美的艺术,esthetical art
1)esthetical art美的艺术
1.Kantian esthetical art not only touches the essence of art,but also coordinates his theory which appears to be contradictory when he analyzed esthetics.康德关于“美的艺术”的理论不仅触及了艺术的本质因,也协调了他在对美作纯粹分析时提出的看似矛盾的理论。

1.Beautiful Scenery and Exquisite Art美的山水 美的艺术
2."What a beautiful work of art!" they cried.“多精美的艺术品啊
3.The Beautiful Art is the Genius s Art-Kant s aesthetic view of the Genius;“美的艺术是天才的艺术”——试析康德审美天才观
4.Artistic features of beauty of mould,beauty of rhythm and beauty of disposition in calisthenics;健美操运动中造型美、节奏美、气质美的艺术特征
5.Art of Aestheticism:The Aesthetic Mainstream in Chinese Classic Poetry;唯美的艺术:中国古典诗歌的审美主流
6.an epitome of the fine art of living and of presentation美好的生活艺术与馈赠艺术的缩影
7.Aesthetic Commonness between Music Art and Costume Art论音乐艺术与服装艺术的审美共性
8.The Elementary Expedition to the Esthetics Relations between Landscape Architecture and Music;园林艺术与音乐艺术的美学关系初探
9.Research on the Relationship and Concept Change Between the Industrial Art and Art Design;论“工艺美术”与“艺术设计”的关系
10.Nanoart:One Kind of Art Combined Faultlessly with High-technology纳米艺术:与高科技完美结合的艺术
11.pre - Columbian art.哥伦布以前的美洲艺术
12.On beauty of art Gymnastics music. Arrarge and costume;论艺术体操的乐感美、编排美与服装美
13.The belief that art and artists have no obligation other than to strive for beauty.唯美主义认为艺术及艺术家只能追求美的信条
14.“Green project” of art aesthetic education --Comment on Prof. OUYANG You quan s new works 《Art Aesthetics》;艺术美育的“绿色工程”——评欧阳友权新著《艺术美学》
15.The_ expression of beauty: including fine arts, performing arts, design, crafts and sports and games.有关各方面艺术的书籍:包括美术,艺术,演艺,设计,手工艺,运动和游戏。
16.Contemporary Thinking about the Art and Craft Movement in England and America;英美“艺术与手工艺运动”的当代思考
17.The Vague Beauty,the Harmonious Beauty and the Curvilinear Beauty--The Artistic Beauty of Chinese Traditional Architecture模糊美、曲线美、和谐美——中国传统建筑的艺术美
18.The Formal Beauty and the Aesthetic Modernity of the Demiurgic Art and the Folk Arts and Crafts;造物艺术暨民间工艺的形式美及其审美现代性

the beauty of art艺术的美
1.The writer tries from the meaning of the beauty of art to analyze the existence .笔者试从艺术的美的含义角度分析当代艺术的存在性,对当代艺术做客观分析,从而探讨当代艺术在当代人心理的美感反应。
3)On Aesthetic Art论美的艺术
5)perfect artistic form完美的艺术形式
6)attribute of artistic beauty艺术美的特质
