商品社会,commercial society
1)commercial society商品社会
1.The commercial society creats a kind of ecological environment that is production-consumption oriented.美国高度发展的商品社会造就出生产—消费型的生态环境。

1.On the Social Use Value of Commodities and the Market Price Law;商品社会使用价值与市场价格规律论
2.total circulation volume of social retail goods社会零售商品流转总额
3.purchasing power for social retail goods社会零售商品购买力
4.Study on the Fetishism of Science-technological Commodity in theModern Society of Commodity Economy;现代商品经济社会中的科技商品拜物教研究
5.The overall value of purchased commodities reached 303.3 billion yuan in the whole year,up by 8.1 percent over the previous year;全年社会商品购进总值3033亿元,增长8.1%;
6.The Influence of Commodity Economy on Social Mood in Song Dynasty试论商品经济对宋代社会风气的影响
7.The society of money and economy forms the commodity property of culture.货币经济社会形成了文化的商品属性。
8.in a commercial society,people often feel lonely and helpless.在商品化社会,人们常常 感到孤单无助.
9.On the Entrepreneural Behaviour Under the socialist Commodity Economy社会主义商品经济中的企业行为论
10.Production of the goods must fit in with the needs of the society.商品生产必须符合社会需要。
11.An Investigation into the Influence of Commodity Economy on Rural Society during ch in and Han Dynasties;试论商品经济对秦汉乡村社会的影响
12.The Basic Contradiction of Commodity Economy and Socialism in Present Age;商品经济的基本矛盾与当代社会主义
13.A Sociolinguistic Study on the Brand Names Translation of Cosmetics从社会语言学角度看化妆品商标翻译
14.Is Socialist Labor Force Commodity Or Not;社会主义劳动力是否是商品——与卫兴华先生商榷
15.A Brief Talk on the Socialized and the Commercialized Question Concerning the Henan Women Manual Art Ware;河南妇女手工艺术品的社会化与商品化
16.Commodity production andcommodity exchange should not be opposed to economic development and socialprogress.因而,不应当把商品生产、商品交换和经济发展、社会进步对立起来。
17.The Theoretical Trajectory of Development from Socialist Commodity Production to Socialist Market Economy;从社会主义商品生产到社会主义市场经济的理论发展轨迹
18.The Contextualism of the Modern Economic Society of Science-technological Commodities--View on the Context of Modern Economic Society from the Angle of Commodities;现代科技商品经济社会之与境论——从商品视域看现代经济社会之与境

socialized commodity economy社会化商品经济
1.However, its existing condition in the stage of simple commodity economy and that of socialized commodity economy after capitalist mode of production was established are different.它在资本主义生产方式确立之前的简单商品经济阶段和资本主义生产方式确立以来的社会化商品经济阶段存在的条件及由此而产生的特点,是不同的。
3)social commodity retail amounts社会商品零售额
4)Socially secured commercial building社会保障商品房
5)quantity of goods available for sale社会商品可供量
6)social distribution system社会化商品配送系统
1.In these days,it s still been faced to a series of problems,among which,the biggest obstacle is that these is not a highly efficient,social distribution system.近年来我国电子商务发展非常迅速 ,但在发展过程中有成功也有曲折 ,现阶段仍面临一系列问题 ,其中最大障碍就是缺乏一个高效的社会化商品配送系统。

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决