曾繁仁,Zeng Fan-ren
1)Zeng Fan-ren曾繁仁
1.The Aesthetics of "The Poetic Dwelling"——The Discussion of Zeng Fan-ren s Ecology Existing Theory Aesthetics;“诗意栖居”的美学之思——曾繁仁“生态存在论美学”研究
2.Facing the issue of the ecology which existed in 20th century, Zeng Fan-ren advocates founding an aesthetic view of ecology existing the theory which is based on the Ecology Aesthetics and Contemporary Ontology Aesthetics,in order to adapt to the new situation of the orientation ecosystem civilization and break the tie of the traditional esthetics course.曾繁仁针对20世纪人类生存状态的现实,为适应生态文明的新形势,突破传统美学学科的束缚,在生态美学和当代存在论美学的契合点上,建构了生态存在论美学。

1.Watcher of Ecological Homeland--On Mr. Zeng s Esthetic View of Modern Ecological Ontology;生态家园的守望者——简论曾繁仁先生之“当代生态存在论美学观”
2.The Aesthetics of "The Poetic Dwelling"--The Discussion of Zeng Fan-ren s Ecology Existing Theory Aesthetics;“诗意栖居”的美学之思——曾繁仁“生态存在论美学”研究
3.A Theoretical System of Aesthetics Facing the New Century --On the Existentialist Aesthetics of Zeng Fanren;面向新世纪的美学理论体系——试论曾繁仁的存在论美学
4.Approaching Modern Feature & Deep Frame of China s Aesthetic Education--On Mr. Zeng Fanren s Aesthetic Thinking;走向现代性与中国美育的深层建构——论曾繁仁先生的美育思想
5.He was also a target for Manchester United, Bayern Munich and Barcelona.他也曾是曼联,拜仁和巴萨的目标。
6.This harbour teemed with oceangoing commerce.这一海港曾经有繁盛的海外贸易。
7.On the Editions of the Outlaws of the Marsh and the Authors of Lives of Tian and Wang;《水浒传》的版本研究与田王二传的作者——与孟繁仁诸先生商榷
8.Study on Seedling Propagation of Cultivated Camellia Oleiferain Tongren of Guizhou贵州铜仁地区栽培油茶种苗生理特性及繁育技术研究
9.The decadent downtown section was once a flourishing business district.式微的闹区地段一度曾是繁华的商业区。
10.Latin America was a booming market for nuclear power in the seventies.在七十年代,拉丁美洲曾经是核电的繁荣市
11.MC: Thomas Schlamme has previously won Emmys for his direction of ER, Tracy Takes On and The West Wing!司仪:汤马士·拉姆曾凭《仁心仁术》、翠丝时间》及《白宫群英》赢得最佳编导奖!
12.Despite general adherence to the principles of nondiscrimination, the United States has been party to certain preferential trade arrangements.美国虽然坚持一视同仁的原则,但也曾经参加过某些特惠贸易协议。
13.I have taken it upon myself to give these jerks a taste of their own medicine.我曾当仁不让地要叫这些坏蛋尝尝自食恶果的滋味。
14.The pavilions were simple and plain in design, yet looked impressively august. Emperor Renzong (1796-1821) had once celebrated the palace architecture in the following poem:这组建筑古朴大方,豁然庄重,清仁宗颙琰曾作诗赞颂:
15.Bayern Munich were linked to him earlier in the summer, but it seems he poured cold water on any potential move due to the fact they had rejected him earlier in his career.拜仁慕尼黑早前曾试图买入他,不过他似乎没有忘记几年前拜仁拒绝他的情景,泼了拜仁一身冷水。
16.They were now heading west, in the direction of the firing.曾沧海他们却是向西去,繁密的枪声也是从西面来。
17.Summer leaves are standing on tree branches ever covered by snow, singing happily with wind.大雪曾经压住的枯枝,长满了夏日的繁叶,在风儿中快乐地歌唱。
18.a once flourishing shoe industry wants restrictions on cheaper footwear imported from abroad.曾经繁荣的制鞋业要求限制从国外进口更便宜的鞋类产品。

Zeng Fanren曾繁仁
1.A Theoretical System of Aesthetics Facing the New Century --On the Existentialist Aesthetics of Zeng Fanren;面向新世纪的美学理论体系——试论曾繁仁的存在论美学
2.Approaching Modern Feature & Deep Frame of China s Aesthetic Education——On Mr. Zeng Fanren s Aesthetic Thinking;走向现代性与中国美育的深层建构——论曾繁仁先生的美育思想
3)On ZENG Fan-ren s Thoughts about Aesthetic Education曾繁仁美育观初探
1.Trial Remark on the Environment Logic Thought about the Benevolence of the Harmony Between Heaven and Man Held by Confucianists;试论儒家仁学天人和谐之环境伦理思想
5)Ren[英][,ɑ:r i: 'en][美]['ɑr 'i '?n]仁
1.Hermeneutics Explaination of the Core Notion of the Analects of Confucius:Ren;解析《论语》的核心理念:仁
2.The Original Meaning of "Ren" in The Classical Literatures before Qin Dynasty;先秦典籍中“仁”字本义试解
3.RUAN Yuan s Rationalistic Confucian Philosophy:To Take as the Departure His Interpretation of Ren and Xing-Ming;从“仁”和“性命”之解说看阮元的理学思想
1.Human and the humanity in Chinese films——A analysis:about the Chinese classic aesthetics and the modern Chinese films;镜像中的人与“仁”——中国影视与传统美学探析
2.The Multi-layered Unification of the Humanity in The Analects;论《论语》中“仁”的多层统一
