乐论,music theory
1)music theory乐论
1.Sound Comes From Harmony And Harmony From Suitability——On the aesthetics in the music theory of Lushichunqiu;声出于和 和出于适——《吕氏春秋》乐论美学观之检讨

1.A Comparative Study of the Different Functions of Music;乐之论——《荀子·乐论》与《墨子·非乐》的比较
2.On The Book of Music to The inheriting and Development of Music Theory;论《乐记》对《乐论》的继承与发展
3.Comments on “Music Has No Distinctions Between Happiness and Sorrow" by Ji Kang;嵇康《声无哀乐论》的音乐思想简论
4.Aesthetics Connotation in the Relationship of Yue and Li in "Xunzi Yueiun";乐合同 礼别异——荀子《乐论》中礼乐关系之美学内涵
5.Formulation of Music Function In Sound without Funeral Music;《声无哀乐论》中关于音乐功能的阐述
6.Music Aesthetic Ideas in Sound without Dirge;《声无哀乐论》音乐美学思想研究述评
7.Analysis on the Literature Value of YueTuLun in ChenYang's Book YueShu陈旸《乐书·乐图论》音乐文献价值探析
8.On Liu Xie’s Poetic Sentiment and Music Idea in Chinese Culture and Literature;论文化乐学与文学用乐——以《文心雕龙·乐府》为中心
9.On Refined Style and Popular Style of Music Thought on the Disagreement over Refined Music or Popular Music in History;论音乐中的雅与俗历史上雅乐与俗乐之争所感
10.Future of Chinese Traditional Music: Diachronic and Synchronic Perspectives;传统的音乐和音乐的传统——论传统音乐的时空观
11.On the Effect of on Yuefu Poems论清乐抒情、娱乐功能之消长对乐府诗的影响
12.On Confucius' Pursuit of "Tao" in his Thought of Music Education古乐悠悠,家园依依——论孔子以乐证道的乐教思想
14.She was up to any party of pleasure by whomsoever proposed.不论发起什么娱乐活动,她都乐意参加。
15.Classification of the Folk Music in the Han Dynasty and the Relationship Between Elegance and Popularity再论汉乐府音乐的分类及雅、俗关系
16.On Zhu Zaiyu s Thoughts of Dancing and Music in Yue Lu Quan Shu;论朱载堉<乐律全书>的舞乐思想
17.About the Historical Facts and the Evaluation on Sangeshe s Musical Activities;国立音乐院“山歌社”音乐活动述论
18.Research of the Music Destruction of Rite System during Pre-Qin;历史的界河——论先秦“礼崩乐坏”之“乐坏”

3)music theory音乐理论
1.While Shen Ke music analysis theory is gradually being accepted,it has been widely used in the music theory research and the field of the practice of music art.申克音乐分析理论在被人们逐渐接受的同时,正在日益广泛地运用于音乐理论研究及音乐艺术实践领域。
2.Chorus director is a professional proficient in both music theory and music performance skills and a composite talent in music specialty.合唱指挥是集音乐理论知识与音乐表演技能于一身的职业,是音乐专业中的复合型人才。
4)view of poem and music诗乐论
5)happy theories快乐理论
1.The western countries have the Hedonism and Consummation Theory while China has the following concepts: 1.西方有快乐论和完善论,中国则有儒家道德幸福论、道家自然幸福论、道教长生不老幸福论、佛教普渡众生幸福论"、存天理,灭人欲"论和"民生是社会活动原动力"论。
