心理距离说,theory of psychological distance
1)theory of psychological distance心理距离说

1.The Epistemological Association of the Doctrine of "Psychic Distance" in Aesthetics;美学“心理距离说”的哲学认识论联想
2.The Tragic Glamour of Jude the Obscure Analyzed from the Point of View of Psychological Distance从心理距离说分析《无名的裘德》的悲剧魅力
3.Buro s psychological distance hypothesis and ZHU Guang-qian s early Aesthetics;布洛的“心理距离说”与朱光潜早期美学思想
4.The debates about psychical distance in the context of analytic aesthetics;分析美学视野中的心理距离说——对一段美学公案的检讨
5.Construal Level Theory:From Temporal Distance to Psychological Distance解释水平理论:从时间距离到心理距离
6.There are physical distance and esthetic distance between the esthetic subject and the object.审美的主客体之间有物理距离和心理距离。
7.distance from midship to center of floatation浮心距船中距离漂心距船中距离
8.distance from midship to center of buoyancy浮心到船中距离浮心距中距离
9.Control of Psychical Distance in the Picture of Dorian Gray;《道连·葛雷的画像》中的心理距离控制
10.Psychological Distance and Expressing Style;略论心理距离与书面语、口语的关系
11.Student-Teacher Psychological Distance as an Approach to Improve College Track and Field Teaching;从师生心理距离谈高校田径课程教学
12.Schoolmasters and Teachers' Psychological Distance论校长与教师心理距离的成因及调适
13.Almost Sure Central Limit Theroem in Separable Metric Space距离空间上的几乎处处中心极限定理
14.On the Attainment of Aesthetic Experience Influenced by Psychical Distance in Literary Translation文学译者的“心理距离”与审美经验实现
15.The Inconsistency of Theater Distance--The Difference in "The Mentality Distance" between Chinese and Western Drama戏剧距离的矛盾性——中西戏剧表演中“心理距离”的不同表现
16.The Study of Teacher-and-student Psychical Distance from Two Aspects of Theory and Practice in the Middle School Stage;中学阶段师生心理距离的理论与实践研究
17.The distance between the center of an eccentric and its axis.偏心距偏心圆的中心与圆轴间的距离
18."Telecommuting forces managers to use discipline," says Gordon.“远距离工作迫使经理们执行纪律,”戈登说。

Against the Doctrine of "Psychological Distance驳"心理距离"说
3)Psychological Distance心理距离
1.Aesthetic Psychological Distance and Narrative of Novel;审美“心理距离说”与小说叙事
2.Buro s psychological distance hypothesis and ZHU Guang-qian s early Aesthetics;布洛的“心理距离说”与朱光潜早期美学思想
3.Psychological distance derives from time and space.时间与空间造就了心理距离,心理的距离创造了审美,旅游活动恰恰就因为其自身时空变迁的特点,而演绎为了审美活动。
4)mental distance心理距离
1.On the Adjusting of the Mental Distance between Leaders and Staff;领导与被领导者之间心理距离调校浅析
2.Then the relationship between textual distance and mental distance is analyzed,concluding that mental distance is the crucial factor tha.本文首先对可能影响篇章回指的距离参数作了细致的分类,指出哪些类别在以往研究中通常会被选用,哪些又不易被选用,然后深入分析了篇章距离与心理距离的关系,指出心理距离才是影响回指先行语可及性的根本因素,篇章距离并不一定能真实反映心理距离的远近,若以篇章距离作为距离参数首先要注意参数的选取应适当,其次要尽量选用混合参数。
5)Psychical distance心理距离
1.So this paper,borrowing literary psychology s theory and method such as psychical distance,re study the relation and its theoretical value in Wen Xin Diao Long from literary psychology s angle.心物之间建立心理距离 ,旨在心物赠
2.As the teacher-and-student relation’s core essential factor, the teacher-and-student psychical distance is the practical significance question extremely and is worth us paying attention to research and discuss in teaching.师生心理距离作为师生关系的核心要素,是教育教学中非常具有现实意义的问题,也是值得我们关注并深入研究和探讨的问题。
3.Their studies have mainly concentrated on the theory of merging heart with object, but neglected to keep an adequate aesthetic distance, that is psychical distance.在一千五百多年的《文心雕龙》研究史上,中外学者对“心物关系”的研究多集中在“心物交融”说,即注重心物的交汇融合,却忽略了心与物之间应保持“适中的审美距离”,即心理距离。
6)Psychic distance心理距离

心理距离心理距离mental distance  心理距离恤ental distanee)群体与群体之间、个人与个人之间有多少好感或反感的程度,行为表现为亲近和疏远的程度。参见“社会距离”。 (孙俊山撰张交审)