迁下的审美风尚试析
3.On the Aesthetic and Formation of Expressionistic Calligraphy Style in the Late Ming Dynasty;论晚明审美风尚与表现主义书风的形成
4.Three Examples of the Aesthetic Perception among the Celebrities of Western and Eastern Jin Dynasties in《New Anecdotes of the Time》《世说新语》中所见两晋名士审美风尚三题
5.A Discussion on Wang Bi s Metaphysics and Weijin Aesthetic Fashion of Landscape;论王弼的玄学思想对魏晋山水审美风尚的影响
6.On the changes of the aesthetic vogue in Wei & Jin dynasty based on Shi Shuo Xin Yu;从《世说新语》看魏晋时期审美风尚的变迁
7.Refined and Popular Aesthetic Trend of Social Coexistence of LI Yu's Words on the Creation of Far-Raching雅俗并存的社会审美风尚对李渔词的影响
8.Emergence and Changes of New Aesthetic Trend and Culture--Reflection on Changes of Current Aesthetic Fashion审美新潮的涌动与审美文化的转型——中国新时期审美风尚的变迁及思考
9.The Formation of the Concept Mi Man and It s Aesthetics Connotation--in Addition Discussing the Habit of the Aesthetic Tendency;靡曼"概念的生成及其美学内涵——兼论战国的审美风尚
10.New Interpretation to the "Selecting Officials by Music" in the Yuan Dynasty--Also on the Civil-service Examination System and Aesthetic Trend in the Yuan Dynasty;元代“以曲取士”新解——兼谈元代科举制度与元代审美风尚
11.On the Vogue of the Literary World under the Aesthetic Appreciation of the Nobleman in the Wei,Jin,Southern and Northern Dynasties;论魏晋南北朝士人审美主导下的文坛风尚
12.The Change of Cultural Vogues and the Supersession of Literature Looking from Aesthetic Style of Verse Popular in Yuan Dynasty;从元散曲审美风格看文化风尚的变迁与文学的代兴
13.Simplicity and Immaturity: Studying the Zhuang Ethnic Minority Culture-Ecological-Aesthetic Vogue in Remote-Antiquity Aesthetic Trace;朴而拙:从远古时代的审美印记看壮族文化生态美的风尚
14.It also shows the aesthetic values of the time.它也显示出当时的社会审美时尚,
15.Contemporary Aesthetic Fashion: Cultural Logic of Consumer Society;当代审美时尚:消费社会的文化逻辑
16.The Plainness and Pedestrianism--The Orientation of Aesthetics of Song Dynasty Scenery Painting;平远尚淡——宋代山水画论的审美取向
17.Study on the Naturalness in Calligraphy during the Wei and Jin Dynasty;魏晋书学中崇尚“自然”的审美观研究
18.Being Observed Advocation Artistic Conception of Calligraphy in Song Dynasty from Calligraphy of SuShi;从苏轼书法看宋代书坛的“尚意”审美观

aesthetic tendency审美风尚
1.This thesis,under the historical background of mass culture spuring the chang of aesthetic tendency,embodys the historical change of aesthetic tendency in the presenttime.在当今审美文化分层流变的发展轨迹中 ,大众文化的兴起促使了审美风尚的转变。
3)Ecological aesthetic vogue生态审美风尚
4)the aesthetic custom of Han dynasty时代审美风尚
5)aesthetic fation in Wei and Jin Dynasties魏晋审美风尚
6)esthetic fad审美时尚

风尚风尚prevailing custom  风尚(prevailing eustom)一种具有道德价值的社会心理现象。它是一定历史时期的社会成员普遍追求和崇尚某种事物的风气,人们在这种追求和崇尚中获得心理上的满足。风尚对群体及个人都有一定的心理影响。这种影响,一般与人的年龄和性别有关。如青年对风尚的追求远比儿童和老年人更为热情,男女之间所追求的风尚往往也有很大差别。 (孙俊山撰张觉审)